X1 Presale


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
There is an impression the X1 is a NOX with a stupid place to put your feet. Once they release more details about it I expect it to be a better seller, as long as they actually have a plan for it past "Luxury Looks Good."


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Can you explain to those of us novices what this means? Can one buy the 3X package, melt the bikes and have LTI to apply to any ship you purchase or pirate. . . I mean, "loan" off someone, waiting to apply whenever you like?
As it is a Pre-sale it is early access. It happened with the NOX the early buyers could not CCU until the main sale had started.

The Cyclone got no CCU options as it was a ground vehicle whereas the DragonFly and Nox can fly in space too so got CCUs to spacecraft. It is not clear if the X1 will have CCUs. I would very much expect it to but you just don't know what they are going to do.

As for your questions about LTI, you will not be able to CCU a stolen ship to an LTI. Unless they suddenly say that is possible, but I doubt it will be. If you melt your three x1 packages, you will have to buyback either with real money or store credits with your buyback token. You would then have to CCU to the ship of your choice. I did this with an LTI Aurora CCUing to a Taurus making it an LTI Taurus.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
X1 pre-sale is over and no sign of the standard sale...

Flash subscriber sale for the Herald on the front page that went live 3hrs ago...
Well, it's been an hour now with the Warbond versions offline and no sign of the standard versions... Do you think CIG got tired of everyone saying they were shit and withdrew it entirely?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Search and you shall find... lol I don't know why people didn't check.
Oh, i'd been searching. There was a good hour and a half there without any content at all, I thought they'd given up.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So the Origin Force bike has scanners! That is a game changer for ground combat and the first reason I have had to buy a bike.

Looks like it may fit in a Hoplite too.

Has anyone here ever been shot by a Joker Sucker Punch Distortion Cannon in game? I am wondering what sort of anti-personnel qualities it has. It is technically no physical damage, but seems to me might work against human targets and it is wide area of effect. Also kills shields. Could be perfect for a bike if it does any real damage. We need to shoot someone with a Joker. Owl. . .where' you at?



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
So the Origin Force bike has scanners! That is a game changer for ground combat and the first reason I have had to buy a bike.

Looks like it may fit in a Hoplite too.

Has anyone here ever been shot by a Joker Sucker Punch Distortion Cannon in game? I am wondering what sort of anti-personnel qualities it has. It is technically no physical damage, but seems to me might work against human targets and it is wide area of effect. Also kills shields. Could be perfect for a bike if it does any real damage. We need to shoot someone with a Joker. Owl. . .where' you at?

The X-1 Force is also stated to have double the shields of the other versions. Which means that it has the ability to take either a harder hit or more hits & keep going than the other bikes. Which, depending on the equipped weapon, should make it lethal against most ground forces, but not all. Depending on capabilities, I'm thinking of either equipping mine with either a Joker Sucker Punch, a CF-007 Bulldog Repeater or a NN-13 Neutron gun depending on what I'm expecting to encounter. With the double shields, the slow but powerful Neutron gun makes this into a nimble space howitzer, the repeater will shred ground forces with sheer volume of its rapid fire & I have no idea what the Joker is capable of against ground forces.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
We need to shoot someone with a Joker. Owl. . .where' you at?

Hey now, before you go shooting OWL with a Joker, you should make sure he isn't allergic to any of the ingredients in the pie you plan on smacking him with. Also, it wouldn't hurt to get his opinion on if he would prefer it to be a Boston, vanilla or banana cream pie before launching it at him. If he likes it enough you might have him asking to be hit repeatedly. LoL I advise against a beer flavored pie though or you might never be able to stop serving him.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Force has 2x shields? I can imagine it now, let me write you a story:

The Constellation carved down through the atmosphere, fire glowing all around it bright from the friction of entering the atmosphere.

