Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
NZ got it right.

Severe restrictions straightaway instead of half assed measures that only prolong the ordeal. I applaud them and PM Arden's leadership.
Here is the dystopian version:

So far, Wuhan’s answer has been to create a version of normal that would appear utterly alien to people in London, Milan, or New York—at least for the moment. While daily routines have largely resumed, there remain significant restrictions on a huge range of activities, from funerals to hosting visitors at home. Bolstered by China’s powerful surveillance state, even the simplest interactions are mediated by a vast infrastructure of public and private monitoring intended to ensure that no infection goes undetected for more than a few hours.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
However NZ’s strategy was not successful. The virus has not been eliminated there.

Per 100,000 people their infection rate is actually slightly higher than Australia’s, and this is part of the reason they have reduced their level of restrictions. It wasn’t more effective and was harder on the population.

But with that said, we wouldn’t have known this unless it had been tried.

AU and NZ are tracking very closely in regards to spread and we’ll be opening borders with each other first.

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Numbers for UK for 27th April now in:

Total confirmed 157,149 with 4309 new, total dead 21092 with 360 new.


Again, too early to celebrate that low fatalities figure as seen last week we went from 449 on Monday to 828 on Tuesday so the weekend delay really does present itself:

Weekend rule.png

This anomaly is already known about.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
You want to talk about a mix of absolute seething anger mixed with a good dose of absolute sadness. This. WHERE. THE. FUCK. WAS. HER. SUPPORT. I know weve seen some tragic stuff but this is just something I can relate to and hits close to home. 😟 I don't know what else to say. Fuck man. She probably saved someones life more times than youve wiped your own ass yet no one was there for her.



Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
You want to talk about a mix of absolute seething anger mixed with a good dose of absolute sadness. This. WHERE. THE. FUCK. WAS. HER. SUPPORT. I know weve seen some tragic stuff but this is just something I can relate to and hits close to home. 😟 I don't know what else to say. Fuck man. She probably saved someones life more times than youve wiped your own ass yet no one was there for her.
That's tragic.

You know what drives me nuts? This whole cheering for 'Essential Workers' nonsense thing going on right now. Whether it's health care workers, first responders, or grocery workers. They don't want us to cheer for them. They want us to provide them with the proper PPE, working conditions, better pay, and in the case of Dr Breen..proper psychiatric support. It's like 'Thanking Vets for their Service' yet defunding the VA and their support services. It's really damn hollow.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting case study to watch here.

Sweden, population 10m, didnt take any drastic measures or lockdowns:

View attachment 15643

Norway, population 5M, shut down non essential lockdown March 12

View attachment 15644

Not looking at the numbers, but shape of the chart.
Yep, definitely looks like doing something does something. :like:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I hear injecting bleach is effective!
"I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen"

Well, at least he knows what would happen now - Disinfectant related phone calls to poison control hotlines up hundreds of percent:

As a great theorycrafter myself I could have sympathy - his original comments were questions, but ones that didn't need to be asked on the international stage in front of the eyes of the world, they needed to be asked and investigated in labs and publicly announced and used if effective and discarded if not.

I could come up with a theory right now... infuse a nebuliser with a very low level of Lipase (the enzyme that deals with fats) which patients could breathe in, disintegrating any new virals that emerge from already infected cells because the virals are covered in a fat layer they need to function.

There we go, 'BobFace's theory. It doesn't mean lipase works that way on viruses or that it would not do more harm to the lungs in the first place. It would have to be the work of scientists to find out which type of lipase would do the most good with the least damage, intracellular, extracellular etc, and make sure that even if it did work on the virus it didn't convert the parts of the dead virus into something equally as bad, like lung-eating acids or something worse that could not be countered with a PH modifier... if it's even a valid treatment at all lipase may not even touch a viral spore.

It's about the scope, scale and setting of where the theory was floated, combined with the fact people are looking to him for answers, not more questions. If 1 in 1 million people would take that kind of comment seriously and give it a go "to see what happens" that's 300 Americans mainlining toilet cleaner.

The difference between me and the POTUS is I don't have an audience of 7 billion hopeful souls and I'm genuinely theorizing for a treatment, not bring sarcastic.

But then again as he's stated it was indeed a malicious fictitious comment, so perhaps I could not have much sympathy after all.
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting case study to watch here.

