TO: New Babbage Traffic Control
RE: RE: Last IAE 2950's unfortunate events.
To Whom It May Concern, New Babbage Traffic Control.
I write to formerly express the disappointment I felt when I saw the announcement that the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo was to once again take place at your New Babbage Convention hall.
I trust you recall the series of unfortunate events I suffered at your hands at the December 2950 (SOL 3 calendar) Expo, which resulted in significant personal loss to myself in property, finance and reputation after your careless instructions lead to my being on top of your spaceport in contravention of local law, leading to not only personal injury caused by a fall from the top of your building to the ground below but also incarceration, accused of a crime of trespass you yourselves directed me to commit in innocent ignorance of your planets laws as a visitor to the Expo.
Please see the below link for an archive of my previous multiple attempts to contact you for a resolution to the injustice I suffered at what first appeared to be an honest mistake but as your silence intensified soon became an obviously malicious set of actions taken on your part to both harm me physically and discredit my good name.
I am sure this message will come as no surprise to you as, despite my canvassing against the use of your convention centre since my release from the Kelscher Correctional Facility, you managed to obtain the prestigious status as host for the May 2591 (SOL 3 calendar) Invictus Launch Week.
If for some reason you cannot recall my attendance to that event, please see the below link to the message I sent on that occasion expressing my intense desire to meet you and your team in person:
As you can imagine, the disappointment at not being able to locate your office at the New Babbage Space Port with the Nova I was loaned by my friends at Tumbril was only eclipsed by discovering today that despite my best efforts to convince the IAE selection committee, their event will once again be held on your planet and their reputation will once again be at the mercy of your malicious services.
As I have unfortunately not been able to sway the event to a location away from the use of your spaceport and I have not been able to meet you in person to be able to convince you to either retire from your position of responsibility, take that responsibility seriously, or otherwise ensure you cannot perform the same or similar vile actions on other citizens, I am left with no other choice than to expend some quite considerable resources securing the loan of a Hercules A2 with some specialist Ordinance with which to get my point across to you.
I look forward to making an impact on you on November 23rd (SOL 3 calendar).
I am however still a reasonable person and will happily enter in to a conversation with you as to how you intend to resolve my grievances, if only you would actually respond to one of my messages.
RE: RE: Last IAE 2950's unfortunate events.
To Whom It May Concern, New Babbage Traffic Control.
I write to formerly express the disappointment I felt when I saw the announcement that the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo was to once again take place at your New Babbage Convention hall.
I trust you recall the series of unfortunate events I suffered at your hands at the December 2950 (SOL 3 calendar) Expo, which resulted in significant personal loss to myself in property, finance and reputation after your careless instructions lead to my being on top of your spaceport in contravention of local law, leading to not only personal injury caused by a fall from the top of your building to the ground below but also incarceration, accused of a crime of trespass you yourselves directed me to commit in innocent ignorance of your planets laws as a visitor to the Expo.
Please see the below link for an archive of my previous multiple attempts to contact you for a resolution to the injustice I suffered at what first appeared to be an honest mistake but as your silence intensified soon became an obviously malicious set of actions taken on your part to both harm me physically and discredit my good name.
I am sure this message will come as no surprise to you as, despite my canvassing against the use of your convention centre since my release from the Kelscher Correctional Facility, you managed to obtain the prestigious status as host for the May 2591 (SOL 3 calendar) Invictus Launch Week.
If for some reason you cannot recall my attendance to that event, please see the below link to the message I sent on that occasion expressing my intense desire to meet you and your team in person:
As you can imagine, the disappointment at not being able to locate your office at the New Babbage Space Port with the Nova I was loaned by my friends at Tumbril was only eclipsed by discovering today that despite my best efforts to convince the IAE selection committee, their event will once again be held on your planet and their reputation will once again be at the mercy of your malicious services.
As I have unfortunately not been able to sway the event to a location away from the use of your spaceport and I have not been able to meet you in person to be able to convince you to either retire from your position of responsibility, take that responsibility seriously, or otherwise ensure you cannot perform the same or similar vile actions on other citizens, I am left with no other choice than to expend some quite considerable resources securing the loan of a Hercules A2 with some specialist Ordinance with which to get my point across to you.
I look forward to making an impact on you on November 23rd (SOL 3 calendar).
I am however still a reasonable person and will happily enter in to a conversation with you as to how you intend to resolve my grievances, if only you would actually respond to one of my messages.
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