What are your thoughts on this whole prison gameplay loop?


Grand Admiral
Oct 23, 2018
RSI Handle
TEST people get sent to prison. TEST people get TEST people out of prison. TEST now owns the prison.
One reasons I can't wait for my Prowler, stealth prison escapes!

I like the prison Idea but only if they can make it less harsh for un-intended crimes, like not being able to stop for a random cop inspection fast enough. After they handle that better, then I am all for it. I figure it will mostly be the "dumb" criminals that get sent to prison, those that are not smart enough to plan your crimes for a non com-stat zone, get rid of the black box ect.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I agree that even if you are engaging in pirate behavior prison itself should be made so it is avoidable with forethought, but it definitely needs to be there as a deterrent to griefing like pad ramming and unprovoked asshatery. The wiggle room needs to be there for the little stuff. What happens if you're crewing someone's ship as they haul cargo only to get stopped and "frisked" and find out they've got a half dozen SCU of widow in the hold they never mentioned? If you're on the hook too I don't think being sent to prison because of it would be balanced.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I gotta disagree here. It's a game, it should be fun no matter what.

The "punishment" is taking away your agency. Wanted to go exploring or fighting today? Now you're forced to go mining for prison credits.

It should be more annoying to have to deal with than straight up unfun. People will get pretty pissed at CIG if it makes you spend your available time doing tedious work anyways, no matter how fun it is. I think they shouldn't try to artificially increase the hassle.
I disagree with your disagree. I think you will have to consider the whole game they are planing not the current state the game is in.
Yes the game should be fun.
And you have to consider that not everyone wants to play the game you want to play it.
People will want to stay in a relative secure space. People will want to have the thrill of beeing constantly at watch for enemys. People will want to be the bad guys. Some will want to be the white knights.

There will be several jurisdictation. There will be unlawful space where people can go and do whatever they want, without having to care about prisons.
There will be secured space where "carebears" (no offense) can roam relativly safe and if you decide todo something bad you will have to face punishment.

I already stated that it should be somewhat avoidable if you behave smart. Also if there is no "punishment" you kill another entire game loop for other players - bounty hunters.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'd like to appear to the UEE authorities to be a "White Knight" so that they won't pay any attention to me periodically helping out some of my friends that live more along the grey zone in the Verse.

TEST people get sent to prison. TEST people get TEST people out of prison. TEST now owns the prison.
I'd have to slightly modify that good Sir. TEST members get sent to prison, other TEST members break into prison to deliver fresh supplies of space beer & alcohol, TEST members in the grey & dark realms of in game life then uses those prisons as home bases as well as recruitment centers that are guarded & protected by the UEE. Everybody loves TEST just a little bit more after being sent into the hole, until they sober up after they get out & have to deal with a massive hangover.

I agree that even if you are engaging in pirate behavior prison itself should be made so it is avoidable with forethought, but it definitely needs to be there as a deterrent to griefing like pad ramming and unprovoked asshatery. The wiggle room needs to be there for the little stuff. What happens if you're crewing someone's ship as they haul cargo only to get stopped and "frisked" and find out they've got a half dozen SCU of widow in the hold they never mentioned? If you're on the hook too I don't think being sent to prison because of it would be balanced.
True, that would not be fair or balanced, but that would be fairly realistic unfortunately.


Space Marshal
Aug 24, 2019
RSI Handle
I gotta disagree here. It's a game, it should be fun no matter what.

The "punishment" is taking away your agency. Wanted to go exploring or fighting today? Now you're forced to go mining for prison credits.

It should be more annoying to have to deal with than straight up unfun. People will get pretty pissed at CIG if it makes you spend your available time doing tedious work anyways, no matter how fun it is. I think they shouldn't try to artificially increase the hassle.
You have to balance it tho...what happens to that person who ship was destroyed and now has to wait like an hour to claim it? They can't do what they wanted to do either. This game play is meant hassle to those who wants to be a pirate or criminal that's the whole point. Once we have Pryo Pirates and Criminals will have a safe haven for them to stay in away from Authorities but not Bounty Hunters. Right now we are limited to one system right now that has Law Enforcement, yes it's a big hassle, but with Pryo Pirates and Criminals can escape from Stanton to Pryo, this will balance out the game play completely even with bounty hunter players coming into Pryo. But those Bounty Hunters have to Deal with EVERYONE in Pryo.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I gotta be honest, without knowing all the details, at this moment in time I think its gigantic mistake.

It sounds cool the first time, but what about the 4th, 5th and 6th time?

You and your friends are planning an evening, you log in, you realize you had a crimestat, you get stopped by cops. Next thing you know you are waking up in a prison.

Your friends are all out ready to do what ever activity, mining, exploration or combat, but you are stuck in a prison and now have to spend the next 15min-1hr breaking out?
remember, it will only impact you in an area where your crimestat is enforceable. So if you did something bad at Hurston and broke a local law, you may have to play around Crusader where that law is not enforced. You might also need to play in Pyro.

its designed to put risk into a system where there currently is none. People who come along to just kill you because they enjoy salt may not want to do it as often, or may want to do it in a non monitored area.

that said, they may need to relax some of their crimestat laws. For instance, I was piloting a ship and I did not realize how close I was to the ground. I cratered and it killed me and my passenger, as the pilot, I got a level 2 crime-stat for murdering my crew member. IMO, that should not have been a crimestat unless it was reported by the person crewing my ship.

