Well, last CitizenCon 2948 Drake Interplanetary was the sponsor, so Drake Kraken was presented. Given that, according to RSI website, this CitizenCon 2949 is sponsored by Anvil Aerospace [
RSI CitizenCon page ] it seems reasonable to assume it will be an Anvil ship. If it is an announcement, then the ship should not exist yet, otherwise it may exist unbeknownst to us, but beknownst to them. So it should not be an F8 or Carrack, it should be something new.
Also, in an attempt to make an informed guess we may look at the role coverage and past performance. Drake had ships from a space bike, to a light fighter, medium fighter, freighter, no exploration ship and no capital class ship. In capital class ships there were no carriers that can carry ships on the flight deck, only internally, so there was Kraken.
Anvil is a military ship manufacturer. However, Aegis Dynamics is also a military ship manufacturer and they have a Vulcan (support ship) Reclaimer (salvage). Anvil Aerospace currently has many ship classes, including support (Crucible and Valkyrie) and land vehicles, but they don't have a Space Bike, a Semi-Capital Class Ship, Capital Class Ship, a light vehicle, a combat vehicle like a Tank.
Moreover, we know from lore that
The UEE military uses modified Hull D as part of their supply chain, arming and refueling the soldiers on the front line. Therefore, it is unlikely that there is a need for Anvil Aerospace to come up with a Freighter.
In addition, we know that Anvil ships are tough as nails, and that the Anvil armor is among the best in the 'verse. We also know that Anvil likes to use guns, turrets and gimbals. Whatever Anvil produces is likely to be not stealthy, somewhat bulky, but very well armed with guns and with very tough armor.
Finally, we know that in a capital class ships there is a gap between a Destroyer (Javelin) and a Carrier (Bengal): there are gunships, a corvette, and a frigate. In comparison, Vanduul have ships in classes from Battle Cruiser / Battle Ship to Mothership. We know that there is a Super-dreadnought, but that's likely out of scope of the presentation, as well as Mothership class.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that it is likely that Anvil Aerospace may present several ships. Possibly two tiered capital class Battle Ship (upper tier with more armor and shields, but slower) and a Battle Cruiser (lower tier, same guns, maybe torpedoes, less armor and shields, but faster and more maneuverable). Also, it is possible that Anvil would present an Anvil Tank and Armored Personnel Carrier (APC).