I am curious if anyone has thought about using a prefix to semi-identify ships as belonging to Test Squadron members
Something like TSS (Test Squadron Ship), TSBSS (Test Squadron Best Squadron Ship), RRS (Rock Raiders Ship), or maybe TRRS (Test Rock Raiders Ship), TYJS (Test Yellow Jacket Ship), TBS (Test Beer ship) or TBHS (Test Beer Hauling Ship), etc.
Obviously, there would be people that would use it to make it SEEM like they were a Test Ship, and there would be no way to force someone to use it when they come into Test, or remove it when they leave Test, but it's still something to think on.
I am not suggesting that this be mandatory, but it might be kind of fun to have a prefix or set of prefixes that the leadership has given a nod to. Heck, you might even want a few version so that There can be multiple ships with similar names. Like TSS Beer Hauler, TSBS Beer Hauler, RRS Beer Hauler, etc.
Something like TSS (Test Squadron Ship), TSBSS (Test Squadron Best Squadron Ship), RRS (Rock Raiders Ship), or maybe TRRS (Test Rock Raiders Ship), TYJS (Test Yellow Jacket Ship), TBS (Test Beer ship) or TBHS (Test Beer Hauling Ship), etc.
Obviously, there would be people that would use it to make it SEEM like they were a Test Ship, and there would be no way to force someone to use it when they come into Test, or remove it when they leave Test, but it's still something to think on.
I am not suggesting that this be mandatory, but it might be kind of fun to have a prefix or set of prefixes that the leadership has given a nod to. Heck, you might even want a few version so that There can be multiple ships with similar names. Like TSS Beer Hauler, TSBS Beer Hauler, RRS Beer Hauler, etc.