Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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According to some of the tweets I read, the numbers are still all faked and this is all just to make Trump look bad.

Faked? No. Omitting things to frame a narrative? Possible, and likely. From my perspective, Arizona, Texas and Florida were the only states with high numbers according to the news. They frequently failed to mention California, Washington and other states. The RNC will be held in Jacksonville, and just like the Tulsa rally, that will be the focus of the news cycle while the continued protests are almost seemingly immune from criticism. The rallies are a genuine concern of course, but don't think politics arent at play in all of this. Its all very deceptive strategery.

In my point of view, if everyone wear mask and stay and home, the virus will be solve by scientists.
Anyway, best wishes for every fellows.

Lets hope!


Here's something that might back up what I'm saying. Again, it may be fox but its local reporting, which I trust.

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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
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I agree with Jolly on this one. The biggest challenge with the response appears to be how quickly political manoeuvring gets involved.

it seems that in countries with the most effective response the politics are put aside and decisions are led by medical advice. I’m not sure how you pivot a country where the leadership and the media machines which back them frame everything as a political and not a health issue.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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I agree with Jolly on this one. The biggest challenge with the response appears to be how quickly political manoeuvring gets involved.

it seems that in countries with the most effective response the politics are put aside and decisions are led by medical advice. I’m not sure how you pivot a country where the leadership and the media machines which back them frame everything as a political and not a health issue.
The best way would have been to infect the lot and see how fast politics are pushed aside when media and politicians are now sick.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 16th July:

- World: 140 vaccines in development around the world with encouraging results in the US and UK in early trials. Work continues, and efforts to interfere in that work also apace with various counties accused of attempting to hack the research away from those doing it.

- Japan: Highest one day increase in cases since 3 months ago, with over 600 reported.

- US: Florida records its deadliest day to date, with 156 patents succumbing to the contageon.

- Spain: King of Spain leads tributes to victims in ceremony. Cases continue.

- US: Study on mild cases by University of Minnesota provides more evidence that hydroxychloroquine does nothing to COVID-19 as there was no difference in recovery time between those with the drug and those with a placebo.

- China: Xinjiang Provence Puzzle as small group of people contract COVID with no obvious cause.

- UK: Government to publish post-code (zip-code) Covid data so you can check how many cases there have been in your local area but not pinpoint or identify specifics.

- US: Customs detains imports of medical gloves from worlds biggest maker amidst concerns of labor violations.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 16th July:
- Japan: Highest one day increase in cases since 3 months ago, with over 600 reported.
I'm really curious about Japan. The Japanese never really implemented the same kind of strict lockdowns as seen in the other Asian countries. They've instead relied heavily on Japan's culture of obsessively wearing PPE and the country's touch adverse Otaku style awkwardness lol. That said, there's a rumor that the Japanese authorities haven't been reporting new cases and deaths accurately. Should be interesting to keep an eye on as they're technically one of the countries that's handling this pandemic better.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
...there's a rumor that the Japanese authorities haven't been reporting new cases and deaths accurately.
At this point in the show, you can say that for absolutely every country. 100 years since the last big one, only a few decades since the last big regional one, and the world still has no way of accurately logging and tracking information that with correct analysis could help make things better, faster.

Oh, well. We'll see if they do any better in the 2120 rerun.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Friday 17th July:

- US: Once again daily increase breaks records, as California and Texas deploy military medics to assist health services and 41 states now report cases are rising.

- UK: Senior figure in the leading political party accuses Prime Minister of attempting to shift blame for governmental policy failures on to health services, using it to perpetuate agenda of westling back direct control of the service.

- Japan/US: Minister of defense requests all incoming US troops be tested as case numbers of marines and other US military staff on Okinawa bases rise to 138.

- UK: Wool industry in freefall as fourteen thousand tonnes of wool goes unsold amid a crash in demand that has seen the price almost halve.

- India: Cases pass 1 million.

- EU: Covid funding summit begins.

- France: R number transmission rate rises sharply in Brittany suggesting the contagion may be taking hold once more.

- South Korea: Country approves trials of COVID treatment.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Saturday 18th July:

- UK: Health Minister calls for review of death data in UK as suggestions arise that people who may have tested positive months prior have been included in official statistics. Observers suggest that while having accurate official numbers would be beneficial, it would not explain the Above Average number of deaths which is the best indicator of the crisis numbers over the whole country regardless of if and when someone was tested, especially considering tests were not conducted on anyone outside of critical hospital cases until near or after the Peak in in early April.

- US: President refuses to mandate masks saying he wishes there to be a certain freedom.

- Spain: Barcelona back in lockdown as cases surge.

- Scotland: Daily case number reported at 21, the highest for a month.

- US: Reports indicate pandemic once clustered as hotspots in urban cities is now raging through rural areas too.

- United Nations: Head says the pandemic was "revealing fractures in the fragile skeleton of the societies we have built" going on to call for a new social contract, saying "We will not be safe in relation to the pandemic if everybody is not safe"

- US: Hundreds of Arizona teachers protest school reopenings as they fear infecting their classes, and their classes infecting them, while California indicates most schools will not reopen in time for the new term.

- World: Cases reach 14 million. 13 million cases was reached roughly five days ago on the 13th.

- India: Cases pass 1 million.

- EU: Summit to agree Bloc COVID funding working toward a compromise while talks continue.
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Oct 31, 2013
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
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Even though we had doctors telling us about how real COVID-19 is for the past seven months, we can't truly be sure if it exists.

Lets see what this mother of twins has to say!

blah fake news. Them Chinese just want to tank the US economy. It's not like they don't have trillions of dollars tied up in it.

