X-55 Rhino Decoupled setup HOTAS program assist.


Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Does anyone have a suggestion on how to switch the throttle on the X-55 to better perform in SC?

I can't figure out show to update the throttle setup from zero to full throttle in coupled mode then switch the throttle from a mid-point (zero thrust when centered) when switching over to decoupled mode. Simply hitting "reverse thrust" on my throttle doesn't seem to be the best way to resolve the issue.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
With throttle from 0 to 100 % you can't fly backwards in coupled mode.

Anyways, I fixed my throttle issues with Joystick Gremlin. I combined 3 controller axis to 1 strafe forward / back axis for SC.
While at it, I also added 2 dials to finetune the strafe forward / back axis and added speed limiter axis.

If I wanted to achieve your request, then I would use throttle and coupled mode toggle button. With those 2 inputs, I would adjust the throttle output for SC. The only issue I see here is that coupled / decoupled is a toggle. You need to be able to reset this toggle if in-game and in-script, both are not the same.

I use the same throttle axis config for coupled and decoupled.
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Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
So when you're using your X-55 whether it's in coupled or decoupled mode if you're going from one direction to the other you have to take the throttle all the way back down to 0 then back up to full? There's not a way to center your throttle mid way to fly in decoupled easier?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Ah, I don't have an X55. I have a modded TM Warthog throttle.
I use the left throttle handle for speed limiter with 2 detents, one at 50% where I put SCM speed, one at 20% which I use for landing speed.
The right throttle handle has no detents and I use it as main throttle (strafe) forward, 0 - 100%
I put both at desired position, then I don't touch them anymore. I control speed with the rudder pedals brake axis.

But if you want to use coupled throttle from 0 - 100%, decoupled throttle from -100 - 100%, that is possible with JG. Then you make a plugin with 1 input axis, 2 digital inputs, 1 output axis, 1 digital output.
The input axis will be your throttle axis.
The output axis will be strafe forward / back.
1 digital input will be coupled / decoupled toggle
1 digital input will be toggle the coupled / decoupled state without triggering the digital output
The digital output will toggle SC coupled / decoupled mode.

When set to coupled, output axis = (input axis + 1) / 2 - 1: only the strafe forward portion from the output axis is used.
When set to decoupled, output axis = input axis: the full range of output axis is used.

Something like this. It was a pain to figure out how digital input and output are used, since I never used them
import gremlin
from gremlin.user_plugin import *

mode = ModeVariable("Mode", "Mode in which to use these settings")
input_axis = PhysicalInputVariable(
        "Throttle axis",
        "Physical throttle axis",
input_toggle = PhysicalInputVariable(
        "Toggle Button",
        "Button which will toggle coupled / decoupled",
input_reset = PhysicalInputVariable(
        "Reset Button",
        "Button which will toggle coupled / decoupled state.",
output_axis = VirtualInputVariable(
        "Throttle output axis",
        "Virtual throttle output axis",
output_toggle = VirtualInputVariable(
        "Button Toggle",
        "Button which will be mapped to toggle coupled / decoupled.",

# Decorators
dec_1 = input_axis.create_decorator(mode.value)
dec_2 = input_toggle.create_decorator(mode.value)
dec_3 = input_reset.create_decorator(mode.value)

class Calculate:
    def __init__(self, throttleAxis, toggleButton, toggleState):
        self.throttleAxis = throttleAxis
        self.toggleButton = toggleButton
        self.toggleState = toggleState

    def throttle(self):
        return self.throttleAxis if self.toggleState else (self.throttleAxis + 1.0) / 2 - 1
    def toggle(self):
        return self.toggleButton

    def state(self):
        return self.toggleState

    def __str__(self):
        return "[{:.2f},{:.2f},{:.2f}]".format(self.throttleAxis, self.toggleButton, self.toggleState)

# Last axis value storage
g_last_values = Calculate(0.0, False, False)

# Updates the vJoy device
def update_vjoy(vjoy):
    vjoy[output_axis.value["device_id"]].axis(output_axis.value["input_id"]).value = g_last_values.throttle()
    vjoy[output_toggle.value["device_id"]].button(output_toggle.value["input_id"]).is_pressed = g_last_values.toggle()

# Callbacks for the individual axes
def axis1(event, vjoy):
    global g_last_values
    g_last_values.throttleAxis = event.value
def button_1(event, vjoy):
    global g_last_values
    g_last_values.toggleButton = event.is_pressed
    g_last_values.toggleState = not g_last_values.state() if event.is_pressed else g_last_values.state()
def button_2(event, vjoy):
    global g_last_values
    g_last_values.toggleState = not g_last_values.state() if event.is_pressed else g_last_values.state()
In JG it will like like this
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