"Captain 'BobFace, aren't we descending too quickly to go unobserved? We are on the night-side of the planet, every raider on this hemisphere will be able to see our Hull-Glow entering the atmosphere!"
"Hold course and speed Number Two, I am counting on it." the captain replied leaning on the back of the pilots seat, looking over the screens and doing his worst back-seat driving.
"Please don't call me that, sir." the pilot replied.

The ship, Reoccurring Tendencies 2 embossed on its side, leveled off and eased into a lazy flight over the desert landscape.

"Over there'll do" 'BobFace pointed to a flat messa with minimal obstructions.
"There are no wrecks to investigate, scanners indicate no minerals of worth... what are we doing here sir?"
"Trolling Assholes, Number Two."
"A consignment of stolen X1's was tracked to this planet. I've decided to piss on some cornflakes."

The landing gear extended, touched down and sunk ever so slightly into the sand as the ships weight eased down gently.

"Leave the generator running, keep engines on. Make it look like we are not staying." 'BobFace commanded moving round to the turret entrance.
"The Raiders will see our signature and InfraRed, NaffNaff!" Number Two advised urgently.
"Yep, it'll make them come quicker too if they think we could lift off any moment." 'BobFace chiped back. "Did you make the modifications to the bottom turret?" He asked, calling the gunner seat and sitting down a little too heavily making the frame shake alarmingly.
"Yes, sir, a pair of Mantis. They don't really fit and cooling will be ropey at best."
"Splendid. Monitor for contacts."

The turret seat had hardly locked in when Number Two called down the tube.
"Contacts, three X1 Force, coming fast."
'BobFace checked the scan details and locked on to the nearest target.
"Quick question, Number Two. What does the X1 Force have in its favor?"
"Double shields and fast as hell!" Number Two called back more than a little fraught.
"And what are Mantis?" NaffNaff continued.
"Projectile and fast as hell..."
"Correction, Number Two, faster than hell."

The Gatling guns spun up, and a stream of hot orange lead spurted forth in a screaming stream of molten death, the projectiles optimised for space setting alight to the atmosphere each round after another super-heating the air making the line they traveled down burst into orange flame...

The first X1 was cut down the center, the bike flying into as many pieces as its rider flew into chunks, the two s1 shields doing nothing to defend it against the projectile rounds flying from the Reoccurring Tendencies 2.

The second raider bike was slip-streaming the first - NaffNaff kept the barrels spinning without readjusting the target, sparks exploded in front of the bike as the two streams converged, the red hot bullets impacting and exploded on each other momentarily before the X1 flew into it and exploded even more spectacularly than the first.

"Number Two! Did you make sure the timing between these Mantis allowed the streams to cross?" 'BobFace bellowed up the tube.
"We had to do it in a bit of a rush..." Number Two replied "...don't cross the streams."

The third X1 peeled off and was out of range before another volly of fire could fly forth.
The Gunner seat cranked back up the tube.

"Take off, lets get back on course. The consignment of bog-roll isn't going to deliver itself. Did you get a decent recording?" 'BobFace asked.
"Yep, just like last time." sighed Number Two.
"Great, upload it to Spectrum, lets see if we can make this one go Viral."

Story ends.

I suspect even bikes with projectile weapons are going to be able to kill off other bikes and their riders super easy. Credit to the X1 it looks more enclosed so shots from the side may have some protection, the shields may save them from energy weapons but projectiles are going to chop 'em up.
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Force has 2x shields? I can imagine it now, let me write you a story:

The Constellation carved down through the atmosphere, fire glowing all around it bright from the friction of entering the atmosphere.

"Captain 'BobFace, aren't we descending too quickly to go unobserved? We are on the night-side of the planet, every raider on this hemisphere will be able to see our Hull-Glow entering the atmosphere!"
"Hold course and speed Number Two, I am counting on it." the captain replied leaning on the back of the pilots seat, looking over the screens and doing his worst back-seat driving.
"Please don't call me that, sir." the pilot replied.