Sweden, population 10m, didnt take any drastic measures or lockdowns:

View attachment 15643

Norway, population 5M, shut down non essential lockdown March 12

View attachment 15644

Not looking at the numbers, but shape of the chart.
Interesting article here, comparing Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland; these countries are all adjacent to each other. Sweden didn't take any "extraordinary" measures, the rest did impose some sort of social distancing, business closings, etc...guess which seems to be working best?
Here is the article in one picture:
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 8.17.46 AM.png


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Interesting case study to watch here.

Sweden, population 10m, didnt take any drastic measures or lockdowns:

View attachment 15643

Norway, population 5M, shut down non essential lockdown March 12

View attachment 15644

Not looking at the numbers, but shape of the chart.

It does look like Norway is starting to flatten out.

We really should still be looking not at new cases so much as the total daily deaths per 1000 as that would give a better comparison due to testing practices across countries. Normal statistic projection is done by a random sampling of a population, but only a few countries have stepped up testing to even get close to this most either only test those who come forward as having possible symptoms or by doctors request typically having already been admitted.

The other two variables to take into consideration is Sweden could very well be front-loading their epidemic deaths while reducing the economic impact where Norway will not only have a weaker economy going into this fall but see a resurgence of the virus. The other unknown is if there is long term immunity against this strain. There are already speculating that it could follow other Corona Virus traits with a short-lived immunity and so those who have already recovered can be susceptible to getting it again this fall.

Since its highly unlikely this virus is going away until a vaccine can be created sometime next year, what are our plans for this fall?


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Went out the house today and into the wild for the first time in i think close to 2 months. Traffic wasnt too heavy, but a lot of places were open for curbside pickup or service it looked like. Every person I saw outside their car had a mask on. Talking with some people I know, theyre pretty sure the numbers being reported aren't accurate as some won't report due to privacy issues. I'm sure the data we have in the state isn't accurate, and with that being the case, I'm sure its like that across the country and probably the world. How can we make any moves with such shit data? We can assume social distancing works to a large extent.

I know you guys think im crazy for even considering reopening economies back up, but im telling you, shits gonna get real if we dont. Ive already laid out how people cant get food or pay their rent and stuff. Theres plenty of examples of it out there. The evidence for this is right in front of us. Its not a stupid idea to take this into consideration no matter how strongly you feel against it. As each day passes, more and more peoples lives are going to shit. Were only a few months into this. Think about that. Only a few months and were already seeing people end up in life threatening situations. Dr. Fauci said this is never going away. Were between a rock and a hard place, and im on the side of saving the world we live in and saving people from the grueling death of starvation, suicide, civil unrest, lack of medical care for other conditions. Look at whats happening in the world, the chess pieces are moving and everything is changing. We used to go to war for oil, now it's worthless. The world economy is a giant web, everything has a connection to something else within it. We don't have the american safety blanket anymore, this was laid out years ago that we cannot project power uncontested anymore like we used to. Think about the big picture, the REALLY BIG picture. Give it time. I hope things work out, but again, the evidence is real. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where it all leads to.



Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Since its highly unlikely this virus is going away until a vaccine can be created sometime next year, what are our plans for this fall?
The plan for the Fall is: get out there pleb and get back to work!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
The plan for the Fall is: get out there pleb and get back to work!
I do so like this and I hope its as easy as that. But I fear as @Jolly_Green_Giant touched on the economic world depression is just starting and getting back to work might be difficult for most. The other thing is those who get back to work are they going to be willingly or are they going to still demand to stay at home orders and social distancing?

I have to wonder if some sort of monthly paycheck plus the availability of functional (not the surgical or homemade masks that people have been using) masks would be the right plan going forward. As much as part of me is against deficit spending and the debt level future us will have to deal with, for the moment it might be the best course to keep the economy from completely tanking and dragging us into possible armed conflict. But even then not every country has the possibility of running up their deficit to cover their GDP for the next year.

While things are bad they are only going to get worse.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
As much as part of me is against deficit spending and the debt level future us will have to deal with, for the moment
lol, get used to it...the deficit has been increasing *every* year and will only get worse with the current budget...we were on quite a spending spree before this, which didn't help:
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 11.03.10 AM.png


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Lets see how Georgia pans out.

In a week from now, if we see these lines go lower, it will be an all-clear signal.

If the go higher, well, we failed to learn from history.

Covid new cases for Georgia:

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