Honestly, what do we expect we have people who refuse to vaccinate their children. As for masks yes in some cases they are better at reducing the spread of the virus mostly from those who are infected from sneezing on you or something you bound to touch. But they raise the chance that you will infect yourself mostly because people are touching their mask far more often than would normally touch their face. Go figure.

I do have to say it has been interesting to look back on this virus and the emotional turmoil it has created.


Space Marshal
Apr 30, 2016
RSI Handle
Even though we had doctors telling us about how real COVID-19 is for the past seven months, we can't truly be sure if it exists.

Lets see what this mother of twins has to say!

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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
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Honestly, what do we expect we have people who refuse to vaccinate their children. As for masks yes in some cases they are better at reducing the spread of the virus mostly from those who are infected from sneezing on you or something you bound to touch. But they raise the chance that you will infect yourself mostly because people are touching their mask far more often than would normally touch their face. Go figure.
You only need to touch your face once with enough of the virus on your hands to get sick, so I suggest anyone concerned about that washes their hands more often with soap and water regardless if they wear a mask or not. And if soap and water aren't handy, a good second choice is 70% isopropyl alcohol. It's not as good as soap and water, but it'll do in a pinch.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
You only need to touch your face once with enough of the virus on your hands to get sick, so I suggest anyone concerned about that washes their hands more often with soap and water regardless if they wear a mask or not. And if soap and water aren't handy, a good second choice is 70% isopropyl alcohol. It's not as good as soap and water, but it'll do in a pinch.
Indeed I was simply stating that studies are coming back that masks are shown to increase the amount people touch their face. So you are right washing with soap and water or if not available hand sanitizer is a great way to mitigate self-transfer as one's hands while a very poor receiver of infections is a great means of transferring to a more vulnerable body part.

Still, if you want to truly reduce your own risk of infection I'd ditch the cloth/surgical masks and go for a full-face respirator. As it's all about protecting one's mucus membranes from the virus. In all seriousness, I honestly am surprised I have not seen people going to this extreme yet.



Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Indeed I was simply stating that studies are coming back that masks are shown to increase the amount people touch their face. So you are right washing with soap and water or if not available hand sanitizer is a great way to mitigate self-transfer as one's hands while a very poor receiver of infections is a great means of transferring to a more vulnerable body part.

Still, if you want to truly reduce your own risk of infection I'd ditch the cloth/surgical masks and go for a full-face respirator. As it's all about protecting one's mucus membranes from the virus. In all seriousness, I honestly am surprised I have not seen people going to this extreme yet.

View attachment 18133
BTW, I wasn't meaning to come off as critical if it did, it was meant as an addition.

There were times that I have had to wear a P100 mask, both partial and full face like the one you showed. The older models are hellishly uncomfortable. Nowadays they're a lot more wearable, but hard to find. They also sell what amounts to spacesuit parts. Problem is, even a space suit leaks a little so you basically have to breathe unfiltered air at some point.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Indeed I was simply stating that studies are coming back that masks are shown to increase the amount people touch their face. So you are right washing with soap and water or if not available hand sanitizer is a great way to mitigate self-transfer as one's hands while a very poor receiver of infections is a great means of transferring to a more vulnerable body part.

Still, if you want to truly reduce your own risk of infection I'd ditch the cloth/surgical masks and go for a full-face respirator. As it's all about protecting one's mucus membranes from the virus. In all seriousness, I honestly am surprised I have not seen people going to this extreme yet. [big mask]
A full face respirator is a great idea for the most vulnerable who have been needing to "shield", which is quarantining themselves in their homes indefinitely to avoid getting symptoms.

I have seen many of my older friends with frail health getting hold of those plastic translucent face guards which stop the larger droplets from coughs and sneezes coming in contact with their faces, however now it has been accepted that particles as small as five microns can contain the pathogen and hang in the air for hours indoors, a full face respirator might just be the ticket.

Because of that we'd still be looking at medical grade N95's which filter out particles from 0.3 microns upwards, but are not permitted for the population t obtain in my coutry to defend the medical supply chain. People shielding could be allowed an exemption though what do you think?


Looking at the picture you supplied, and having worn nose and mouth respirators in the past in a job in the food industry being in a fine dust environment for 8 hours a day, I notice there is no filtration on the exhaust ports? Considering masks and face coverings are most effective for reducing transmission from infected to non-infected by containing exhalation particles, that kind of design is only good for defending the wearer, not reducing the 5 micron particles that could leave the infection hanging in the air indoors for hours.

Perhaps a cloth cover for the exhaust to help with that?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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Observation on the UK COVID cases and deaths:

The official UK stats page, as well as pulling the amount of tests going out daily, has also stopped reporting on the number of deaths:

"On 17 July, the Secretary of State asked Public Health England (PHE) to urgently review their estimation of daily death statistics. Currently the daily deaths measure counts all people who have tested positive for coronavirus and since died, with no cut-off between time of testing and date of death. There have been claims that the lack of cut-off may distort the current daily deaths number. We’re therefore pausing the publication of the daily figure while this is resolved."

While I understand the reasoning, I question the action of cutting off all reporting. When the Government buggered up the tax on my pay, I didn't stop paying tax until they got it right, I had to keep overpaying until they got it right with a rebate correction later. Closing ones eyes while attempting to improves ones understanding does nothing to aid understanding.

I also question how this is going to change the deaths over average number, which indicates deaths in all settings including ones which were not in a position to receive a COVID test early on in the crisis:


Note: WIth social restriction and Lockdown deaths from things such as traffic accidents, sporting accidents etc sharply declined, it is not out of the question that whatever that reduction was, to put a number on it lets say 3000, could have been filled in by anonymous COVID deaths, so when there is such a huge uplift bwtween March and April, there is horrific potential for that to be even higher.
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