Thank you TESTies for helping this morning!
Thank you TESTies for helping this morning!
isnt that kinda all we do?We should have some demolition derby!
This is one cool vehicle, drove it on Hurston and it works great, a lot easier to handle than it look consider it's size and over all very well done.
But did notice it don't handle rocks well not even small one you could step over easy made it slow down considerably or some time temporarily get stuck.
IMO this is something they need to fix. so avoid tangle with very rocky parts of surfaces if you can./.../
contributed and I added the problem with foot high rocks it can't get over or get stuck onAlready reported : ) /unfortunately, I can no longer edit it, so I can't add rocks to the title/ @Mich Angel
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And we definitely need some demolition derby -- how about next weekend?
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