The funny thing is: German is not such a nice language to speak. Hard in the vocal sounds and only few words in comparison to english language (German: about 300k words; English: 650k!). Therefore, as often as I have the opportunity I watch movies by choosing the original soundtrack. The fact is: lots of the movie atmosphere and even linguistic jokes are gone together with a synchronization, no matter how well-made it might be. Ever watched, for example, a Bruce Lee movie in cantonese (or mandarin) original language? Its a great experience which I highly recommend!:)(and wish I could speak your language)!
I just fixed that fatal faultWhich means - you never've read mine...? *sniffle* :(;)
No, you didn't answer every questionWell, you took the time to fill in every question and didn't spare a word to get a looooong and complete answer:confused:, I never saw such a nicely ordered introduction post :eek:
Think you forgot your medication thismorning! LOL ;)Hahaha :D I'm a multiple org...ME, I is multiple...double know?...ah, never mind. Its just me. Who? Me? Yes, you! A'right, I get it: me. :D