Worst timing on a decision I have seen from CIG so far


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Thats not why people were angry.

People were angry about losing access to their ships for an hour and half because of a 30k, or it falling through a planet, despawning randomly, ejecting them into space during quantum, randomly exploding, spawning in damaged, quantum jumping into a planet, spawning with no doors etc, or quite simply there being NO WAY to refuel or repair your ship because no landing pads work.

Some people lost access to their entire available fleet.

The incompetence part is CIG introducing an event their servers and game code and economy cant handle and trying to balance it by introducing punitive insurance claim times across the board, no matter what the reason for losing hour ship and flat out refusing to address the majority of bugs that cause the claims in the first place.

Its a complete disconnect from their players and backers:

”Hey buy this Carrack for $600 its shiny look look buy buy”

”Oh no, our shitty servers and bug ridden code have made your ship disappear or explode, sucks to be you, you can now go fuck yourself for an hour and half you filthy exploiter”.
I can see what you are getting at it would suck to lose your ship due to those instances but 45mins to get a starfarer back doesnt seem that bad to me the smaller the ship the faster you get it back right? This looks like they are trying to make decisions on how long a larger ship would take to respawn to do a bit of forcing players to make better decisions on how they fly their ships the situations they get into and making them realize if the ship is gone its truely gone so dont screw up. During the 45 mins you have other gameplay options such as fly with a friend in a multicrew ship which i would assume you are playing with others if you are running a larger ship like that anyhow. if they dont make these decisions now to figure out how they feel then they are going to be delaying the release of the game anyhow. I'm sure the bug team is working on the bugs just like the features teams are working on the features. i'll bet this is also bumping major issues like the ones you guys are walking about up the chart to be resolved now vice later. It's alpha things like this are going to happen we all keep forgetting this game isnt complete and not even close to it keep that in mind as you play. Alphas are never pretty and stuff like this happen all the time ive been part of alot of them and i hated falling through worlds, losing my gear getting trapped in some rock somewhere. roll with the punches and report your errors when you can. the more people who make reports the faster those issues will get resolved.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I can see what you are getting at it would suck to lose your ship due to those instances but 45mins to get a starfarer back doesnt seem that bad to me the smaller the ship the faster you get it back right? This looks like they are trying to make decisions on how long a larger ship would take to respawn to do a bit of forcing players to make better decisions on how they fly their ships the situations they get into and making them realize if the ship is gone its truely gone so dont screw up. During the 45 mins you have other gameplay options such as fly with a friend in a multicrew ship which i would assume you are playing with others if you are running a larger ship like that anyhow. if they dont make these decisions now to figure out how they feel then they are going to be delaying the release of the game anyhow. I'm sure the bug team is working on the bugs just like the features teams are working on the features. i'll bet this is also bumping major issues like the ones you guys are walking about up the chart to be resolved now vice later. It's alpha things like this are going to happen we all keep forgetting this game isnt complete and not even close to it keep that in mind as you play. Alphas are never pretty and stuff like this happen all the time ive been part of alot of them and i hated falling through worlds, losing my gear getting trapped in some rock somewhere. roll with the punches and report your errors when you can. the more people who make reports the faster those issues will get resolved.
You are missing the point.

Thats how YOU see what they are doing, what they were *actually* doing is what they said on spectrum, it was to prevent people self destructing as an option to refuel and rearm.

Thats it.

Now, you may well be of the opinion that a 45 minute wait for an asset you have paid $300 for the use of is acceptable, thousands didnt, and thousands did what I did when my MSR was fucked out of existence by a 30k with 180k of commodities on board and the game presented me with a screen telling me I had to wait 48 minutes to get it back.

I logged off, and didnt log back in.

Its also closed my wallet, There is no point in funding past the $5k I have given them so far, as the assets I purchase will be potentially be denied access to me through no fault of my own, or indeed another player.

I have a nice $495 Explorer pack that were going to be turned into an A2 and C2 next month, an out lay of $600, but as it stands I no desire to do that as I simply wont have my time or money disrespected in this way.

Small fry in the grand scheme of things, but for me this is the last in the long line of fuck ups and disrespect shown to backers that I am prepared to tolerate.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thats how YOU see what they are doing
And this is how YOU see what they are doing.

From what you have said, you spent a lot on a ship and don't want any obstacles to being able to use it. That's how you see it.

Unless my memory fails me we have had multiple discussions in the past on what constitutes a purchase in SC.

You see pledging funds as purchasing a digital asset. I (and the ToS we all agree to when we drop our dolla) see pledging as donating to a crowd funder with access to the asset as a thanks to the level of funds pledged, and that the value of the asset has absolutely no relation to the value of the pledge (again outlined in the ToS). The only thing you actually pre-ordered was your game package. Everything else you donated a lot on game development and are getting a game, with access to an asset as thanks for donating further to the development. All those other things are at the descression of CIG.

And what are they actually doing? They're trying to make the game and on this occasion trying to balance it out and minimize an exploit.

