ok now im serious, do you really think, one person could alone write such a thing for many languages???
are you really sure you think this is possible?
omg omg omg, i need a drink.
life as dev is hard, ppl think we make wonders.
I know some languages re-order words like french puts a colour after an object whereas in English it is the colour then the object. This is something that would have to be tackled later on or taken account of by the reader. I don't think one person would have to do it alone, they could collaborate with others - who knows, maybe there are companies out there just waiting for a willing busy forum to try this? There are many automated translation services available. Using them to translate text for any single post that requires it
may be possible. If there are only two posts in a thread that need translating, only those would be translated... I don't see why we cannot attempt anything - We are Human, we have Ideas, Imagination and Tools.
The only thing that ever stops a Human from at least trying something is other Humans.
let us iterate this, ok?
how do you want to know, if you dont speak that languagage, that it has the correct meaning?
I didn't say it would be perfection immediately. Google Translate invites users who have familiarity with more than one language to provide a more accurate translation which has slowly helped their system become the most reliable and it only becomes more accurate with every passing day. With a Forum platform where people communicate every day, it could help that even more.
Look at one of my earlier posts: If we don't start, it will
never work because no one will try.
If we start and it is perhaps only 50% useful, that is 50% more communication you have with persons of other languages and it'll only get better. Right now you have 0%. Why not try? What is there to loose apart from barriers?
Either that, or we all learn Esperanto - Mi ne uzis tradukiston por tajpi ĉi tion en Esperanto. Jes mi faris.