Your opinion. What's acceptable on mumble?

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Speed Devil
Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Another thing to note, as our server, again, is US based we have certain legal liabilities.

Don't come into the mumble and say you just killed/raped/arson/insert hard time crime here. We have to report it.

Doing drugs? Eh, may be legal where your at. My liability is unaffected so do what you want, just keep it out of gen.

I honestly could care less about what's going on topic wise as long as you don't put us in a position where we are obligated to do something.
*flies in*
Lol except in far most states it's not illegal to fail to report a crime, secondly you didn't witness the crime, thirdly, even if you did, and even if you are in one of the states where it can be illegal to fail to report a crime, it usually has to be at least a felony.
*flies out* "beware of teexaaaas!"


Rear Admiral
Sep 30, 2014
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*flies in*
Lol except in far most states it's not illegal to fail to report a crime, secondly you didn't witness the crime, thirdly, even if you did, and even if you are in one of the states where it can be illegal to fail to report a crime, it usually has to be at least a felony.
*flies out* "beware of teexaaaas!"
You can't handle Texas.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 3, 2014
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Issue is that you limit speech in Mumble you will fracture the community into divisions. People will make their own private chat channels, setup their own voice comms, they will go somewhere else. I simply refuse to be limited to remaining in silence for fear of getting a ban, because I cussed too much in a fire fight. We promote 42% more beer, we give the image of a adult org, but then we turned around and have a PG rated voice comms? That doesn't make sense. Leave it as 2 simple rules: "Don't attack TEST and allies", and "Don't be a asshole, with no reason" best way I see it. I do not wish to limit anyone in their speech. I wear headset for this reason and I hate headsets, but it is the only option.
THIS speaks exactly what I have in my mind. Limiting speech in Mumble is going to fracture and divide the community and I'll be damned if I ever see that in TEST. I've never EVER gotten into any guild or community like I have with TEST. This community and it's current state have helped me significantly in my life already and with that being said I'd just like to reiterate, I'll be damned if I ever see division and fracturing in TEST. I will talk and work and work until we figure out a solution to the issue before I let anything get in the way of ruining this community. I agree with Salt Lake a lot here. Limitations on "free speech" are going to divide the community. I don't want to limit what I have to say in fear of being banned such as cursing in a fire fight or being in a frenzy socially (kek). This is an adult org, ironically I say this being one of the well known young, but mature ( or at least I consider myself to be) members. I love seeing the voice comms in general being the way they are. I've spent a lot of time in mumble and in general and I've had times where people have asked me to move somewhere or pm'ed me or times where I've asked others to move, but whatever the situation is MEMBERS are MATURE enough to ask and handle the situation with ease by politely requesting for someone to move somewhere else, or to tone down their language. IF a problem persists then one can get a mod and have the situation dealt with that way. The simple rule of not attacking TEST members and not being an asshole with no reason. I know we are thinking of the future of moderation here like when Star Marine and PU comes out but I mean Gen Chat currently is going well and I feel like with the 2 simple rules I posted about AND the fact that Members are Mature enough to ask someone or move or talk to a mod is how these issues will be dealt with. ALSO 16+ in Test please or 18+ whatever you all prefer. BTW Salt Lake please preach <3.
I'm not requesting to cater to children, I'm requesting to cater to tired parents that don't want to explain what a Colombian necktie, or a beef bayonet is to a 3 year old that happened to sit next to him. Of course we won't be drinking tea and playing the harp in General Chat, but just try not to be excessively profane. Also we are not discussing about what is TEST etiquette here but what is the General Chat etiquette. Moderating behavior in one channel doesn't prohibit people from going to another one that has less/no restrictions. Guys you have to understand the mod/officers/admins situation, especially in such a big org. Letting everything lose makes for a very tired LeChuck, Munken, Shive, Seung, Montoya who will have to deal with a crap load of complaints from various offended members. At least having a rule set will allow us to shorten these proceedings if needed from "Hey why did you kick me out of the server for calling that person a beef bayonet loving white nigger?!? There is no rule against profanity!" "-Infinite discussion about moral, ethics, maturity, racial slurs, etc" to "Hey why did you..." -You violated rules #1,#2 hatespeech, personal attacks. Now I will get back in chat/game and ignore you while your ban lasts. kthxbye".
I understand that you want to cater to tired parents but then maybe children shouldn't be allowed while they are talking or they can buy a headset maybe? idk I'm just spitballin ideas here. I think people should have the freedom to be excessively profane HOWEVER the TEST members are mature enough to know that its not appropriate all the time because it is obnoxious and if they do it all the time then the mods will speak to them. If you have too many complaints then recruit more mods there are PLENTY of PASSIONATE people dying to serve Test *cough cough eyelash batter cough cough*
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Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't think those who have already joined that are 16 or under should be kicked out, but I think it's pretty clear that TEST is an adult-oriented organisation and Star Citizen is an adult-oriented game so joining while under 18 should be discouraged. For those in TEST already that are under 18 I think should be allowed to stay by all means, as long as they are aware of this fact and act accordingly.