IMO, most crimes against players should only be logged if a complaint is made. Your ship is blown up, you go to a law enforcement box and you have the ability to file a complaint about that for X amount of time, to prevent abuse, only the person(s) firing on you (pilot, gunners, etc) can be charged. If you are shot in a guild PvP training session, you probably don’t want to file a complaint, so no one ends up with a crimestat.

if you are outside monitored space, you will need a scan file or other log to file the complaint. if you are in monitored space, the act was noted already, so no other evidence is needed.

oh, and if you scan a person carrying illegal goods, you can submit that log file too to give them a crimestat. A person being scanned should be notified they are being scanned though...Allows them to take action if they want,


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
I attached the list of crimes in Hurston controlled area:

Felonies will get you imprisonment.
Misdemeanors will get you fined.

I am pretty sure that if you continue to stack up Misdemeanors, you will get imprisoned.

Seems pretty fair to me so far.


Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Jails have been pitched by the community in nearly any MMO development I have followed. I've never thought it was a good idea. Because being forced to see repetitive content has always been a bad idea. CIG will invest dollars to develop it, only to can it later. At best, prisons will become a simplified spawn point for the bad guys, while the good guys spawn somewhere else.


Dec 4, 2019
RSI Handle
One reasons I can't wait for my Prowler, stealth prison escapes!

I like the prison Idea but only if they can make it less harsh for un-intended crimes, like not being able to stop for a random cop inspection fast enough. After they handle that better, then I am all for it. I figure it will mostly be the "dumb" criminals that get sent to prison, those that are not smart enough to plan your crimes for a non com-stat zone, get rid of the black box ect.
Most of the accidents and small crimes will be a fine, I do not think it will be super easy to go to prison unless you have true ill intentions (pirating, pad raming, murder), or are trying to get there. I like the idea of a stealth prison escape with the Prowler, sounds intense!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I attached the list of crimes in Hurston controlled area:

Felonies will get you imprisonment.
Misdemeanors will get you fined.

I am pretty sure that if you continue to stack up Misdemeanors, you will get imprisoned.

Seems pretty fair to me so far.
Sabotage, so good the named it twice.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the idea because it provides consequences for your actions.
You want to be a "bad guy"? Fine, just remember, there are repercussions for what you are doing:

Where is the fun in being a pirate if you know there is no real punishment if caught? It gives you a reason NOT to get caught. It lends excitement for those that want to walk on the wild side. It can even give you a sense of pride.
"We're wanted men. I have the death sentence on twelve systems ". This shows that you are indeed a person worthy of respect from your peers. You are talented, persistent and lucky enough to have danced around the law in 12 systems and are still walking and breathing.

Then there is the bounty hunting side of it:

Maynard receives a transmission from Montoya inviting him to participate in "a special hunt... for a special prey." The reward is 500,000 Credits for the capture of the deranged leader of the Punctured Keg gang. He is only known as Blind Owl, and has a known accomplice that goes by the moniker of Crude Sasquatch. The gang is known to run a modified version of Coors Lite, a variety 10x more potent than anything else on the market, and known to eventually cause blindness and potential death to habitual users. This is cutting into the profit margins of other dealers, as well as reducing their clientele, the Syndicate wants a stop put to it.

Maynard's first hard lead is from a known smuggler. Thalstan has had many scraps with the law, but was either too cagey, or had high enough connections for anything to result in prison time, though rumor has it from a source in the Nine Tails, that he has done work for the Punctured Keg.

Maynard decides to pay him a visit....

Don't cheapen that by making law enforcement a simple slap on the wrist.🕵️‍♂️
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Unfortunately, this prison thing is going to become a familiar thing to me:thump:
Just don't get caught. Hang out at Grim Hex, stay out of the jurisdiction they have warrants on you (there are four alone in Stanton) and if you have to go through those areas just stomp the accelerator, smash through, do doughnuts for years and make sure your ammo is stocked up and as long as they can't disable your ship you 'aint going to Naughty Town.

Or, 'y know, don't be a criminal.


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Jails have been pitched by the community in nearly any MMO development I have followed. I've never thought it was a good idea. Because being forced to see repetitive content has always been a bad idea. CIG will invest dollars to develop it, only to can it later. At best, prisons will become a simplified spawn point for the bad guys, while the good guys spawn somewhere else.
I sincerely hope you are wrong. From early on the game design elements have been showing up to mitigate or moderate that segment of the population who think causing pain is the highest possible calling. Tony Z has touched on the subject repeatedly.

IF the system works to separate those from everyone else for a period of time, that would be a perfect result for a game. If prison gameplay becomes so incredibly boring for those personalities that they change behavior, or seek greener pastures, it's still a win. If it traps them into murdering each other for a while, that's a win, and will allow the 'long term costs' to be felt sooner than for the rest of us.

Creative players will be able to use prison mechanics to accomplish a lot of previously unavailable gameplay, and it's clear that is one of the intents. But for a certain segment it's going to feel like Hell.
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