I hope there is a letters to the editor page.
"Dear Editor.
I am writing to comment on the grade of paper you are printing on. Its just not very good, its hardly pliable, much too big to fit in my bag and for some reason the print vanishes after about 15 minutes replaced by a whizzing star-field, and only reappears when i prod it. I look forward to your comments." Mr A.Aardvark.
"Dear Mr Aardvark,
Thank you for your comments, unfortunately The Testie Times is not printed on paper, we only publish on-line for view on a screen or mobi-glas. On this occasion i believe you are actually viewing on a computer screen and the screen-saver is activating obscuring your view. Regards, The Editor."
"Dear Editor.
I am writing to comment on the grade of paper you are printing on. Its just not very good, its hardly pliable, much too big to fit in my bag and for some reason the print vanishes after about 15 minutes replaced by a whizzing star-field, and only reappears when i prod it. I look forward to your comments." Mr A.Aardvark.
"Dear Mr Aardvark,
Thank you for your comments, unfortunately The Testie Times is not printed on paper, we only publish on-line for view on a screen or mobi-glas. On this occasion i believe you are actually viewing on a computer screen and the screen-saver is activating obscuring your view. Regards, The Editor."