Help! Derek Smart is attacking me on twitter! :D

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Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, many of you do insist on calling Montoya "glorious leader" which is definitely cult-like. Anyone who knows nothing of Test will see that within minutes and draw the cult conclusion for themselves.

For the record, I will never use that term. I am not a North Korean, afraid to lose my life, which is what that term means to me.

Some of you think it's fun, I think it's sad. We're different and that's ok. :slight_smile:

You can't very well get mad when people mistake your fun for fact, they just took you at your word.
Then you could use “Glorious Boss” or something like that.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
You should see the Drama Mega thread in that sub.
Derek bragged about doxxing people on his twitter and blog. Among them the Chris and Sandi Roberts Kids.

There are legal docs from Ortwin and Derek. All of which Derek has made public via his blog.
Keep in mind that when CIG investigated further found that Derek gave a non-existent address.

Mandalore gaming commented on this as well saying he should probably not doxx employees or their kids.

Here is the video time stamped.

If Derek wants to shine a light on Test Squadron let him do so.
If you haven't seen that Drama Mega thread, you need to check it out;

In a nutshell, Dip Shit is the most toxic person in the room, and thrives on controversy and flame wars. Supposedly, he is also a game developer, but have you or anyone you know ever played any of his games? Enough said...

All I know is, if a "journalist" or "news site" quotes this guy, just point everybody to the Drama Mega thread...


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
If you haven't seen that Drama Mega thread, you need to check it out;

In a nutshell, Dip Shit is the most toxic person in the room, and thrives on controversy and flame wars. Supposedly, he is also a game developer, but have you or anyone you know ever played any of his games? Enough said...

All I know is, if a "journalist" or "news site" quotes this guy, just point everybody to the Drama Mega thread...
I have, not much but I had. I do not remember exactly why I did not continued playing Battlecruiser 300AD but I must say that t was a game with some fame, do not remember why but I remember being surprised (for good).


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
I read this as 'Help Derek Smart Attack Me on Twitter', but I am too lazy to jump on Twitter to attack glorious leader so all I can say is Boo, hiss, you paid goon shillizen, scam, disastrous disaster, fraud, mayhem, jail - oh wait, we're not talking about Battlecruiser 3000AD or Line of Defense and Doctor (not Dr.) Derek Smart - never mind, I can't adult today.

Oh, and I like turtles.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
In my humble opinion, I feel that it is only fair to do until others as they would do unto you. You know, "The Golden Rule". In the case of DS, should he go around legitimately doxxing people online, then he should have all of his own personal info listed online in various places where his enemies might easily find them.
You don't think he's important enough to actually have any enemies, do you? ;)


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
You don't think he's important enough to actually have any enemies, do you? ;)
In the turbulent nature of things during this day & age, I would wager that he's most likely provoked somebody to the point where if they ever found a way to get to him they would hunt him down & do horrendous things to him if not kill him. (Probably as payback for the doxxing he has done to them.) While I don't feel that strongly enough to go Dip Shit hunting myself, if I was to end up on a jury for a trial of a person who killed him I'd ask, "why punish him instead of giving him a medal?" DS is a human sized & shaped cockroach at best. Whatever hell happens upon him, he deserved & brought on himself.


Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle

I hope that this is the correct place to suggest a moderator/Forum policy of zero Dr Smart comments and threads.
I don't agree to censorship.. anyone should be able to post whatever they want as long as it is not blatantly humiliating, trolling or disrespecting anyone that doesn't deserve it.

Also LOL, I think in that video(I have watched all Dick Dumb vids so not sure) he explains that LOD is a seamless game, because the loading icon is an animation.. and games with animated transition screens are also called seamless. I died laughing at that point.


Grand Admiral
May 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't get it. This guy has no stake in this project, no investments and yet trolls while openly showing us his game in development that is worse than an Atari game. He is simply a waste of time.
He has a stake in Seeing Star Citizen fail. He has claimed to try and make something similar to SC. I can only imagine how that went.


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
I know our De facto Cult leader currently disagrees with me about how to or if to interact with Dr Smart.
There are a large number of places on the net ridiculing Dr Smart and pointing it his many errors.

In Test Squadron we are slightly more mature and reasonable ( well maybe not mature) than the many parts of the internet, certainly bad behaviour/abuse is dealt with better here than in other places, consequently it is a more pleasant place.

In my view Dr Smart has at minimum a personality disorder and possibly a mental illness. Would you ridicule such a person in the local park/shops ETC.

The below video is interesting, the Twitcher is interviewing Dr Smart whilst playing LOD. ( Dr Smart is constantly mentioning LOD in his tweets)
The game starts at about 6 mins.

Now if you take into account that LOD is a contemporary of Elite Dangerous, and SC, its appearance is more like that of a early 1990's game, the ship flight model is very dated, in fact LOD is a very poor game, and that is obvious when you see it. If you have never seen LOD which is Dr Smarts Flagship game released 3 years ago you will be shocked at the state of it
Flight model at 13min 24secs

In the video Dr Smart seems oblivious to that fact and is in my view obsessed with promoting it,


I hope that this is the correct place to suggest a moderator/Forum policy of zero Dr Smart comments and threads.
Argh! After that video of the ship flying I had to wash my eyes! Was so amateur... (or probably just not completed yet). Maybe he just need to end the main engine and get funds to get better assets...
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