Upgrade a 600i into a Carrack?


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
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The 600s have S3 components (Large) except the jumpdrive. I would consider it a large ship. You are paying for luxury tax is why it is over priced.

I would be safe and pick-up a ccu in case the Carrack gets another price bump when flight ready. After flight ready you can play with the Carrack all you want and make your decision then.
I think this is the last price bump it has had 1 to many in my opinion. If you are looking for the next ship to get a price bump i feel its going to be the BMM.(This year feels like the right year also seeing as the Defender if finally finished and all the hype there is to the ship.)Sadly i only got 1 guess right this year with the defender pump hopefully this year i'll do better. Time to sell all my upgrades and reorganize everything. to prep for the next pump so i can get that perfect upgrade path.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
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Keep the 600! The destination is only part of the journey, you wanna have fun flyin' don't 'ya?
I think were getting confused with the roles here... There is yacht type like Montoya, and there is the functional type like the rest of us. I would not think this ship (600i) should be used like a heavy fighter... nor the Carrack. So, to expect to fight your way out of a internet spaceship battle with a 600i would be stupid (running is probably the best solution). If it were to come down to fighting both the Carrack and 600i are losers. Its not its role. Security is not a top concern because you're dead if you can't run in both ships... maintaining the crew is for a long duration is. Exploring planet to planet.

I challenge @Montoya to take his yacht off the coast of Somalia and see what happens. Maybe CR will bail him out.


Space Marshal
May 19, 2017
RSI Handle
If you decide to go for the Carrack without the explorer pack let me know, you can save some credits.
Melt the 600i, buy a $20 Aurora with cash, upgrade the Aurora to a Gemini using your melted credits, then you can exchange that with me for a Carrack. I would just melt the Gemini for credits.

I'm still short a lot of credits for my upgrades and so doesn't matter to me. But you should let me know soon before I start spamming my visa to wrap up my upgrades. Also note that this would only work in your favor if the melt value of the 600i is over $350.
Hey hi Esctasy, I've got around 125USD store credits I'm not currently using after I (re)melted my fleet, I'm happy to sell them at a discount if that can help, pm me

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
The tough question here is what advantage in exploration will the Carrack have over the 600?
Carrack is going to require more crew to properly function. . .
I don't think the question of best explorer is between the 600i and Carrack. It's between the Carrack and Polaris. So long as you have sufficient crew (and you always will, Glorious Leader), I think bigger is better.

I am just unsure how the Carrack is better than the Polaris at exploration. One supposes it can do better scanning. We'll have to wait and see.

I'm not even sure either of these will be the best explorer. On deep excursions, most of your time will be in quantum, so the best explorers will probably need Cap sized Q drives. Given you will never have trouble finding a crew, I think you might consider the Idris P as an explorer. One can imagine putting half dozen rovers on the ground, along with half dozen X1 Force bikes, and you can supply support for any number of utility birds. The same crew you use to explore, you can use for battle, and that crew will all be good at their jobs if they spend enough time on the one ship.

It does not make sense to me the Idris has L radar, and I think that is a remnant of an old system. If I found that the Idris really has a smaller radar than the Polaris, then I guess I would rethink.

So for example, you can fly the Idris out QT for a full day or two, and then anyone who wants to join you and has a bed can fly out. Save the hanger for birds with no beds, like the Tracker.

An Idris could support 315Ps, Mustang Deltas, Sens all of which might take a week to reach the Idris, but since they have beds they could reach you, and after that they can resupply and fly off the Idris. Lancer Durs could do the same, though it would take them less time to get in theater.

One bird becomes the support ship for all those who want to explore a region, so you begin to think of the Idris as a highly maneuverable station, with constant activity of little birds coming and going, which is much more fun than being alone, IMHO. The Idris owner could actually lease support services for a small fee and a portion of any significant find, so everyone gets something. If you want to stay for more than a week or two, then you need a StarG to come out, but it would be much safer with an Idris as a companion. With a StarG gathering fuel in situ, the Idris could stay out indefinitely.

I organized planetary search Ops for both Ailon Nova Guard and The Wraiths in SWG. I'd be happy to show someone how to organize very large searches with GoogleDocs. If you really want that Krath transporter technology*, you need to think about the long searches.

* Hell no, I made that shit up. Transporter technology?! Are you kidding me. . .what? Wait. No, really?
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
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I will be honest lately I am thinking of my main ship being the Mercury Star Runner, I like the design, multi role, small screw all right up my alley. I am however looking to serve on a larger ship in either exploration, mining or salvage.


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
Star Runner is so sexy!!!

But the reason you'll find the 600i size ships and Carrack as being the best at exploration is directly from CIG themselves, not all ships can fit in all jump points. Some wormholes are too small for larger cap ships and the Carrack, while large, would be expected to fit in most.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2016
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What would you do?

I have the 890J for luxury.

The 600 as an explorer vs the Carrack?

The tough question here is what advantage in exploration will the Carrack have over the 600?
yes you should do it the Carrack are for my opinion the best explorer ship for now
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Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
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Glorious Leader is asking the wrong question - he needs a Kraken, paint it white and blue, insist we call him Jacques while he wears a beret and a swimming suit while on the bridge, and call it the Calypso. Kraken is best explorer, fight me!

In all seriousness, I am still VERY nervous about how the Carrack will look externally but actually have no question that it will be glorious to be aboard - a proper simulated military explorer and I am glad I own one.

I am almost sad I passed on the Torpedorito, still love how it looked in the concept art, but at this rate it will will look like a fat crescent roll when it releases and it seems they keep upping the ante with new concept ships eclipsing the old favorites. If it turns out nice I'll get it later.

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