The ship, Reoccurring Tendencies 2 embossed on its side, leveled off and eased into a lazy flight over the desert landscape.

"Over there'll do" 'BobFace pointed to a flat messa with minimal obstructions.
"There are no wrecks to investigate, scanners indicate no minerals of worth... what are we doing here sir?"
"Trolling Assholes, Number Two."
"A consignment of stolen X1's was tracked to this planet. I've decided to piss on some cornflakes."

The landing gear extended, touched down and sunk ever so slightly into the sand as the ships weight eased down gently.

"Leave the generator running, keep engines on. Make it look like we are not staying." 'BobFace commanded moving round to the turret entrance.
"The Raiders will see our signature and InfraRed, NaffNaff!" Number Two advised urgently.
"Yep, it'll make them come quicker too if they think we could lift off any moment." 'BobFace chiped back. "Did you make the modifications to the bottom turret?" He asked, calling the gunner seat and sitting down a little too heavily making the frame shake alarmingly.
"Yes, sir, a pair of Mantis. They don't really fit and cooling will be ropey at best."
"Splendid. Monitor for contacts."

The turret seat had hardly locked in when Number Two called down the tube.
"Contacts, three X1 Force, coming fast."
'BobFace checked the scan details and locked on to the nearest target.
"Quick question, Number Two. What does the X1 Force have in its favor?"
"Double shields and fast as hell!" Number Two called back more than a little fraught.
"And what are Mantis?" NaffNaff continued.
"Projectile and fast as hell..."
"Correction, Number Two, faster than hell."

The Gatling guns spun up, and a stream of hot orange lead spurted forth in a screaming stream of molten death, the projectiles optimised for space seting alight to the atmosphere each round after another super-heating the air making the line they traveled down burst into orange flame...

The first X1 was cut down the center, the bike flying into just as many pieces as its rider flew into chunks, the two s1 shields doing nothing to defend it against the projectile rounds flying from the Reoccuring Tendencies 2.

The second raider bike was slip-streaming the first - NaffNaff kept the barrels spinning without readjusting the target, sparks exploded in front of the bike as the two streams converged, the red hot bullets impacting and exploded on each other momentarily before the X1 flew into it and exploded even more spectacularly than the first.

"Number Two! Did you make sure the timing between these Mantis allowed the streams to cross?" 'BobFace bellowed up the tube.
"We had to do it in a bit of a rush..." he replied "...don't cross the streams."

The third X1 peeled off and was out of range before another volly of fire could fly forth.
The Gunner seat cranked back up the tube.

"Take off, lets get back on course. The consignment of bog-roll isn't going to deliver itself. Did you get a decent recording?" 'BobFace asked.
"Yep, just like last time." sighed Number Two.
"Great, upload it to Spectrum, lets see if we can make this one go Viral."

Story ends.

I suspect even bikes with projectile weapons are going to be able to kill off other bikes and their riders super easy. Credit to the X1 it looks more enclosed so shots from the side may have some protection, the shields may save them from energy weapons but projectiles are going to chop 'em up.
My friend, didn't the actual Ghostbusters teach you anything?


Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
Force has 2x shields? I can imagine it now, let me write you a story:

The Constellation carved down through the atmosphere, fire glowing all around it bright from the friction of entering the atmosphere...
C'mon man! That whole story just to hypothesize on the effects of ballistics on an X1? And WTF? Why did you leave us hanging like that!? I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if the bog rolls got to their destination! Where is part 2?!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey now, before you go shooting OWL with a Joker, you should make sure he isn't allergic to any of the ingredients in the pie you plan on smacking him with. Also, it wouldn't hurt to get his opinion on if he would prefer it to be a Boston, vanilla or banana cream pie before launching it at him. If he likes it enough you might have him asking to be hit repeatedly. LoL I advise against a beer flavored pie though or you might never be able to stop serving him.
Haha, I'll eat all the pie. Whether it's stuck to my face or still in the pan.
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