This has all become quite serious, but I think the original premise of OP's question was to set basic etiquette/rules and gage the reaction of the org. TEST is still the most fun and laid back org in SC, we're just setting some (flexible) ground rules for General Chat in Mumble. As has been mentioned repeatedly, other channels on Mumble are much less moderated so it's not really a problem other than maybe in GC.
I was more than aware this is 18+ based. That's one of the things that drew me to this org because people don't get my sense of humour in my year group. They keep saying you want some and 21 every day.


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
And also, I think we shouldn't dive into censorship. The drunk tank is there for a reason


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Krystal pretty much summed it up in the post above, but with some corrections I need to make.

But just another word of advice regarding the free speech argument:

It hurts my head when read these kind of comments.

Free speech applies to public places. If I want to go stand in front of the mayors office and shout about how much I hate Pepsi, I can, that right is protected.

If I walk into the head office of Pepsi and shout about how much I hate Pepsi, they can throw me out of the building.

TEST Mumble is not public property. By joining our comms you have agreed to abide by our rules.

LOL free speach and bald eagles. HAHAHAHAH ! (don't we have more bald eagles then the states??? And more freedom of speech ?)
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Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
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I think we need draw an important distinction here... Gen chat should be reasonably family friendly.

If you are in a gaming channel with 6-8 friends, go nuts.
Yeah I was kind of saying that on mumble the other night, when in general chat the user should use self responsibility and use their discretion as if they are in public.
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Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
You make it sound so simple, and perhaps it truly is for you. I just don't think everyone can have that thick of a skin.

For instance:
Do you have a stance in case we get a nut-case that is just straight up annoying - unintentionally of course. Is there any level of annoyance you're not comfortable with?
How about gore-pictures and rape-topics? How does these figure in?
What about people not giving space for anyone else to talk?
Can we have a scientific talk about whether or not IQ-correlates positively or negatively with skin-color?

It's perhaps nice being able to talk about these things, but shouldn't we give space for those are uncomfortable around subjects such as these? Should the once offended or uncomfortable move channel, or should the "offending"-party move. How do we deal with this?
It's on a case to case basis. You'll find it hard to get a topic which offends me personally.
Like many out of their teens I've come across enough nut cases in everyday walks of life to stop truly giving a shit about them, however much they insist on harassing me with their drivel.

Someone not shutting up has a simple social fix, 'do you two wanna get a room?' or 'do you guy want to find a new channel?' Whoever is less stubborn will move, it's 2 clicks.
IQ depending on skin colour I would actually find interesting, as there is scientific basis behind it. I would be interested to know as theres correlation of higher IQ in a specific gender (sorry feminists) Who knows? We discover by collaborating even on the smallest level. It defines us.

Social norms however in an extended manor should apply to General chat, while gore or whatever the fuck you're into can go somewhere more private.
If you cannot handle a conversation the average man or women would have with their friends over drinks some evening, then yes you can exclude yourself instead of demanding a topic change from the group.

Common sense.
Everyone will use it and as far as I've seen, does.. Ish

Hypothetical idea:-
Group of deeply religious nuns join the org and ask us all to stop drinking, stop swearing and stop playing violent games because it offends them. Which I'm sure it would.

What do you do?
The only logical answer. Tell them to frig away off back to Narnia.
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Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I think we need draw an important distinction here... Gen chat should be reasonably family friendly.

If you are in a gaming channel with 6-8 friends, go nuts.
Maybe but where do a group of people doing various things go to? They go to a gaming channel away from the main group so when someone says in gen chat "Lets do some (insert game/discussion here)" they miss out on a opportunity? It's already happened when I was playing WoWS on a intense match, someone called out for me, asking to join ARK, and I simply said "Hold on a damn second, fighting this fucking BS in my cruiser". Had I been in another chat I would have missed out a chance to play a much better game of ARK. I think that it should be better than drunk tank and the like, but I don't think it should be PG.

