Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Seems to me that most public places have taken steps already, its just not the law.
Some places around here it is law, but people still don't wear them. And I haven't heard of anyone actually being fined. I think there was even a statement from that county's sheriff that they wouldn't enforce it.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Some places around here it is law, but people still don't wear them. And I haven't heard of anyone actually being fined. I think there was even a statement from that county's sheriff that they wouldn't enforce it.
Sounds like the same situation as in Texas. The law is specifically about businesses and customers of the business in counties that have more than 20 cases, rather than a general order. Counties can add more to the rules, but I don't think it's enforced by the police or sheriff. It's more policed by the business themselves. Most are really concerned about a lawsuit so they have reasonable rules (i.e. err on the side of caution)
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Disclaimer... I am sober.

So, you know what really pisses me off about this thread? No, its I am not a denier. It is that many of the people on this thread only give a fuck about themselves. If this virus did not affect them, then they would not be on this thread (besides Jolly who I think is genuine from a science perspective). Just like all the productive threads on world hunger that I see everyone here posting about - NOT (Borat). So, I am sure all you folks donate to charity, deliver food for the food bank right... I would venture to say, no, you don't. The only reason you care about this virus is because YOU are now in the crosshairs... not some poor child in South America or Africa.

If you want to clear your conscious... donate to people who really need it.

St. Jude's (child cancer) - they are an awesome organization that treats children with disabilities
For world hunger/poverty - I just googled this for you --
Disease -

So, stop telling everyone you care so much with your platitudes and actually make a fucking difference.
Can we all please appreciate this ad hominem and strawman.

Edit: And totally forgot the whataboutism.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
For literally the first half of my life going down the shops or out for a pint carried the risk of dying in an explosion.
Half a century... is that the time frame you reference to? I know, the Irish (Northern Irish) are kind of a pain in the ass... maybe because they don't think you - British - and think the Brits right answers, or even care about them.

I come from the same the England family... and some how I got the rational gene, the "right" gene. I still do not think the UK holds a candle to Somalia, Iraq, or The Sudan. I have been to war 4 times in my life, and believe me, your grand parents and mine, in England could share the horror stories with you.

The world has changed... we have a global world. I am 15 hours from China, China is 15 hours from me. If a rouge virus is placed, it is the perfect weapon. It does not show up for several days and cannot be detected during the gestation period. The world will never be the same.

This discussion is about a virus... A VIRUS... and the people on this thread only give a shit because it affects them, ie inconvenience. When I hear people complaining about people having a different answer... I think of Stalin/Mao/Hitler and how he silenced his opposition.

This debate goes nowhere with out a meeting of the minds. Dictorial actions are not the answer, nor is talking and talking. All sides need to be listened to, the teachers, the parents, the doctors, the scientists, the business owners, political party A, B, and C.

Even with all this effort... the virus is not going anywhere.

To act scared is beneath us as a species and I would hope we have grown since the last genocide. Fear only leads to bad things.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I mean it all... selfish north hemisphere spoiled children acting like the world is falling.

Oh pretty sure that you're serious and you're absolutely right. But its not the topic.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Oh pretty sure that you're serious and you're absolutely right. But its not the topic.
It is the topic... in my professional life I live by the 80/20 rule. 80% is data and 20% is subjective. Would you like to live a world where the AI only made decisions on data... we would all be dead. Something looking at the data alone would kill us all. Hope, love, hate are not quantifiable.
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
It is the topic... in my professional life I live by the 80/20 rule. 80% is data and 20% is subjective. Would you like to live a world where the AI only made decisions on data... we would all be dead. Something looking at the data alone would kill us all. Hope, love, hate are not quantifiable.
You're switching the topic again.
Its alright move on guys


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
I am creating this thread for all things relating to the emerging coronavirus out of China. It will be a good repository for information, a good forum for discussion / speculation, and a great place to post memes. Some may say this is a nothingburger, however the information that is coming from world governments and health agencies is undeniable at this point. I do however understand there is a huge optimism bias that some people will need to overcome as we have never dealt with anything like this before in our lifetimes. Some of us have been discussing this in g-loc on discord for over a month now and its quite obvious this is getting serious (please join us there if youd like). The CDC has told us to start preparing, mostly for socioeconomic disruption.
No I am not missing the topic... you can't take humanity and politics out of this because it is a FUNCTION of it. Stop trying to marginalize me because you may not agree with my positions. Politics is offbase because it is so emotional, and can cause a lot of problems here on this thread. I get it.

Claiming people only give a fuck because it affects them is totally on base. When people run around saying... the data says it all... that is not true either.

So, I am on topic saying bunch of privileged kids crying about the inconvenience just leads to a very bad place. Nearly all the horrible regimes in history used an event like this to create unmentionable atrocities.

