Which will be your home system?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Look at 'em all... but which one will you call your home?


I'm planning on going walkabout to as may as I can with special interested in Nemo, Taranis and Tyrol, but my home system will likely be Lier based on my own-made backstory.

Where you from, buddy... and what brings you to these parts?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm thinking that I'll most likely have a home in the Corel system, to accommodate my doing trading with the Banu in their systems more easily. Maybe have a vacation property on Terra as well.
Nice, are you going to be joining the throngs on Lo or is the challenge of scraping a living on Castor more to your taste?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I’ll be honest I don’t know the lore very well, at least as it pertains to systems. Ideally I’ll like a system that isn’t too busy (Stanton) but isn’t completely lawless either (Pyro). Of course if CIG makes gives us the tools whereby Orgs can really make their influence felt in a system, I’ll hang out wherever TEST chooses to call home. :glorious:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m planning on riding the edge of the conflict area between the UEE and the Vanduul. I haven’t decided between North or South of Elysiam yet because we don’t really know where the fighting will be.

Leir is a key system. If you’ll recall, they were attacked by a pair of Void Bombers a few years ago, so certainly that space is contested. However, the known gates from Leir to Vanduul space don’t support ships as large as the Void Bomber, so I may devote myself to searching for hidden jump points in the Leir area.

North Of Elysium, the center of activity is Orion, and players get to participate in the Sons of Orion storyline there. This is probably where we’ll find PvE missions, especially for bigger ships like the Polaris. Thing is, if Void Bombers can sneak into Leir, the Polaris can sneak from Leir into Vanduul space. So I need to wait and see what develops. Either way I’m all in for murdering Vanduul.

One thing that speaks to me is Sun Tzu’s “fight the enemy where they are not.” Looks like they’ll be concentrated up by Orion, so striking in the South, from Leir to Vanguard is attractive, even if we need to use squadrons of smaller ships. I am still loving the notion of a few Eclipse surrounded by two to three times as many Arrows, and several MIS on overwatch, all sneaking in stealthily. No need to bring the Lib carrier through to Vanguard.

Just need to remember, Leir is somewhat hostile toward everyone not from there. They consider themselves to be spiritually awakened and evolved past humans, and are not fond of other races besides. They do however buy and fly UEE ships, so it’s a great place to go one stop shopping for that Polaris or Idris you didn’t mind loaning off a snooty Leirian.

There is one system in the West that could prove ideal for a secret base from which to launch long range attacks against the Vanduul. Such a base needs to be Goldilocks but also empty, so it’s cheap to live there but no one will get hurt if the Vanduul search it out. I’d say what the “home” is, but then it wouldn’t be secret.

Me thinks secret bases are cool.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I shall call the space between spaces my home. After all, a Merchantman makes for a fine mobile base and a rolling stone shall gather no moss. I can diversify my assets, keeping different materials in different systems to hedge my bets against a single raid being able to bankrupt me. Home, for me, is determined by where you lay your head at night, not where you keep of your shit.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I shall call the space between spaces my home. After all, a Merchantman makes for a fine mobile base and a rolling stone shall gather no moss. I can diversify my assets, keeping different materials in different systems to hedge my bets against a single raid being able to bankrupt me. Home, for me, is determined by where you lay your head at night, not where you keep of your shit.
That Carrack marketing video that CIG put up…..yes that right there please.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Nice, are you going to be joining the throngs on Lo or is the challenge of scraping a living on Castor more to your taste?
Honestly, I'm thinking more along the lines of purchasing various good from TESTies & other traders, then those I can sell normally I will while those that I can't can probably be sold to the Banu. Thus everybody makes profit & we all benefit. This being said, I'd also love to explore the Verse, periodically picking up oddities here & there that might prove to be collectable to those unable to visit those areas. I'm sure that IF I can manage to get a supply of Vanduul spears in stock, there will be some very interested people looking to purchase for a tidy profit.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I’m planning on riding the edge of the conflict area between the UEE and the Vanduul. I haven’t decided between North or South of Elysiam yet because we don’t really know where the fighting will be.

Leir is a key system. If you’ll recall, they were attacked by a pair of Void Bombers a few years ago, so certainly that space is contested. However, the known gates from Leir to Vanduul space don’t support ships as large as the Void Bomber, so I may devote myself to searching for hidden jump points in the Leir area.

North Of Elysium, the center of activity is Orion, and players get to participate in the Sons of Orion storyline there. This is probably where we’ll find PvE missions, especially for bigger ships like the Polaris. Thing is, if Void Bombers can sneak into Leir, the Polaris can sneak from Leir into Vanduul space. So I need to wait and see what develops. Either way I’m all in for murdering Vanduul.

One thing that speaks to me is Sun Tzu’s “fight the enemy where they are not.” Looks like they’ll be concentrated up by Orion, so striking in the South, from Leir to Vanguard is attractive, even if we need to use squadrons of smaller ships. I am still loving the notion of a few Eclipse surrounded by two to three times as many Arrows, and several MIS on overwatch, all sneaking in stealthily. No need to bring the Lib carrier through to Vanguard.

