What is your school of thought on ship purchases?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
There would be Cry-Smart levels of space salt.
I am now in love with this concept - like the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers combining to make the Megazord. But more sticky.


Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
my though on this point. Firt and really important I m not buying, i m pledging (make a huge difference)
Then i proceed to this check list:
- Are my mortages paid
- Do i have enough food until the next paycheck
- Are all my normal expense covered (Electricity, water, telecom fees, insurances, school lunchs and activity for kids, repairs, cloths, rabbit food etc....)
- the save money plan for next vacation

Once everything is checked green then we do whatrever we want with our money (we because my wife also need to buy stuff for her own use).

So basicaly the only rule that matter to me is does i have anything else more important to spend my money on? if the answer is no and i have enough to please myself with a jpeg then i go for it.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I buy ships to support the game because I've been waiting for CR to make the MMO sequal to Privateer since 1993. I intend to focus my gaming around being a medic/doctor so I don't need all that many ships, but you never know what you're going to decide you like about a game/what roles you want to fill in a party until you try it and get with a bunch of fun people.

As far as the "value" of the ships in game, I would be more concerned about what gaming opportunities are opened by having which ships than with the in game value of them. I'm not concerned with how much money I've put in the game as my primary focus is on pledging to make SC a reality. When the game launches, as long as it is playable and allows me to relive Privateer in an updated MMO version, then pass or fail, the money was worth it.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Players don't have control of economy in the game, prices are set buy supply and demand by the game.

In short buying large ship for real money to sell in game later is a bad investment, you can't sell direct to other players in game and you can't set the price in game it is set for you.

Prices in game are given at any location where ship can be bought and sold and as in real life a dealer will never give you the full value for your ship.

If you want more cash in game you're better of buying UEC from web store directly and you get the UEC value for it.

https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/extras?product_id=41 <--- In game money.. there is no cap how much you can buy, only cap how much you can buy each week/month.

Buying in game money also back the game, buying ship is not the only way.

How ever.....

Buying ship/UEC or any of the game products with real money to support the development for the game is great, but only if you use money you can live without.

If you want the game to succeed back the game if you got the cash for it.

It' snot rocket science.

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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Personally, the thing that I love most about games like World of Warcraft is that there are mission givers all over the place that have quests for you that cause you to effectively explore as much of the area as possible. So while I like the idea of missions being clustered by the mission givers, I'm hoping that there will be a massive times amount of mission givers that will give us players reasons to go to the various places, other than just to see what might be there anyways.

I think the biggest driving force will be to see what is there, grouping up with friends and/or a change of scenery. You could spend a lifetime on a single planet like Hurston and still not see everything there is to see. In fact, I would wager there will be lots of players who never make it out of the Stanton system and have an enjoyable time in the Star Citizen world experiencing a large part of what the game has to offer. Then you add on the idea of the scale that most open world and WoW maps would easily fit within the crater of Levski. Of course, the valid argument that the amount of content and artistic assets fill out the highly dense maps. And the reliance on procedurally generated content like what was done in No Man's Sky tends to lead to stale repetitive environments and missions quickly even if it ends up with millions of worlds. (for all its faults there are still times when No Man's sky procedural planets do have some neat scenery).

How many have been to the LZ pads at Levski or even knew they existed or have most just utilized the 4 hangers and tried one of the three missions.



Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
How many have been to the LZ pads at Levski or even knew they existed or have most just utilized the 4 hangers and tried one of the three missions.
I only knew about 1 of the landing pads...That's a useful map.

But for the record, if you haven't been in WOW for a while, things have dramatically changed. Not all for the better, but the maps are a lot bigger.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I stopped playing a few years ago, about mid way through the last expansion. I got burned out on being forced to PVP, so I moved to a non-PvP server. Then lost all interest in this expansion when I heard that they were going to start forcing players into PvP situations if they wanted to advance the story lines or get decent PvE gear.


Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Firt and really important I m not buying, i m pledging (make a huge difference)
In my mind, they're not mutually exclusive, so it doesn't make any real difference to me. Is the difference for you that you don't care what you get in return because giving money to support development is enough? If you got nothing in return, would that matter to you? I'm just curious why it makes a huge difference to you.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
In my mind, they're not mutually exclusive, so it doesn't make any real difference to me. Is the difference for you that you don't care what you get in return because giving money to support development is enough? If you got nothing in return, would that matter to you? I'm just curious why it makes a huge difference to you.
the difference is that they're mentally prepared for the possibility that CIG might not make it to launch


Vice Admiral
Jun 5, 2018
RSI Handle
I bought my ships based on, not solely value, what role they filled and my playstyle (I play solo much of the time). In other words, I have a small mining ship, I have a small salvage ship, I have a 2-person fighter, I have a small bounty hunting ship, etc. The only exception I made is the Carrack, which may mean I like it enough to sell my 315p. For me, the Carrack would be the 1 ship that is multipurpose enough to use in every situation.... as long as the 3 pods/modules work out the way I hope they do.
My choices have been to ensure I can try out all kinds of play in the verse.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I think the biggest driving force will be to see what is there, grouping up with friends and/or a change of scenery. You could spend a lifetime on a single planet like Hurston and still not see everything there is to see. In fact, I would wager there will be lots of players who never make it out of the Stanton system and have an enjoyable time in the Star Citizen world experiencing a large part of what the game has to offer. Then you add on the idea of the scale that most open world and WoW maps would easily fit within the crater of Levski. Of course, the valid argument that the amount of content and artistic assets fill out the highly dense maps. And the reliance on procedurally generated content like what was done in No Man's Sky tends to lead to stale repetitive environments and missions quickly even if it ends up with millions of worlds. (for all its faults there are still times when No Man's sky procedural planets do have some neat scenery).

How many have been to the LZ pads at Levski or even knew they existed or have most just utilized the 4 hangers and tried one of the three missions.

View attachment 13110
I been to them all and then some that was not ha ha... That is what I do most explore and investigate, I don't run through a room without checking every corner in it first. ;)
Actually I walk at the most i jog a bit faster but only sprint when out side sometime, or in rare cases when what's between me and destination is known.
Part from that I always walk, as one say.. I don't want to miss a thing.



Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I honestly have CCU'd and scrapped my ships so many times its laughable, I think its because its the only enjoyment I get out of SC atm lol. That being said I stick to small & medium size ships usually around 2-3 crew members max and then I have my combat ship for solo activities. I would love to crew on a larger ship but owning something that requires more than 3ish people no thank you. I think once the game releases (2022 if were lucky) and you make friends and things get rolling those options will settle themselves out but as far as pre-purchasing ships at this point I stick to my current setup.


Jul 14, 2018
RSI Handle
My school of thought on ship purchases is I don't. Well, to be clear, when I first backed the project about 15 months ago or so, I didn't know the whole story on in-game purchases and concept sales so I ended up buying the Cutlass Black package along with the Drake Vulture standalone (in addition to the Aurora MR and upgrading it to the LN).

I intend to buy every ship in-game when I'm able. The one thing I considered changing at this point was melting the Cutlass package, buying the Tumbril Ranger, and upgrading to the Cutlass to get LTI (the package comes with 6 months) which would allow me to have exactly what I have now plus LTI and one of the Ranger jackets. The only reason I didn't is you don't appear to be able to upgrade to the Cutlass package, only the standalone ship, and I wanted the bonus stuff that comes with the package.

Bottom line: I am done buying ships, though I do buy occasional small stuff like the CitizenCon digital goodies pack last year, but I will one day have every ship in the game in my hangar bought in-game with UEC just because.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I like LTI.. that's all I have to say.
@DirectorGunner , in my opinion, LTI is the original "bling" / status symbol within Star Citizen.

I only buy capitals. I argue that the rest of the ships will probably be reasonably to moderately difficult to obtain in the verse, and that capitals are the only true "investment" that are likely to hold any value in game.
I thought that was because you're just that level of EPIC @GrumpyCat
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I been to them all and then some that was not ha ha... That is what I do most explore and investigate, I don't run through a room without checking every corner in it first. ;)
Actually I walk at the most i jog a bit faster but only sprint when out side sometime, or in rare cases when what's between me and destination is known.
Part from that I always walk, as one say.. I don't want to miss a thing.

I hear ya. Even the current stuff in SC has some amazing details. Even stopping and looking at the windows especially those looking over the spaceport offer some really inspiring vistas.
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