SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
I could use some of that coffee right now.

I stayed out way too late on a date last night. I'm paying for it today.

Was still totally worth it.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Good morning. After four hours of sleep I'll have to state: sleep is highly overrated. You can't do withouth...something...the like. Like. LIKES!! @Blind Owl you totally tsunamied my alert-history!! How did you do that, about 100 likes in five minutes? You programmed a bot?? Damn, thats pretty amazing. :D

Morning btw.
I am in need of this death coffee. Now. Lots.
I could use some of that coffee right now.

I stayed out way too late on a date last night. I'm paying for it today.

Was still totally worth it.
Details, Mz, I need details!! Perhaps I don't need that much coffee then :D

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
@Blind Owl haha, good suggestion with that coffee bar. But alas, there are too many coffee bars which closed after one year or less. Its good to dream of but nothing I would fight for as long as I have no financial reserves for covering the coffee-bar-afterlife ;)
That's too bad. :(

Weather is awesome, still at home enjoying the free time :D
Next week Austria.
Austria. Jealous. Have fun brother!
Good morning. After four hours of sleep I'll have to state: sleep is highly overrated. You can't do withouth...something...the like. Like. LIKES!! @Blind Owl you totally tsunamied my alert-history!! How did you do that, about 100 likes in five minutes? You programmed a bot?? Damn, thats pretty amazing. :D
My finger bled. Haha. I can't believe I got through 500 posts in 15 minutes. I didn't read them of course. Thats too much shitposting intake. Tonight was all about giving. Ha
Ouh, I have to shitpost a little bit more - perhaps I then can reach my 2000th post today :D
45 to go. Get your butt into the shitposting thread. Go go go!
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