Ares Inferno first look!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
One of those things that says "dubious accomplishment" to most of my brain.
The very definition of a mixed blessing - A fantastic accomplishment, but at such a cost!


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
Do you like lobbing large tubes at people while remaining unseen and then slipping back into the night? Or do you like the thrill of being a large fighter that goes Brrrrrrr but can't really effectively engage other fighters and thus are more of a bomber without being a bomber?

Honestly, while they say the Ares is intended for capital ships it's always struck me more as a great counter to large ships and not so much capital ships.
hmm, well i guess for me it would depend on how easy you could field both to an engagement that would require them and if either was better equipped for "Oh F#@K" moments.

-Are either more viable to roam around looking for prey solo vs the other?
-Does the stealth of the Eclipse mean it can disengage for the most part at will and be safe?
-The Ares has the offense, but does it have any chance vs a couple of smaller fighters that happen to catch it?

Lots to find out I guess


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
hmm, well i guess for me it would depend on how easy you could field both to an engagement that would require them and if either was better equipped for "Oh F#@K" moments.

-Are either more viable to roam around looking for prey solo vs the other?
-Does the stealth of the Eclipse mean it can disengage for the most part at will and be safe?
-The Ares has the offense, but does it have any chance vs a couple of smaller fighters that happen to catch it?

Lots to find out I guess
For both smaller fighters are the counter to them. While the Eclipse is more stealthy it should be free to engage and disengage on its own terms for the most part, but given this feature is not really fully implemented yet it's still unknown how easy it will be as well as once tagged how quickly will it be to fade away.

Both are also very situational in that you would need to know ahead of time what the engagement is before heading off to it and both would have a hard time addressing any sort of ship outside their specific target role. I would go so far as to say both are not lone ships and are meant to fulfill a role in a group and would be ill-equipped to do so, both in what do you do once you are successful in disabling the target, what do you do with the targets escorts (say attacking a Hull C would be a great target for both ships but no merchant should be flying alone nor would the payday be successful without help from a Caterpillar).

So I would say both are not good for general purpose/ solo game play. Where they shine is in the types of targets and advantage they bring to fleet battles while the eclipse is significantly limited in the number of torpedos it's equipped with it can both be the opening play as well as active in flanking the large/capital ships. Ares is more meant to bring the pain in the middle of battle (along with ships like the Gladius and Retaliator) and engage head-on. So large/capital ships are their targets and fighters are their counter.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Don't worry, I've got the same affliction. The upside is there's a F8C in my near future. The downside is there's an F8C in my near future. WTF.
On the day you achieve it you will receive a hearty Congratumiserations from me!
When this happens, I'll ask how the planning goes to pair the 1st F8C with its "Executive Edition" sibling. That's what started coming to my mind as the 1st grew close with the realization that the IAE would be arriving before the year ends. Obviously, my bank account is seeing that creeping closer & most likely getting ready to be used a bit. Cheers to all of us in advance.
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