My plea is simple, EMBRACE the SUCK and act like an adult... because the virus is not anywhere any time soon.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
You're switching the topic again.
Its alright move on guys

Jolly_Green_Giant said:
I am creating this thread for all things relating to the emerging coronavirus out of China. It will be a good repository for information, a good forum for discussion / speculation, and a great place to post memes. Some may say this is a nothingburger, however the information that is coming from world governments and health agencies is undeniable at this point. I do however understand there is a huge optimism bias that some people will need to overcome as we have never dealt with anything like this before in our lifetimes. Some of us have been discussing this in g-loc on discord for over a month now and its quite obvious this is getting serious (please join us there if youd like). The CDC has told us to start preparing, mostly for socioeconomic disruption.
No I am not missing the topic... you can't take humanity and politics out of this because it is a FUNCTION of it. Stop trying to marginalize me because you may not agree with my positions. Politics is offbase because it is so emotional, and can cause a lot of problems here on this thread. I get it.

Claiming people only give a fuck because it affects them is totally on base. When people run around saying... the data says it all... that is not true either.

So, I am on topic saying bunch of privileged kids crying about the inconvenience just leads to a very bad place. Nearly all the horrible regimes in history used an event like this to create unmentionable atrocities.

My plea is simple, EMBRACE the SUCK and act like an adult... because the virus is not anywhere any time soon.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
No I am not missing the topic... you can't take humanity and politics out of this because it is a FUNCTION of it. Stop trying to marginalize me because you may not agree with my positions. Politics is offbase because it is so emotional, and can cause a lot of problems here on this thread. I get it.

Claiming people only give a fuck because it affects them is totally on base. When people run around saying... the data says it all... that is not true either.

So, I am on topic saying bunch of privileged kids crying about the inconvenience just leads to a very bad place. Nearly all the horrible regimes in history used an event like this to create unmentionable atrocities.

My plea is simple, EMBRACE the SUCK and act like an adult... because the virus is not anywhere any time soon.
I don't really know what your position is because most of the time i don't read here.

You are the one
who is marginalizing peoples opinion and thats what i'm calling out.

Let me quote you
"people on this thread only give a fuck about themselves"

"because YOU are now in the crosshairs "

"So, stop telling everyone you care so much with your platitudes "

" selfish north hemisphere spoiled children "

" act like an adult "


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
"people on this thread only give a fuck about themselves"
Who did I say... I am on this thread too. Guess what, the virus affects my family too, just like it does with everyone on planet earth. So to hear everyone whining about how bad it is, get over it.

There are only two people on this thread that actually fight back, and I am one of them. Otherwise, you folks would sit around in a circle jerk talking about your ideal virus solution. What if there is no virus solution except to live with it. Nobody here wants to talk about that.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
There are only two people on this thread that actually fight back, and I am one of them.
Thank you for your medical service on the front lines of battling the virus in our hospitals and public testing facilities.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Thank you for your medical service on the front lines of battling the virus in our hospitals and testing facilities.
Absolutely... thank you too. You're the best doctor I know. I know this is hard, but as a gifted person. I have a hard time convincing other people... especially if they don't get it, but most of the world would rather follow than ask tough questions.

That statement was regarding the people who try to point you in a different direction on this thread... I am no doctor, I am no lawyer, but I am an engineer and I know data.
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Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
my personal stance just for the record on the current covid politics:
  • I agree that we need to live with it (and that it will not magically disappear)
  • We are lucky that its not really a worse virus
  • it looks like with some easy procedures the virus can be restriced until we know more about it
  • At the current state it looks like treatments are getting better / virus is becoming less lethal
  • i fear that current transitonal sanctions will become permanent (just because governments love more power)
  • Fucking our whole economy might end worse for people
  • I don't really want to be in the position of decision makers and consultant balancing between sanctions based on little knowledge


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Absolutely... thank you too. You're the best doctor I know.
Alas if my degree was in the medical profession perhaps I could have done something. You don't need a degree to be involved in tending to those touched by the virus, but I am not involved in any of the medical services which are fighting back against the pandemic.

For now, all I can do is what everyone else is doing. Wait, watch and follow the advice when it comes out. We are in the unique position of being able to discuss our own areas unique approaches which I believe is what's happening here on this thread, no bitching or bellyaching. If the daily updates come across that way, again apologies, that is not their intention and not how I believe they have been interpreted by the majority.

I, and the world, appreciate your hard work trying to keep the infected from succumbing to the infection, and I can only imagine how frustrating it is to see your hard work seemingly futile in the face of daily reports of a rising tide of infections that seems to have no end.

All I can say is if the daily reporting and commenting on the virus events is getting to you, I apologize, it is not my intent to make your clinical efforts seem worthless but it is also not my intent to put my fingers in my ears, screw my eyes tight closed and pretend the tornado passing over the basement isn't there.

