You reacted just fine my friend.PRAISE BE!
You did it @CosmicTrader ! We did it! Chris Roberts did it! I'm so fricking excited I don't know how to react!
I am very pleased that you all are enjoying 3.2........
It will get sooooo much better. This is just a small taster.
btw - Many of you may not know this but.......
Ship and spawn locations should persist after bed logout, even if the player changes regions/servers.
So we no longer need to spawn into Port Olisar all the time.
Your mining on Cellin...Log out of the game from the Prospector's bed....
When you next log into the game..Choose any server and you will (98% of the time - bugs do exist) spawn back in the bed of the Prospector on Cellin.
OH YEAH.....This is one of the best features of 3.2