Since the sale happens tomorrow I would like to present the following as my sentiment toward such a vessel.
if we're going down that routeSince the sale happens tomorrow I would like to present the following as my sentiment toward such a vessel.
Billy Joel is my boi. However, River of Dreams may be more appropriate for me.if we're going down that route
This is gona be so much fun while doing it!I'll be getting the ship when I get home. In other news I may start a group dedicated to Reclaiming Lost Glory (get it? Salvaging crashed ships) and our purpose would be to well.....salvage everyone else's drunk ass mistakes so we can make money for them again and never learn from our experience.
Concept sale page said:Additionally, it includes a manned cutter which may be deployed for EVA/recovery operations. We intend the game’s salvage mechanic to include a ‘search and recovery’ function in which players will exit their spacecraft in suits and maneuvering units to explore wreckage. Pocket spacecraft like the cutter will carry tools and supplies and transport recovered artifacts back aboard ship.
I'm going to have to go with Robert Palmer on this oneif we're going down that route
I think you should drive it based on this example:It'd be like the trailer for dreadnought.
"I detected 3 minor impacts across the bow, Captain. No damage, probably just debris."
Ssst... don't tell them my secret, to much xenophobics here :)So the fact the ship has a huge claw has nothing to do with Ork Power Klaws right?
The poster did the trick for me... i needed it.Also, I'm going to need some help crewing this bad boy! :D
You saw the thread about the Reclaimer Arm Wrestling League, right, Choppanob?Ssst... don't tell them my secret, to much xenophobics here :)