Who's buying a Caterpillar?!


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
A Kore, Archi & Max vs a Cat?

Hmmm... tough one.

I assume the Max is already LTI or you'd be using the Archi to CCU, but you got ta add the LTI token of the Archi into consideration. Were you saving that LTI for a specific ship or is it "On Spec" and you're willing to junk it?

What would the rest of your wing be?
That is, consider the role your Cat will play with all the other ships, not just the ships you're considering melting.
Losing the Kore and the Max, do you still have a solo hauler?

Then there's also the pricing of the Cat... they are offering the concept hopefully at concept price (Damn that's tempting...damn tempting), but does that concept come with *all* the modules? or is it a base like the Endeavor and getting the master pack will be another $600 or so?

I like the Cat. I want the Cat. But I can't say I'll jump on the Cat.
I don't envy your decision, though I'll envy your Cat if ya get her :-)


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
A Kore, Archi & Max vs a Cat?

Hmmm... tough one.

I assume the Max is already LTI or you'd be using the Archi to CCU, but you got ta add the LTI token of the Archi into consideration. Were you saving that LTI for a specific ship or is it "On Spec" and you're willing to junk it?
Hey Rolo,

first thank you very much for your thoughts again! I really much appreciate your thoughts, which are always very helpful! Thank you!

Now, coming to my answers:
Correct, all my ships are LTI, bought on greymarket and CCU'd (in case of the MAX). And: No, I have all my ships I wanted - well, almost, obviously :D Archimedes only was for "if the case may be".

What would the rest of your wing be?
That is, consider the role your Cat will play with all the other ships, not just the ships you're considering melting.
Losing the Kore and the Max, do you still have a solo hauler?
Thats the core point! I wanted to have the MAX for single player trader purpose - but holding back the Kore in case of small and fast runs. And: No, I'm not having any solo hauler left then.

Then there's also the pricing of the Cat... they are offering the concept hopefully at concept price (Damn that's tempting...damn tempting), but does that concept come with *all* the modules? or is it a base like the Endeavor and getting the master pack will be another $600 or so?

I like the Cat. I want the Cat. But I can't say I'll jump on the Cat.
I don't envy your decision, though I'll envy your Cat if ya get her :)
And you nailed the next point (are you an ex-cop of the crime-analyzing department? :D): whats the Cat all about finally? That I wanted to ask the community. I understand her as a modular based small capital ship which
a) can be played SP but is optional MP-playable
b) can be modular varied but in its basic variant is a cargo ship (like the Connie)

Well, as you said: tough one. All "want to have"-thoughts aside I'm not sure if it would be wise to buy/CCU the Cat. What say the others...?
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
the cat has all the advantages, modular for expandability and versatility. sure we need a few extra crew members but it would be worth it. However your missing the most important feature devs have mentioned about the Caterpillar. the ability to launch people from a torpedo tube (cant wait to do this with my prisoners and insubordinates). pirate attack? launch a couple pirates out the torpedo tube at the canopy of attacking ships. Who doesn't want to launch someone out of a torpedo tube? though now that I said all this they are sure to kill the idea. then I would have to sell mine, so sad... so sad....so sad...


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
For the longest time, I was saying I would hold out until the PU to get myself a Cat. And like many things I tell myself about ships in SC, it was a filthy lie.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle

Hm. No offense, but that doesn't help me - I could imagine shooting (empty) beer barrels out of a torpedo tube - but people?? Perhaps the head of canteen, if the coffees tastes too acidic, flavourless and watery. :mad::D
*sigh* I'll do some "Cat-research" for myself.

Shall I buy her? Shall I not? Shall I buy her? Shall I not? Shall I buy her? Shall I not? ..........
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I LOVE the Cat and have been really impressed by the fleshed out Drake interior styling. That being said: I currently have a Starfarer that I am struggling to tell myself not to melt for the cat. I feel that having a ship with a marketable special function like fuel production will be more beneficial than a jack of all trades (initially). That doesn't mean it will be easy to avoid hitting that melt button. Cat will probably be my first goal for in-game purchase once the game goes live.


Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Well, I'm unsure what to do. Owning the Carrack AND the Aquila - which obiously both have the same purpose -, there would be the possibility to melt one of both and get a Cat instead. What shall I do, what shall I do...?
How much exploring are you expecting to do in game? I wouldn't part with any exploring ship if that is what you plan to spend a good portion of your time doing. There may be missions you can only complete if you have an Aquilla, some only with a Carrack. If you start the game with very little to 0 credits you wont be setting foot in your carrack very often at first. What if your Carrack blows up? exploring is dangerous business... yeah you may have LTI but its been said larger ships could take DAYS or WEEKS! (now being tested in minutes for sake of testing) real time to receive a replacement. There are many factors we don't know yet for most ships, but if you have an idea of what you plan on doing when things go live, I would have/buy/keep every ship available that can perform the task because you just never know.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
That being said: I currently have a Starfarer that I am struggling to tell myself not to melt for the cat. I feel that having a ship with a marketable special function like fuel production will be more beneficial than a jack of all trades (initially).
This. I'm in the exact same boat. But I guess/hope you can make enough money with the Starfarer to afford other stuff pretty quickly.
Feb 17, 2016
RSI Handle
For those waaaaay deep into the Cat's cargo bay size.... will folks be able to use it as a poor man's assault carrier? I mean be able to stick a few fighters in the bays and shoot them out on unsuspecting travelers when the time is right. Seems the dual opening bays would be perfect for that sort of thing. Who knows maybe internal weapon mounts. This thing screams possibilities.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
How much exploring are you expecting to do in game? I wouldn't part with any exploring ship if that is what you plan to spend a good portion of your time doing. There may be missions you can only complete if you have an Aquilla, some only with a Carrack. If you start the game with very little to 0 credits you wont be setting foot in your carrack very often at first.
I'm in exploration and trading - and a little bit of business for paying the bills, like mining and fueling business. But who knows what related game mechanics CIG will invent and implement for I'm not aware of any game in the past which dealt with that!

Regarding the trading and the fact that I probably will mostly play on my own and only sometimes - i.e. at weekends - play with a couple of TESTies, I decided to buy the Freelancer and the Kore. But now there is the Cat, the "evil sister" of the Lancer:

Official Description

Drake maintains that the Caterpillar, a sprawling, modular spacecraft which appears at least somewhat like its namesake, is for legitimate commerce and extended search and rescue missions... but at the end of the day, the Caterpillar is truly the evil twin of the Freelancer .

Designed for supporting pirate operations, the Caterpillar features a large cargo hold for carrying loot, heavier armor than other freighters in its class and room for five crew able to serve in boarding operations. Despite its heavier armor, the Caterpillar isn't a bulldog... a successful operation will require a fighter escort.

The ‘Cat is also intended as a platform for boarding operations. Pirates can martial their shock troops aboard the ship and then force their way onto larger targets like frigates and cruisers!

Model E Update

The Caterpillar model E is a straight up, no frills hauler. The sheer number of options you can apply to it is truly staggering and will haul a large variety of cargo from raw minerals to human transport. You can even compartmentalize the ships hold.

The offensive capabilities are a little light, but what it lacks in offense it more than makes up for in defensive options. It can take a beating and ask for seconds depending on the option combinations.

The biggest downside has nothing to do with the ship itself, but rather the reputation associated with it. To every local cop, Advo, merc and Citizen, Drake ships are treated like suspects wherever they go.

The biggest problem with the Caterpillar is the negative attention you’ll receive. Cops will probably scan you more often.

Pros and Cons


  • Command module can detach and self-pilot during emergency events
  • Many defensive configurations
  • Compartmentalized hold options
  • Large cargo hold


  • Slow
  • Light in offensive capabilities
  • Reputation: It attracts attention from Advocacy Agents, cops and mercenaries
Source: http://starcitizen.wikia.com/wiki/Caterpillar

Am I in pirate business? No, probably not. Am I in trading business? Definitely yes. But the one question remains: will CIG definitely implement those planned "features" of the defined "reputation malus/penalty"? That definitely IS a point which makes me sit up - and take notice.


Space Marshal
May 27, 2014
RSI Handle
I have always liked Drake Interplanetary and have become an even bigger fan after seeing the Buccaneer and the interior concepts for the Caterpillar. I have found some space between my Max and my Merchantman where I think I can squeeze a Cat and have specifically readied an LTI prospector for the upgrade.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Get the caterpillar. Or come crew on mine. I also have a Carrack, so if you wanna keep your Aquila, we can fly together exploring, Carrack and Aquila.

I love the look of the Carrack. I can't wait for her.
I think I'll crew on Owls Cat. Although I really would like to own one. I cannot exclude the possibility of buying it - despite knowing better. But the *fact* is, that I already own a vessel which can be also used as a trading ship with hell of a cargo capacitiy: the Starfarer. Ergo it would be totally senseless/useless/needless/absurd/dumb to blow money and ships for a Cat. No reason to buy her.

Perhaps I should go offline for a while, when the sale starts ...
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