Your Ships. The Why and The Future Purchases.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Current Crashables
I started out with a 325a but today I decided I'd like a tracker hornet instead, so I CCU'd. I can see a tracker hornet being more useful in TEST combat ops than a space-BMW with guns.

I also have a Cutlass Red, with which I plan to rescue fellow TESTies that have:
- Fallen out of Airlocks
- Been left stranded after knocking beers over on their control panels
- Ventured into Vanduul space without their towel
- Had unfortunate, yet avoidable accidents involving Reclaimer salvage arms
- Tried to eat the million dollar space plant
And other inevitable occurrences.

Future Crashables
All for the betterment of the cause!
Retaliator - To ensure that TEST squadron will have the best, undamaged Bengals in the 'verse.
Crucible - Much the same point as the Retaliators'.
Orion - To dig up those sweet, sweet minerals.
The 'Deep Space Fighter' - To protect TEST assets across the 'verse.
Hull C - The perfect ship to hoard all my crap in.
Endeavor - The mobile meth-wagon of SPACE.

Major Templar

Space Marshal
Sep 6, 2014
RSI Handle
--Current Ships--

300I - This is a ship that I plan to melt eventually.
325A - I also plan on melting this ship eventually as well once the Avenger is fully released.
F7C Hornet - It's a great all around fighter and I'll keep it for combat missions
Aquila - My current primary exploration ship though I will likely melt it for the Carrack should the Carrack be the better choice.
Avenger - My current bounty hunter ship. I thought about the Blue but I feel that the Blue is a joke ship. I plan to keep the Avenger as a staple of my fleet but will only do so for light missions.

--Future Ships--

Carrack - I plan to use this, should it be better than the Aquila, for exploration and finding jump points and scouting enemy fleets.
Redeemer - This is my hopeful future bounty hunting ship. I really hope this becomes an Advocacy style ship meant to get in and out fast for secret missions. I have very high hopes for this ship and I personally love the ship.


Rear Admiral
Sep 28, 2014
RSI Handle
started with a 300i, upgraded to 350R (bigger number = better, right?), realized after a month it is a racing ship. tried racing, was meh, crosschassis upgraded into hornet LTI.

now i am waiting for superhornet sale again. i hope i can upgrade it.

my attitude is i safe the money for pc hardware parts until beta launches (including an oculus rift) and fight my way up.

but i recently seen the retaliator in engine and now i am HNGGGGG!
you should have not laid your eyes on the Retaliator....0.01% was only able to resist it.
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Rear Admiral
Jul 27, 2014
RSI Handle
Aurora LN - Bought this pack to start with the arena pass and loved the hanger. Of course I had to have more ships after that.....and a fish tank....cant forget about the fish.

M50 - Nxt purchase during the original sale. Love the ships, sleek as hell.

Freelancer + package - This was actually a gift. Lol my girlfriend often calls me a "nerd" but she can be thoughtful. Apparently I'm twice as nerdy now for playing a space game :cool:

Constellation Phoenix - I originally had the regular conny but, upgraded to this as I though it would be one of the only "limited" items I could get. Of course they announced a new line of LTI concepts shortly after lol.

Aegis Reclaimer - Had to have a ship salvager with all the drunks flying around me. Hopefully we don't crash this beast on the way to the aurora pileup.

890 Jump - Bc im a sucker for Origins subliminal messages within commercials.

I've told myself no more purchases at this point. Want to start saving up for a new but two years is a long ways off.


Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
300i - Because it has i in it's name, iPad has i, iPad is awesome, profit

AMD Mustang - came from the upgrades required to play this thing.

I hope to get a cutlass if it goes on sale and a crucible if it comes out.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
You can get a cutlass right now, it's not limited. The only variant that was was the blue, and that won't likely be available again unitl the PU launches.


Oct 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Just started this week so so far only have the Freelancer and the 325. And I'm starting to think I screwed up with those purchases.


Minister of Propaganda
Staff member
Oct 5, 2014
RSI Handle
Just started this week so so far only have the Freelancer and the 325. And I'm starting to think I screwed up with those purchases.
How would you have screwed up there? Both are great craft. The F-150 of space and the BMW with guns
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Designated Drunk

Space Marshal
Feb 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Ships I have:

Avenger: Ship I bought into the game with. Because... ...just look at it. Sexy curves and a giant gun on the front. She's like a hot anime chick armed with a .50BMG Barrett. Will never melt this one, no matter how dinged up she gets.

