Countering Star Citizen "Spys"


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
Naff Naff,
Father Ted is in my top 5 comedies of all time.
I often quote it to Mrs Intruder, ' now you've embarrassed me in front of real people'
'arse, drink'.
'yes father'
What a loss Dermot was to us, in his 40's I think when he died.

My favourite episodes are the milkman's children and upsetting the Chinese community (not the titles of the episodes but hopefully you know what I refer to)

OFF TOPIC- I'm not sorry me you darn mods
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Naff Naff,
Father Ted is in my top 5 comedies of all time.
I often quote it to Mrs Intruder, ' now you've embarrassed me in front of real people'
'arse drink'.
'yes father'
What a loss Dermot was to us, in his 40's I think when he died.

My favourite episodes are the milkman's children and upsetting the Chinese community (not the titles of the episodes but hopefully you know what I refer to)

OFF TOPIC- I'm not sorry ban you darn mods
My favorite episode is the one where Jack is taken to the Old Priests home and they have to go rescue him. Also the episode where Jack sobers up is an absolute riot.

Indeed, gone far too soon, he was just about to move into other avenues of his career and suddenly... He won't be forgotten soon, though.

"This is a very milky cup of tea, Mrs Doyle..."
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