I didn't think TEST was that family friendly, we joke about excessive drinking. We use sexual innuendo's so often we might as well be sexting/ERPing half the time. There are far more things TEST is known for being anti-family oriented, than we have that are pro-family oriented. We attract that group of people who don't want a PG crew, we attract a mature crew that will further a anti-family orientation. It is the nature of the beast you have created with the TEST webpage on RSI, and people join for that reason. Once they are in then they are expected to be family oriented?

TBH if our server location is the issue, lets simply get one in a area with privacy of international speech like Sweden.
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Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
It's TEST 100% Beer
Beer is a drug
This hater joined a drug org and then complains about drugs
Leading to this thread

^Insert Montoya clapping gif
GG L2P U FOKIN WOT M8 360 n0 sc0p3 h4x0R GOT REKT
11/10 Shive trolled us, would troll again
Well done you
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Guss De Blöd

Jul 22, 2015
RSI Handle
In UK we have this guy to make everyone else seem extremely diverse.

I live by this quote.

On the subject on what's acceptable on Mumble, it all depends who you're talking to :
Do you know him ? If no, be polite.
If you know him, does he gets easily offended ? if no, be polite.
Even if he don't get easily offended, do you know him for laughing at inappropriate jokes ? If no, be polite.
If all of the above do not applies , then you can say pretty much anything you want.

You also have to look at who's on the same chat-room of course.
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Grand Pooh-Bear
Jan 25, 2014
RSI Handle
This thread is still going on?

The vast majority of our members are relatively mature adults. Adults swear sometimes. So let's get this out of the way now: shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits.

In the past near 2 years of being involved with TEST, I can count the number of times we've had a major issue on my fingers. I think that itself speaks volumes about our members and community. Sure, sometimes we need to give a quick reminder of "hey, please don't say that sort of stuff in chat", but the majority of time, things goes smoothly. People argue, people debate, people yell, people are passionate about stuff. It's the internet...shit happens. Out of all the times we've had these sorts of issues, there's only been a handful amount that have escalated into larger issues.

All I ask is that people act like adults. You're all adults and have a decent sense of judgment. You're not going to walk down the street insulting people with racist, sexist, or homophobic slurs. So don't do it with TEST members. If you do, we're going to have a talk.

It's really as simple as that. There is no need to over complicate this stuff. We're not going to lock you down like dictators "Here is a list of approved topics you can talk about". You are free to talk about whatever you want, within reason. Just act reasonably mature.

Rape is not okay. Gore is not okay. Porn is not okay (Some semi-nsfw material might be okay). Attacking anybody else is not okay. Outside of that, go nuts. But if a staff member tells you to calm down & change the subject, I'm sure there's a damn good reason for it. Not doing so, will quickly escalate the issue. If I tell you what you're doing is not okay and it needs to stop, consider that one of your only warnings.

If anybody has any further questions or concerns that they want to discuss more in private, feel free to PM me here and we can talk about your concerns.


Vice Admiral
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
GG L2P U FOKIN WOT M8 360 n0 sc0p3 h4x0R GOT REKT
11/10 Shive trolled us, would troll again
Well done you
Thank you for this Yex. I love you bb. Come back to Mumblr.
I didn't think TEST was that family friendly, we joke about excessive drinking. We use sexual innuendo's so often we might as well be sexting/ERPing half the time. There are far more things TEST is known for being anti-family oriented, than we have that are pro-family oriented. We attract that group of people who don't want a PG crew, we attract a mature crew that will further a anti-family orientation. It is the nature of the beast you have created with the TEST webpage on RSI, and people join for that reason. Once they are in then they are expected to be family oriented?
Again, Salt Lake speaks truth. I bump his opinions in great haste.
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Aug 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Theres nothing wrong with picking on each other, teasing, and cracking jokes as long as its all in good fun, harmless/fun tone, and the other party is cool with it.
You don't turn jokes into painful, hateful, and damaging actions... If you notice the other party doesn't enjoy this playful exchange, then don't do it. Common sense goes a long way in having a good time.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Thank you for this Yex. I love you bb. Come back to Mumblr.
Still in Canada Babycakes :'( for another month. Is mumblr ok without me, does it need my tender loving touch to make it whole ;_;
*cries self to sleep while stuffing chocolate into mouth*
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