You missed SOTS 16? It was the Special Edition where to watch it you had to eat a bag of Rice.
Let me explain:
During a fit of extravagance, Montoya used his Glorious Powers to take the Binary that SOTS 16 was coded to and had laser-printed onto grains of rice - it took a long while and there were so many grains, but eventually it worked out to be roughly the size of a normal bag of rice you could pick up at the store.
Well, where it differs is when eaten SOTS 16 was indelibly printed into the cells of the consumer. You didn't just watch SOTS 16, you took it in and it became a part of you. Whatever was in SOTS episode 16 would forever mold your experiences going on from that point forward.
There were only two minor drawbacks:
1) A standard bag of rice contains about 16 servings. Experiencing SOTS 16 in one sitting was tough going even for the most dedicated of Testies.
2) The process of absorbing an episode of SOTS caused symptoms resembling a small but unpleasant hangover.
Thus was SOTS 16. We'll never see their likes again.