Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting article, alas half obscured behind a pay-wall, can you advise what the rest of the article says? It only lets me see as far as the third paragraph so I'm not really able to get your point past the headline.

@Jolly_Green_Giant shared an article earlier in the thread which indicates there has been mutation D614G which stabilized the spikes on the viral shell which help them attach to human cells.

Although it does state this doesn't mean that has changed anything in regard to the virility, just its survival rate, it does show that there is a definite evolution of the pathogen going on.

Having to use the host cells to replicate do you think there could be a beneficial effect where the host cells machinery could make it more compatible with the human innerspace as that is what is being used to create it, and in turn that makes it less likely to do huge damage or more likely to be recognized and countered efficiently by the immune system? Is that what your article points towards?

Interesting times, lets watch and see.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting article, alas half obscured behind a pay-wall, can you advise what the rest of the article says? It only lets me see as far as the third paragraph so I'm not really able to get your point past the headline.

@Jolly_Green_Giant shared an article earlier in the thread which indicates there has been mutation D614G which stabilized the spikes on the viral shell which help them attach to human cells.

Although it does state this doesn't mean that has changed anything in regard to the virility, just its survival rate, it does show that there is a definite evolution of the pathogen going on.

Having to use the host cells to replicate do you think there could be a beneficial effect where the host cells machinery could make it more compatible with the human innerspace as that is what is being used to create it, and in turn that makes it less likely to do huge damage or more likely to be recognized and countered efficiently by the immune system? Is that what your article points towards?

Interesting times, lets watch and see.
So at a short glance again theyre saying the structure of the virus is more rigid thus increasing its efficacy of penetrating its host cell. Since we could see the rise of the mutation I have to ask what other changes has the virus made and what affects do these systems have as a whole. The hardening of the coronal spikes means it is more likely to penetrate, but what then? You have a good question worth exploring but I have to admit, I barely remember my microbiology class. They did say while it doesnt prove its more infectious, it does imply it. That to me sounds like they are saying theyre on that path but still have a ways to go before figuring out whats really going on.

I've posted this before, but its always good to post again when were talking about strain mutations.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Tuesday 23rd of June:

- UK: Daily televised Coronavirus briefings scrapped, to now only occur on an Ad-Hoc basis to coincide with big things happening. Pubs and resturants announced to reopen on July 4th (yes, that 4th of July) and thousands of people who have recovered from servere COVID infections due to be recalled to hospital to check if they have lasting lung damage.

- Mexico: Newborn triplets test positive for Coronavirus, investigation ongoing to try to find out if they were infected in the womb.

- Germany: Second localized lockdown put in place to contain outbreak.

- US: Fauci informs congress testing will continue and increase as the country witnesses a "disturbing surge", following the President stating he wanted less testing due to the optics of the numbers at his first rally in Tulsa. His press secutary advised this was stated "in jest" however that has been contradicted by Mr Trump insisting it was a serious request to slow it.

- Australia: Country witnesses big shift to digital payments as COVID lockdown sees physical cash in low demand.

- Brazil: Judge warns president he has to wear a face mask as anyone else does as he persistently riles against restrictions and health advice.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Also kudos to everyone who participated in this thread for being so measured and civil.
Ha, keep reading, it turns into a roller coaster. You can see how the emotions start rising as this thing goes on, then I believe you can see confusion and apathy set in. I went back and did what you suggested a few days ago and you're right. This is definitely going to be something to look back on.

You can thank @NaffNaffBobFace for diligently reporting the numbers / news almost every day, he puts in work.

I'm glad this is resourceful to you, feel free to add to the conversation, the more perspectives the better.

- UK: Daily televised Coronavirus briefings scrapped, to now only occur on an Ad-Hoc basis to coincide with big things happening. Pubs and resturants announced to reopen on July 4th (yes, that 4th of July) and thousands of people who have recovered from servere COVID infections due to be recalled to hospital to check if they have lasting lung damage.

I wonder if the july 4th opening is arbitrary or there's some nefarious reason. What if... hear me out... it's a planned false flag perpetrated by the deep state lizard people in an effort to destabilize the western world and usher in the new world order. The inter dimensional vampires have us in check. One more move and they use COVID to turn the friggin frogs gay.

On a more serious note, the studies of the long term effects of the virus have me really curious. That's some valuable data.
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Ha, keep reading, it turns into a roller coaster. You can see how the emotions start rising as this thing goes on, then I believe you can see confusion and apathy set in. I went back and did what you suggested a few days ago and you're right. This is definitely going to be something to look back on.
You hit the nail on apathy there. I think a lot of people (myself included) are resigned to the fact that Covid19 is the new reality and we're just have to deal with it in our own ways. I've stopped caring about how other countries are dealing with it (or not) and just look after my own backyard. That's all you can do really. Look after yourself and your own people.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You can thank @NaffNaffBobFace for diligently reporting the numbers / news almost every day, he puts in work.

I'm glad this is resourceful to you, feel free to add to the conversation, the more perspectives the better.
No worries dude, since I chucked making the graphs and the status/outlooks on the 25th of May it's been no effort, just catching up on world news and condensing some of the headlines I manage to catch.

I encourage anyone to chip in with whatever they see, it's all comment worthy. Don't forget we also have the Buddy Thread over in the General Section for personal support too if it's COVID has got a bit too close for comfort. 👍

I wonder if the july 4th opening is arbitrary or there's some nefarious reason. What if... hear me out... it's a planned false flag perpetrated by the deep state lizard people in an effort to destabilize the western world and usher in the new world order. The inter dimensional vampires have us in check. One more move and they use COVID to turn the friggin frogs gay.