It sounds like this attempt, to you, is a big "F U, we haz yr munnie an dare iz nuffin U can du about it.", because there is nothing you can do about it and it's likely this is a position you have not found yourself in much. On spectrum I had to point out to a man who was in the process of buying his own private island the delays in development was probably the first thing in the last 10 years he could not fix with his wealth and skills and that they may not be used to that.

But to a lot of other people it was simply a misguided attempt to balance in Alpha when there are so many other factors in the mix than just committing insurance fraud to get more missiles. They saw people were doing it, but it seems the list of WHY people were doing it was not fully filled out.

In the final game I fully expect an Idris to take a week+ to claim. My Starfarer was 55 minutes, then 1.25 hours, now it's just 35 minutes. Eventually it may take a day to claim in the final game, maybe more. Have things been taken into account to effect that time now and it's being done more intelligently to only make it 35mins? I dunno. They haven't finished making the game yet.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
And this is how YOU see what they are doing.

From what you have said, you spent a lot on a ship and don't want any obstacles to being able to use it. That's how you see it.

Unless my memory fails me we have had multiple discussions in the past on what constitutes a purchase in SC.

You see pledging funds as purchasing a digital asset. I (and the ToS we all agree to when we drop our dolla) see pledging as donating to a crowd funder with access to the asset as a thanks to the level of funds pledged, and that the value of the asset has absolutely no relation to the value of the pledge (again outlined in the ToS). The only thing you actually pre-ordered was your game package. Everything else you donated a lot on game development and are getting a game, with access to an asset as thanks for donating further to the development. All those other things are at the descression of CIG.

And what are they actually doing? They're trying to make the game and on this occasion trying to balance it out and minimize an exploit.

It sounds like this attempt, to you, is a big "F U, we haz yr munnie an dare iz nuffin U can du about it.", because there is nothing you can do about it and it's likely this is a position you have not found yourself in much. On spectrum I had to point out to a man who was in the process of buying his own private island the delays in development was probably the first thing in the last 10 years he could not fix with his wealth and skills and that they may not be used to that.

But to a lot of other people it was simply a misguided attempt to balance in Alpha when there are so many other factors in the mix than just committing insurance fraud to get more missiles. They saw people were doing it, but it seems the list of WHY people were doing it was not fully filled out.

In the final game I fully expect an Idris to take a week+ to claim. My Starfarer was 55 minutes, then 1.25 hours, now it's just 35 minutes. Eventually it may take a day to claim in the final game, maybe more. Have things been taken into account to effect that time now and it's being done more intelligently to only make it 35mins? I dunno. They haven't finished making the game yet.
Exactly hit it on the nail with this one if they don't work out this exploit now when are they going to do it? Its part of Alpha and its an exploit that needs to be fixed so gameplay is done normally. This is not the way the game was meant to play.

With out knowing what you are looking forward to doing in the verse its hard to say what would be a good fit.

The A2 is very mission specific, while it can be used outside of this its not very efficient and might not even be profitable.
The Polaris while having far more capability is also very reliant on costly torpedoes to do any sort of damage to large targets which is going to greatly restrict the types of missions it takes on if its even possible to be profitable.

The Perseus is a bit of a unknown at the moment. The good part is most of its DPS is turret based and so can be switched out from ballistic to energy and thus increase its uptime (switching back to ballistics for fleet engagements where higher dps/pen is more important) The Perseus is also going to be valuable with those who are more akin to taking what originally belonged to others as its going to be able to quickly knock out the engines/subsystems of large ships more effectively then missiles/torpedoes. (Mantis, several Perseus, couple buccaneers/cutlass and you have yourself an effective pirate party, add a Kraken and Caterpillar to pick up the loot/resupply and you'll be able to do hit and run tactics for days)

The M2/C2 is going to be critical for heavy ground operations, also very useful for cargo/trade routes especially when going to or from planet side (not something the Hull C and above can do). Might be faster to load/unload then the Caterpillar while carrying (624/468) vs Caterpillar 576 (Taurus ~ 236, Hull B ~384)
From the sounds of it you are still thinking this is a fully released game your assets are not truely available and the game itself is not truely available. you have been given the privledge of playing in the alpha because you made a donation to the company to make the game. You are going to run into errors and all the sorts. You want to talk about denying your assets well lets look at my assets where 90% of them are not even in the game. We have the Polaris, the Javelin, the pioneer the list goes on. I can't even play my salvage which is my bread and butter and probably the most wanted mechanic i have wanted in the game since day 1 i heard about star citizen. They released the ship but where is the gameplay? I stopped playing back in 3.0 and i am waiting until things settle down and are more smooth maybe not even until beta where bugs are going to be alot more worked out then in alpha. If the alpha is bothering you this much maybe you need to take a step back for a patch or 2 and let things smooth out. It's not a completed game and it is far from it.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Keep in mind that what they are doing here is also a test.

Ships intentionally self detonating before? Great. But what's next? What will players come up with next if the timer is longer? Find a new bug to hack into or duplicate free ships?

Gamer behaviors will change. Next issues will be found. And CIG will use these data to make the game better in the long run.
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