Alternative/Loose Command Structure


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Well firstly whether it be an unpopular opinion or not, I don't consider affiliate members as actual members. Infact I wish that was an option that would be removed altogether from the game. You cant just stick your fingers in everyones pie! o_O I've always been a black and white are or your are a TESTie or your not.....cant be both.

Regardless of that, I'm more or less on the same wavelength as @Adiran. There needs to be some degree of structure otherwise TEST will be a total rabble that cant battle their way out of a shoebox. Its all well and good to have your own little groups you run about with but depending on whats going on when there is a big call to action, ie some other org left a burning paper bag of dog poop at our home base front door, well then the answer to that is 4000+ Auroras at cruise speed through their front door. Although mine may need to be an 890Jump as I melted my Aurora....:eek: Big ops need structure. Big resource efforts need structure. Im continued to be impressed by the work @Black Sunder and his helper elfs are up too. In the end that sort of thing only will benifit us all. Will mean hopefully I wont spent time assing about trying to arrange an exploring group, salvage, repair team, so on, will all be set out and I can slot right in to the bigger picture. In saying that I havent joined the Army, if I dont want to do something, who ever has the iron fist can bugger off (thats the PC way of saying it). I dont beleive TEST will have this kind of structure to start with which is one reason why Im here. Just want to have fun, even better have fun in a group, even better again to have fun in a group where it aids the whole org and benifits everyone. The old saying goes, you get more flies with honey (think thats the saying). If people need help with anything they just need to ask and I'd drop what I'm doing elsewhere in the verse to assist, I hope people would do that for me and that there are many more people in TEST that feel the same.
There is in no way a requirement for anyone to participate in any event they do not want to participate in. If you want to run a fleet doing your own thing at the same time as an event go right ahead. But small groups doing their own thing is all there would be without proper organization and player participation in organized large scale events.

100 small scale operations with no overarching goal or plan behind it will never achieve or amount to any more than 100 chiefs bickering over who has the bigger stick. We can be a large org of no organization. But within 3 months of game release nearly everyone will leave because all those chiefs will go make their own groups for people to join and there will be no test after that. TBH if a large scale organized organization is not what you want there are many small organizations that need members who want small groups doing their own thing. Test aims to be the Best. That means large scale operations and organization. Yes we will provide every way possible to play the game for its members. However we will also need to be organized to achieve this goal of allowing members to play how they want. If we were only a pirate organization then it would be easy and require no organization really to do only one type of gameplay. To bring together 30 different gameplay ideals and professions and play styles we need to organize properly in order to maintain content and fleets and a player base in order to do these things.
I agree!
There's no reason to limit ourselves. We could have orgainzed fleets and small independant groups. That way we can confront larger threats and establish bases. And people could do want they want, a small hit and run pirate group or a group of bounty hunters.


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Thread can be closed/deleted, since it's been more or less rejected.

Personally, I'll just wait and see how it turns out, but I have some concerns it's going to turn out like the SC official Forums...
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