Know that every single moment you spend tending to the sick is time very much well spent, and during a time of global crisis much more important than any other endeavor on earth, including those which go on in the grand halls of power.

One way or another this will all be done in the fullness of time, we are just in the unfortunate position to be reading the book as it's being written. Have hope, be strong, and remember it's okay to be have [CONCERN], it's okay to be worried, it's okay to even be fearful. It's okay, okay? Just keep working as hard as you can, it's all we can do, and we will get through this.

As I said in regards to inter-country relations, with COVID you may not even have been alive when it all began, and you almost definitely didn't have a hand in causing it or what has come afterwards or how it is currently being handled, good or bad... It's okay to feel out of control of the situation, because you are not in control of it - and you never were.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Wait, watch and follow the advice when it comes out.
Ok... if it were the 1930s would you follow "someone" just because they said to, not knowing what horrors would follow? This is a virus... as an individual you need to do what you need to do, because most people do not get it. If the government says to wear a mask, wear it. If the government says to not wear a mask, don't wear one. Any person with a reasonable amount of intelligence knows you wear a fucking mask... at least it is a PHYSICAL barrier between you and the environment. The mask is a mask and is nothing more, and should not be a false sense of security - it is becoming a swastika to divide people. We need to see that, but also be smart about the politics that surround it. Point is, take care of yourself, this is one of those moments where you need to question everything and take care of yourself.

As I said in regards to inter-country relations, with COVID you may not even have been alive when it all began, and you almost definitely didn't have a hand in causing it, what has come afterwards or how it is currently being handled, good or bad... It's okay to feel out of control of the situation, because you are not in control of it - and you never were.
I do not feel out of control, but I feel the world feels helpless... which it is. This is a NOVEL virus... and you know what, all viruses were NOVEL at some point in time. This virus is not going anywhere and any thought of control is a fantasy - lock downs are a fantasy but go to your cave if you "feel" it is the right thing for you to do. Small organisms like this have killed and in some cases, made extinct living organisms in the past - this is known science.

Do what you can, keep the economies going, show compassion, and realize you are not the center of the universe. Poor people could care less about this virus and care more about finding food for the day and a warm place to sleep at night. Point is, put it in perspective.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Alright I'm gonna wade into this because I have a day off tomorrow and I'm a masochist.

First and foremost, ColdDog, most of us here genuinely have no idea what you're going on about. You latch onto several topics at the same time and throw in ad hominem personal attacks to boot. Your tone is combative, angry and has been for awhile. NaffNaff isn't the only one concerned about you. I've had my disagreements with you as well but I do care about your well being and really believe you need to take a break from this topic.

This is primarily a thread about Covid19 and ideally shouldn't deviate too much. Members like NaffNaff drop in his daily updates on Covid19 news (which I genuinely appreciate), we discuss a bit about it, and then we move on. I occasionally drop in comments about Covid19 at my workplace and my province/city. Nothing here is meant to be taken too seriously as we're all just a bunch of gaming nerds. From what I can tell, you went way off tangent and delved into global poverty(?), how we don't contribute to charity (??), and how we're elitist (???). You accuse us of being uncompassionate and privileged. You adopt a stance of victim hood, something I find puzzling. Out of curiosity I went back several threads just to figure out what was it we said that ticked you off and I couldn't find anything. I implore you to identify the posts that you deem offensive, perhaps we can then rectify them.

Ultimately, most of us here have no means to affect the outcome of this pandemic. Unless we're frontline medical workers, virologists, and infection control experts, we're pretty much just going along with this wild ride.

All I can say is continue to wear PPE (Yes we know it doesn't protect us 100%, I don't think any of us prance around in them with a sense of false security) and social distance when possible. Be kind and patient to your family, neighbours, and community. If you go way back to March/April, many of us were already saying this back then. Most of us here have long come to the conclusion that we're in this for the long haul and the virus can't be 'controlled'. All we can do is try and protect ourselves and our loved ones, pray that our governments don't shut down our economies again, and hope that the virus will eventually be managed either through time or a vaccine. That's all we can do really.

I personally am back at work doing 60+ hour work weeks. I don't feel helpless or out of control. I'm grateful that I'm earning a living again. If anything the first lockdown afforded me some much needed time off to reflect on my career, my relationships, and what's important in my life. 2020 has been an odd year for all us. We've all suffered whether it is financially, mentally, or for the unfortunate few who caught Covid, physically. That said, I hope this shared suffering has fostered in all of us a sense of empathy, compassion, and solidarity.

To end it off, I hope all of us are doing alright and I sincerely hope most of us take some time off to simply......breath.

All the best.
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