Hornet: upgraded an Aurora through a few CCUs purely to bank for credits. The Hornet is a great ship, but everyone and their mother has one, so it holds little interest for me. Will almost certainly melt.

Aurora LN: Because TEST.

2x Aurora MR: Packages for NPC slots.

Cutlass Blue: Bought the Cutlass for future melting to help Montoya hit concierge status. Bought the Blue upgrade because it's the limited edition, no other reason. May melt in the future, but it's growing on me. Damn you, Montoya!

M50 (just an upgrade, no actual base ship): Bought because I felt I needed to grab a racer upgrade package while they were still available. I can't race right now, as my gaming potato can barely give enough performance to walk around my hangar. But wow, Stefano Tsai did an amazing job on the re-work, and the M50 is like the sporty little T-38 or L-39 of spehss.

Ships I want real bad:

Starfarer: Who knew that a tanker could be sexy? Look, this is one good looking ship, and if Stefano Tsai is even giving it a makeover beyond what concept art there is, I'll be dry-humping the landing gear until I'm spent.

Retaliator: Because swing-wings. End of discussion. Yeah, I know all the aerodynamics pedants out there are noting that advances in airfoil modeling and fly-by-wire have meant that nobody since the late 1970s has seriously considered variable geometry platforms and that there would be no reason to have them in the 30th century, but I'm singing "Danger Zone" at the top of my lungs and can't hear you.
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Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I already went over this briefly in another thread, but I always like posting about my sexy internet spaceships.

Like many here, Connie was my first. I was totally sold for the idea of having a spaceship that I could fly around while my friends in the turrets blast away at incoming bogies, and afterwards we can sit and joke about the noob pirates who though they'd get our cargo. I was hella poor at the time I pledged, but this was something I wanted deep in my bones from the first time I saw Star Wars. I dug deep, went into savings, and purchased it. Much later, I sprang for the Phoenix upgrade when it came available, simply because it's sexy as all get-out. My only quibble is that I'm going to rip the bow off an Aquila sometime, because I love that curved window.

My next two purchases were simultaneous simple, an Aurora LN and a Origin M50. The idea of a small pocket fighter, cheap and easy to replace but with a surprising amount of firepower definitely drew my attention. However, with time, I reasoned to myself, "Why not go ahead and get a real fighter? And so, the LN was upgraded into a 325i. The M50's sleek lines and promise of blistering speed meant that I couldn't let it get away.

The next ship was a small purchase, perhaps, but an important one. It was my second Aurora, but this one the deluxe LX model, with the luscious leather seat and slick paint job. It was a mix of the luxury aspect of the 300i series and the rugged, workmanlike appeal of RSI vessels. Even now, it holds a special place of honor in my hangar. When I fling my Aurora against the hull of an unsuspecting Bengal, I shall do so in utter comfort.

Those purchases managed to hold me over for a little while, but there was one ship that continued to beguile me. The sleek, riveted hull of the Freelancer, so much like that of planes from the 40's and 50's, kept on drawing my eye. Every other ship I owned looked so sleek and clean; And the Constellation, while nice, was a much larger vessel that I could imagine being tough to fly alone. But the Freelancer, with it's classic profile, large devoted cargo bay, and small crew requirements, looked perfect for small independent cargo trading. I was doomed. I've since upgraded this to the DUR variant, simply because exploration had become more and more interesting to me.

My next purchase is a little bit of an odd one. Shortly after purchasing the Freelancer, I surveyed my fleet and noticed something. I lacked a dedicated dogfighter. Sure, I had the Aurora LN (prior to trading up to the 325i) but that was still a small ship, limited in engine power and shields. My Connie and my 'Lancer weren't pushovers, but also would require a crew. And my LX and M50 simply didn't have the armament (so I thought) to keep up with Hornets or Vanduul. So I ended purchasing an Aegis Avenger. The big engine and big gun appealed to me; simply line up the shot, blow the target to shreds, and punch the afterburner as I fly through their debris. Imagine my surprise when it also comes decked out with a respectable cargo hold? Now this ship holds an uneasy place, for while I love the sleek silhouette, I really can't justify it to myself quite so much. It's the first in line if I decide to start melting.

