I am Spartacus(but sometimes I dress up like Bjork on special occasions)No I am Hcris Orberts~
I am Spartacus(but sometimes I dress up like Bjork on special occasions)No I am Hcris Orberts~
Will do bossman I'll also set the requirement to 3 months minimal membership to shoo off the ones who are just coming here to take a ship and jet.There is no button we can push, you would have to check the member list https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TEST/members
Typically the people who would respond to your post should have a long posting history here, that would be the most obvious way.
Resistance is fruit! okay got it!Resistance is futile.
Resistance is fruit! okay got it!
Fruit salad coming up!
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME !!!!!!Test members, non Test members, it this does not matter
Hahaha, and if your Aurora falls straight to the ground, does that mean your TESTies have dropped?If you are a Testie -in -waiting, does that mean you haven't descended yet?
I prefer to think of them as not having ascended yet, signifying a return to adolescence and immaturity!If you are a Testie -in -waiting, does that mean you haven't descended yet?
As a PSA of my own, I'd like to share our lawyer's review of the TEST contract, including all the fine print, and esp. the Sanity Clause:It's included with the package, read the fine print. It's right next to the part that says, and I quote,
"The party of of the first part..." is hereinafter called: "the party of the first part..." and
"The party of of the second part..." is hereinafter called: "the party of the second part...
You have to belong to the org to have access to the org forum there.is Spectrum TEST open to everyone as well?
"Fruit salad, yummy yummy."Resistance is fruit! okay got it!
Fruit salad coming up!
Hey you can't fool me. I know there's no Sanity Claus.As a PSA of my own, I'd like to share our lawyer's review of the TEST contract, including all the fine print, and esp. the Sanity Clause:
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_Sy6oiJbEk
I'm either not in that list, or you can not search for yourself, or I'm drunk, or It is because I'm ashamed of you all so I redacted my membershipThere is no button we can push, you would have to check the member list https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/TEST/members
Typically the people who would respond to your post should have a long posting history here, that would be the most obvious way.
I have access to the org forum?You have to belong to the org to have access to the org forum there.