FailureToReport is increasingly unhinged!


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Dear Leader and CIG have a whole lot of space in this dude's head - rent free!

Corporate Efficiency in action


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I appreciate FTR's interpretation of the events, but I don't feel sorry for him over that CCU thing anymore. He doens't seem fussed about not getting the CCU so no harm, no foul. Actually he talks about it like it's forgettable - I'd be pissed off but he's pretty chill about the whole thing. FTR does not mind, in fact from that I'd be surprised if he's ever, ever bought it up ever again...

I was interested to see him use the "No Evidence" line I keep using on Youtubers in regard to unsubstantiated claims and Due-Diligence - The last person who "borrowed" my angle was Virtual Ace... I won't pick apart his whole video as i've had lots of practice at this, but lets take one of his observations right at the beginning:

(In regard to Montoya calling himself a Dreadnought Class F*ucktard) " a Capital Class... F*ucktard?"

The retort although technically accurate ignores the Historical pretext that makes the claim valid: There are many different types of Capital Class ship, usually the largest like aircraft carriers today - however the Dreadnought was the ship that defined "Capital Ship" - Wiki states it was first coned in 1909, three years after HMS Dreadnought redefined what a battleship was when it was launched to sea in 1906:

"The term "capital ship" was first coined in 1909 and formally defined in the limitation treaties of the 1920s and '30s in the Washington Naval Treaty, London Naval Treaty, and Second London Naval Treaty. This applied mainly to ships resulting from the dreadnought revolution; dreadnought battleships (also known first as dreadnoughts and later as battleships) and battlecruisers."

They had to make Treaties about how nations were going to go ahead with their Arms construction, thats how much of a game-changer the HMS Dreadnought was and lent its name to the whole Capital Class of its day.

By being a Dreadnought class F*ucktard, Montoya isn't just a Capital Class F*ucktard - he is the F*ucktard, the one that redefined the genre of F*ucktardery in the first place, he is the beginning, the genisis, the alpha and the F*ucktard all others are judged by and must be looked to to gauge whether the person you are looking at is a F*ucktard. Nations look upon Montoyas F*ucktardery and say: "Uh... woah. We gotta legislate for this or something serious could happen..."

Before the Dreadnought there were just Battleships. After the Dreadnought arrived on scene, there were capital ships, yes being a Dreadnought Class in something does mean something. Saying "Uh, so capital class?" is like saying "Uh, so guy that got nailed to a tree?" when The Beatles compared themselves to Jesus.

Again, yet another Youtuber not doing their Due Diligence.


You can read more about the 'Dreadnought Revolution' here, yes, it really was a thing:

Let this be a lesson to FTR and others not to use other commenters bullshit. (All youtubers, not just FTR: If you see some comment you like the sound of but it has the faint wiff of Bullshit, don't then use that bullshit).

I helped in a small way to pull down the name of Virtual Ace (maybe I give myself too much credit?) when I realised he/she was repeating what I was saying, because what he/she didn't know I was going somewhere with it. Now FTR talks about evidence? I could go through his back catalog, I could detail every instance where unsubstantiated claim is made and there would be nothing they could do about it. It could pull down the credibility of his channel and kick his views in the dick - Even two days ago he put up a correction video because he made a claim that wasn't true about Quantum Travel not being available in patch 3.2... All credit for putting up a correction, but it demonstrates my point that he had not been into the patch to try it personally and didn't know what he was talking about.

If you make a comment, always know where you are going with it. Have evidence, have screen shots if you have to, have backup proof, because if someone grabs it and runs with it as FTR seems to have done with my Evidence line, they are putty in your hands and wide open to where you want to go with it.

Am I going to go through his back catalog to find every unsubstantiated claim? No. Am I even going to go back to find the video of him ranting about the CCU debacle to reinforce my point in the first line of this post? Nope. Although i may have all the skills of a Troll built over 20 years of Forum use mixing with the worst the world has had to throw at me, I am not malicious enough to use those skills. Yet.​
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I have not had time to watch his response yet, but Im sure it is very entertaining, filled with logic and sound decision making.

At first glance:

1) 15min? That is way to long! Give me a 5min condensed version with lots of swearing and jumping up and down! Ill watch that!

2) In his other videos, his voice goes higher the angrier he gets. I can only assume he reached a frequency that only bats can hear in this one.

3) I kinda feel bad now. He made that video immediately after seeing mine. Meaning he scrambled to find screenshots, had to edit and make all of this within a few hours! That is not a big deal for most people, but he is a family man, he has kids! To put aside your entire evening to make a squealing REEEEEEE video response meant ignoring his family for the night, and that is not right.

Frad in'Ryth

Vice Admiral
May 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I find it interesting looking at this frankly juvenile (you can hear him getting flustered and emotional as he talks about the reasons he was removed from Test) retort in comparison to SidAlpha's response. SidAlpha laid out why he disagreed with Montoya's points in a measured fashion, FTR is just whining, swearing, and committing all the crimes (usually in short order) he's pointing his finger at Montoya for doing. He's a billy badass because he swears and insults someone directly instead of using sarcasm?

Also I'm making an interweb law here and now. "If you leverage the comment section of a video as a reason the video is bad/wrong/incorrect etc you undermine any validity of your point. Stick to the content of the video you're refutting or be dismissed as a Super Duper Mega Dreadnaught class f*ckwad." This will be known as Frad's Law, spread it far and wide!
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I have not had time to watch his response yet, but Im sure it is very entertaining, filled with logic and sound decision making.

At first glance:

1) 15min? That is way to long! Give me a 5min condensed version with lots of swearing and jumping up and down! Ill watch that!

2) In his other videos, his voice goes higher the angrier he gets. I can only assume he reached a frequency that only bats can hear in this one.
Here is a quick summary, noobifier style, of the ftr video:



Space Marshal
Feb 10, 2015
RSI Handle
"If you leverage the comment section of a video as a reason the video is bad/wrong/incorrect etc you undermine any validity of your point. Stick to the content of the video you're refutting or be dismissed as a Super Duper Mega Dreadnaught class f*ckwad."

Except for being a 'Super Duper Mega Dreadnaught class f*ckwad', it's too close to montoya's nickname 'Deadnaught Class F*cktard'. Although I think montoya's nickname should now be 'Super Duper Mega Dreadnaught class F*cktard'.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Ah this guy is just trying to become more relevant in today's modern Social Media world. If he can make enough noise, he'll have more people to pay attention to him even though he's devoid (I have the best words) of any appreciable talent. He basically wants to be Kim Kardashian. He may not have a big ass, but he is a big ass. Nothing to see here folks. Turn the page and walk on with your life.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah this guy is just trying to become more relevant in today's modern Social Media world. If he can make enough noise, he'll have more people to pay attention to him even though he's devoid (I have the best words) of any appreciable talent. He basically wants to be Kim Kardashian. He may not have a big ass, but he is a big ass. Nothing to see here folks. Turn the page and walk on with your life.
Very good advice. by the way, I ended up watching a recent Elite: Dangerous video he made recently. His vitriol is not reserved for CIG, or @Montoya. It's spread quite evenly it looks like, this is just the way he does things. Probably an ego boost from trolling. People can get addicted to that kind of thing.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Was this just more of CR's stuff or someone good?
So... I am required to ask... which CIG staffers undies would you throw some folding money at for? Smiths? Josh Coons? Landos?
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