The last ship in my hangar is a recent addition. I had managed to go almost a year without buying a new ship (upgrades don't count), and was feeling pretty well locked in with my choice of ships. And then I saw it. The massive, hulking profile. The blocky function-over-form shape. the giant grasping claw. There was a bit of a blackout, and when I came to, I was the slightly shocked and surprised owner of a Reclaimer. The ship that I had never known I wanted, but now owned.

As for future ships... I'm looking to get my hands on a Retaliator, at some point. It makes no sense whatsoever and it's way too bulky to try and drive solo, but I just love the design so very much. I'm also probably going to pick up a Cutlass, but that'll wait til the persistant universe. If the 'Lancer is the F-150 of SC, the Cutlass is the dinky little 1970's Ram 50. I'm also very much eyeing the new Aegis Bulldog. If I want a high-speed, long-range, durable dogfighter, it may end up replacing my Avenger. Also, the Crucible is looking very nifty and helpful for being deep-space drucking friend.

tl;dr: I spend too much money on pretend internet spaceships and have no plans of stopping anytime soon. Cheers!

edit: and if I ever find myself in a position to board and steal an 890 Jump, I'll ram the damn thing with my entire hanger and use my Crucible to patch it up.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I have an Aurora LX with LTI because I like my ass parked on a leather seat when I crash my spaceship

I bought a Super Hornet for dogfighting goodness

Imma wait and see what balance changes come down before buying more ships

I look forward to crewing in others' big ships too


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
Aurora - Since I was late in the game and only get 6 months insurance up front I figure I will need a crash test ship.... I mean until I figure out how to turn the turn signal off while landing in the first space port as I make a drink with my free hand.

Cutlass - This ship sold the game for me. I saw this and I was -me must have shiny toy. This will be my main focus for now.

Other ships? Well golly G wilkers.... I don't know. I don't PLAN on getting more until the release; but I would love to get my hands on a fighter style ship and something a little bigger like a Constellation.

Think I can replace the cargo area for a night club/casino? Make my own Errand Venture?


Oct 27, 2014
RSI Handle
rouge star
Was a toss up on the 315p or Avenger. Desided to get the Avenger because it has more cargo room bigger main engine, plus when the game comes out I can get a jumpdrive for it with ingame money.
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Grand Admiral
May 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Constellation Phoenix, Gladiator, Retaliator, Super Hornet, Aurora LN, 350R, Reclaimer, Mustang Omega.
First off, Wow... I started with many more ships than that, but the Phoenix and the Reclaimer ate those up. Mostly I just like the chaos theory of teamwork and pretty shiny things so I can't say anything different from what already has been said.

My main love and what I hope to be my main ship is the Retaliator. Why? Because I want to recreate the feeling of dive bombing my B-17 in Warthunder. This is no longer allowed in the game and here is why. :D

In the spirit of realism the dev's removed the bombsights when pitching downward. :mad: I really hope that space combat will bring back this insanity.


Nov 10, 2013
RSI Handle
I bought a Constellation to carry TEST's holy warriors into the field of glorious battle against the heretics.

I bought a 350R to chase down heretics and deliver righteous fury unto the heretics no matter how fast they run.

I plan on captaining an Idris sometime after the launch of PU to spread the holy word to the unenlightened.

Yeah. something like that.


Aug 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Mollie Hatchet
I love your choice of profile picture. In fact, CIG should name a new ship after Russia's dictator: the homoeroticputinator. You drive it shirtless, its 8-track player only plays Boney M, its guns automatically shoot gay people (before they "infect" others), it drops not-so-smart bombs that remove all humour, awareness for basic human rights, and critical thinking faculties, including satire, and its payload delivers Russian zombie soldiers (dressed in red evening gowns to cleverly conceal their true identity) to invade democratic worlds.
Just for anyone who can't read my satire well, I am poking fun at homophobic people in this post, and am NOT attacking gay people. Please remove the warning I have been giving by the "mod" for allegedly slandering gays. Nothing is further from the truth as evidenced by...well..the post. Thanks.

Jun 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Started with the DUR melted that for the Aquila as soon as I saw the advert 'damn dat tis sweet' I said to myself.
Ive had m50 and several Aroura mr all melted for the cutlass blue. (this will also be melted soon as I get to see the Carrack.
Limited budget prevents me going much further at this time but we shall see what happens between now and lunch.

Futre wish list Carrack of course, in game purchase of the beloved DUR and may even go for one of the wave 4 ships we shall see like the sound of most of them, but expect them to be super expensive.
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