On a more serious note, the studies of the long term effects of the virus have me really curious. That's some valuable data.
Yep, the long term effects both physically personally and wider in how society functions, are going to be intriguing...

To quote a few lines from a song:

"This is not a new world or otherwise, It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.

It has patterned the ripping imprint on the pages of history since the beginning of time.

Time is the future "

(Pendulem, Axel Grinder)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Just venting a bit here if you don't mind:

Our "opressive regime of ruling by decree" during the state of emergency in Hungary was ended last week. Even though it gave lesser "absolute power" than most western nations gave to certain individuals on the same reasons, ours is somehow wrong and theirs is right....
To the absolute shock and horror of certain political leaning groups, absolutely nothing was done during this time that couldn't/wouldn't have been done any other "normal democratic" day, so they can't really shout at us for it. Yet the always "unbiased" BBC still tried and miserably fails at it as usual.

TLDR They are implying that somehow the leading party has retained endless powaaaaah! even though the emergency has ended.
No, they still dont.
The parliament already had the power to declare a state of emergency and grant extra powers, and they did use that point in the law this time, it's just now more deliberately phrased to include medical/pandemic as a reason. The power still ends when they call for a vote to end it, like they did this time (thus debunking the "endless" part), it's still a democratic decision by the parliament, any day they feel like it during the emergency.

BTW we are doing pretty well, numbers are low, had a few days with no deaths and even with no reported infections I think. Ofc the numbers are kinda fake cos only those are tested and reported who are in need of medical help/hospitalized, or were confirmed to be in contact with a confirmed patient. Still, things are looking up I guess? We have a bunch more testing than actually shown in the official numbers, but it's probably safe to assume that those who test positive will end up on the official charts as well sooner or later.

What makes me disappointed though, is that while loads of ppl get tax cuts and doN't have to pay interests for the rest of the year, I didn't get nadda, even though I'm in the film industry which had all kinds of tax cuts and benefits granted. But as a lowly CGI artist, I'm not eligible, while ppl like the DP and Directors get a full years tax free and can even apply for funds. A DP makes in an Hour what I make in a YEAR! Yes I'm not kidding. It's one of the very best paid jobs in the country, and that doesn't include all the under the table dealings and tax fraud they do lol.
How am I supposed to buy anything during the anniversary sale like this??

- we are out of the state of emergency, numbers look okay, everythings kinda returning to normal although masks are still mandatory in shops and public transport
-govmnt didn't abuse it's "endless powaaah" so "some" are maaaad cos they can't point fingers at us again
-govmnt helped out the big fishes as usual, small fish like me got nothing to spend on pretty jpegs
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
@Lorddarthvik Sounds like there could be some better help for people in your industry, sorry to hear about that. Can you clarify who the "we" and what "govmnt" you're referring to? I don't want to reply to that bit without clarification.
Yep, for clarification the Hungarian government and in we as in Hungary. It made sense when I read the whole thing but not on its own, sorry!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Wednesday 24th of June:

- UK: Human trials begin on a COVID-19 Vaccine developed in conjunction with Oxford university, also being administered to volunteers in Brazil and Africa.

- UK: Pub in Sheffield which continued to serve during lockdown and hid drinkers in cupboards when it was raided by police looses license to sell alcohol.

- EU: Documents seen by news agency suggest Europe may leave boarders closed to US and Russia when they reopen to reduce risk of reinfection.

- France: Virus tracking app alerted just 14 people in the last 3 weeks that they'd been close to someone with COVID with only 68 people logging that they had been tested positive.

- US: Seven states report highest rise in cases to date, even pre-lockdown: Arizona, Arkansas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

- World: International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the worldwide cost of covid to be 12 trillion dollars



Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I found this:

I've read through this and there seems to be a growing division in trauma surgeons on how best to treat those who are experiencing a severe case of COVID-19.


Yep, for clarification the Hungarian government and in we as in Hungary. It made sense when I read the whole thing but not on its own, sorry!
You just have to make more money then your political buddies will find ways to help you save more. Its standard procedure the world over.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Wednesday 24th of June:

- UK: Human trials begin on a COVID-19 Vaccine developed in conjunction with Oxford university, also being administered to volunteers in Brazil and Africa.

- UK: Pub in Sheffield which continued to serve during lockdown and hid drinkers in cupboards when it was raided by police looses license to sell alcohol.

- EU: Documents seen by news agency suggest Europe may leave boarders closed to US and Russia when they reopen to reduce risk of reinfection.

- France: Virus tracking app alerted just 14 people in the last 3 weeks that they'd been close to someone with COVID with only 68 people logging that they had been tested positive.

- US: Seven states report highest rise in cases to date, even pre-lockdown: Arizona, Arkansas, California, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

- World: International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the worldwide cost of covid to be 12 trillion dollars

View attachment 17227
This reads like the news headlines when playing Plague Inc.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle

Florida numbers here:
View attachment 17228

Assuming 5-8 days for symptoms to get bad enough that you need a hospital, we should see increasing hospitalizations by this time next week.

Let is know if that happens.

If it does not, then it is great news!
Yeah, I havent talked to my uncle so I can't tell if things are getting worse from his perspective. Given the recent data and local reports that hospitals are deferring patients I couldn't imagine its still calm and steady. I do remember deferring patients from the ER before, but I don't remember why. I dont remember if we had to deffer for a mass casualty event we had or it was just flu season. It is very rare but it does happen outside a pandemic.

I really can't see the case numbers surge and them all being asymptomatic so I think were in for some more shit.

Good luck everyone.

The clocks ticking again.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I looked up the long term effects of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which is the nearest parallel we have to this one.

I don't recommend doing this.
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