Just need to remember, Leir is somewhat hostile toward everyone not from there. They consider themselves to be spiritually awakened and evolved past humans, and are not fond of other races besides. They do however buy and fly UEE ships, so it’s a great place to go one stop shopping for that Polaris or Idris you didn’t mind loaning off a snooty Leirian.

There is one system in the West that could prove ideal for a secret base from which to launch long range attacks against the Vanduul. Such a base needs to be Goldilocks but also empty, so it’s cheap to live there but no one will get hurt if the Vanduul search it out. I’d say what the “home” is, but then it wouldn’t be secret.

Me thinks secret bases are cool.
Sounds like a strong medium term plan, whats your plan for when the war ends? Edge systems? Take on the Pirates?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I’ll be honest I don’t know the lore very well, at least as it pertains to systems. Ideally I’ll like a system that isn’t too busy (Stanton) but isn’t completely lawless either (Pyro). Of course if CIG makes gives us the tools whereby Orgs can really make their influence felt in a system, I’ll hang out wherever TEST chooses to call home. :glorious:
I'm not too deep in the lore myself but do plan to try to get knowledgeable/up to speed before the end of Beta.

Sounds like Sol would be a nice place for you? The homeworld security will be good but it's known for Terra taking its importance away as hub for the Empire, consider a visit and see what you think of the old place :like:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'll be doing some couch surfing. Don't mind me as I temporarily take up residency in your living room for a month or six. Hope you don't mind, I sleep commando.
I shall call the space between spaces my home. After all, a Merchantman makes for a fine mobile base and a rolling stone shall gather no moss. I can diversify my assets, keeping different materials in different systems to hedge my bets against a single raid being able to bankrupt me. Home, for me, is determined by where you lay your head at night, not where you keep of your shit.
Ahh, yes this is my main plan with the Walkabout and why I have an Endeavour as a mobile base - my own-made backstory is I'm running from my home-world of Lier 2 (The outsiders) so am not recognised as an official citizen of anywhere. With 100+systems to explore I'm not planning on locking myself down to any one mud ball but some systems have my attention more than others, such as Taranis and it's broken moon and Tyrol about to go supernova. :glorious:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Honestly, I'm thinking more along the lines of purchasing various good from TESTies & other traders, then those I can sell normally I will while those that I can't can probably be sold to the Banu. Thus everybody makes profit & we all benefit. This being said, I'd also love to explore the Verse, periodically picking up oddities here & there that might prove to be collectable to those unable to visit those areas. I'm sure that IF I can manage to get a supply of Vanduul spears in stock, there will be some very interested people looking to purchase for a tidy profit.
Oooh, very cool a traveling commodities trader - I played that for the longest time in X2, buying low where it was low, selling high where it was high and keeping it in my hold until i found a price I couldn't say no to unless I needed the space a very chill way to play a game while making good progress :glorious:

Another game loop I'm waiting for is gas harvesting but I think that may be able to be done most places so isn't such a factor in where I plan to go.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It depends on how things progress.
I have a Liberator specifically to make moving our base of operations easier.

Since we've only seen one, incomplete, system it seems a bit premature to decide.
I hear you on that one - based upon current indications of what the systems are actually about do any take your fancy as potentials?

How about Cathcart with no planets at all but there is a galactic junkyard centuries old and the Spider superstructure colony?

Maybe Min System which isn't a system, it's a Rouge Planet which has somehow captured some Jump Points on its journey through the void?

Or Eylisium which was the Tevarin home system before their defeat and the transforming of their planet drastically changing it to a human comfortable atmosphere and eradicating much of the planet's original ecosystem, arguably an injustice on the scale of Garron 2 which saw the fall of the Messer lineage?

There's a whole lotta space out there.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Tyrol, because I love to ski!
Wasn't aware Tyrol might have some leisure and tourism? Thought it was a pretty sketchy system to be in as the star is about to explode?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Sounds like a strong medium term plan, whats your plan for when the war ends? Edge systems? Take on the Pirates?
My character hasn’t thought through that far. He’s in blind bloodlust from the murder of his mother and sister. For myself, I think making his ship his home and exploring the verse full time makes sense. I don’t see a reason for roots when there’s so much to see.


Vice Admiral
Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
Got some good friends in Bremen so I'll probably crash there a lot.
The again, I crash where ever I go.
Might have been Bremen.
Maybe I can tell once the fire burns down...
Also I might need a better database on local beers, spirits and cheeses before I decide my final resting place.
So you'll probably find me charting remote spaces in untravelled territory most likely.
You know, like the salad buffet at "Wally's All you can gobble for a dime" Bar and Grill on Uriel (Oberon II).
Or the public welfare soup kitchen on any world conquered by the Vanduul.
Basically I plan to get lost.
But with gusto.
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