Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
While I did not like the change in the naming protocol it's this that reinforces the need for media consumption. To think having a strain named after you was a badge of honor as you were the first to isolate and identify it. Now it's used to shame you as if your area created it, go figure.
People don't understand the naming conventions that weren't meant for them to consume. But we still name diseases after the "index patient" who is really just some poor sod that got sick and was lucky enough (unlucky enough) to be the one they finally identified what was going on. Like Grovers Disease, Meniere's syndrome, etc. Those are the last names of a patient.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It will take me a lifetime to understand why a political disagreement can force a government shutdown in the US. That only hurts civil servants, and the public that depends on their services. That smacks of legalized extortion to me. In other systems, like parliamentary democracies - it has no effect. Whatever is in place before the disagreement continues. The public and civil service are not held hostage.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
It will take me a lifetime to understand why a political disagreement can force a government shutdown in the US. That only hurts civil servants, and the public that depends on their services. That smacks of legalized extortion to me. In other systems, like parliamentary democracies - it has no effect. Whatever is in place before the disagreement continues. The public and civil service are not held hostage.
this happens quite often, if not every year. It isnt a play by any particular party, its just business as usual. And youre right. Its the workers that suffer. 2018 I think it was, when i worked at kennedy space center, the place was a ghost town for a couple weeks if i remember correctly. Maybe less. I just know it felt like a long while. Also in 2011 I remember not getting my paycheck in the military. We eventually got it back payed, but i thought it was absurd that we didnt get our checks.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
this happens quite often, if not every year. It isnt a play by any particular party, its just business as usual. And youre right. Its the workers that suffer. 2018 I think it was, when i worked at kennedy space center, the place was a ghost town for a couple weeks if i remember correctly. Maybe less. I just know it felt like a long while. Also in 2011 I remember not getting my paycheck in the military. We eventually got it back payed, but i thought it was absurd that we didnt get our checks.
Yikes. Those who have all the toys need not be thinking of their next mortgage payment or overdue car payment when they're supposed to be soldiering ... well I'm ignoring the mopping and painting rocks and stuff.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yikes. Those who have all the toys need not be thinking of their next mortgage payment or overdue car payment when they're supposed to be soldiering ... well I'm ignoring the mopping and painting rocks and stuff.
Indeed it sucks that they stop getting their paychecks, while it is true they do eventually get their backpay I can see it being problematic for most given few have any sort of carry-over savings. To think the government shutdown was meant to be a scary let's not go there thing. And then one year they went for it and now it seems to be a yearly thing. What really should happen is that they just miss out on their paychecks no backpay until they can figure it out.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
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Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
This thread is going to be very interesting to look back on in a few years.

Keep posting interesting stats and news!
I'm reading through it right now, as I try to do from time to time. Regardless of peoples stupid opinions, solid facts and pure speculation, it's all important and all fascinating. There's definitely a lot to take away. I've been reading this for a couple hours and am only 37 pages in. You had a great perspective on the stock market, that's for sure. There's so much to say about this thread, its hard to put into words that haven't already been written. I really hope some of you go back and try to read through it. I realize I was a bit emotional and have matured since this all started.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
So, this was a good talk about the NY governor wanting people to get back to the office and her financial interest to do so. Diving property prices because businesses arent utilizing all of the office space. This is in wake of the new Omicron variant and the order to halt elective surgeries. You'll have to watch it, its the same two people who used to report for The Hill who broke off to do their own thing.



Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry for the barrage of posts, I'm just really reading up on all of this stuff as of late.

This link / headline in particular I suggest reading because theres a lot more to it than "no need to panic". It's more of a "this is damn serious and were not sure whats going to happen, so we cant quite sound the big alarm yet". Preliminary data shows its not going to be COVIDUnicorns-Rainbows-19

EDIT: I don't think the WHO will ever come out and say "Panic" , so you need to read between the lines.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
So, this was a good talk about the NY governor wanting people to get back to the office and her financial interest to do so. Diving property prices because businesses arent utilizing all of the office space. This is in wake of the new Omicron variant and the order to halt elective surgeries. You'll have to watch it, its the same two people who used to report for The Hill who broke off to do their own thing.
I worked in a company where we started with 50 office buildings in the US, and went to 150 offices in 10 years. Then about 2012, things started to change. Offices got smaller, and some closed, but the company grew to almost double it's size in the same time. Where they had an entire building, the company now has only 2 floors. Where we had dedicated offices, they now have shared offices. People worked from home more often than not, and overall productivity went up. Not every industry can do that, but a lot more can - and there are now entire industries dedicated to making it happen. The real estate industry is just going to have to suck it up.


Grand Admiral
May 1, 2019
RSI Handle
We have a friend that has the new variant. What is alarming is that she had the Delta variant and had the antibodies. So even though this is qualitative data, it shows that there are signs of why to be alarmed about this one. (a side note, she is on the high-risk list as she does have lupus, so maybe not a fair case to look at... but we will see how severe her symptoms are vs delta - so far mild)


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
We have a friend that has the new variant. What is alarming is that she had the Delta variant and had the antibodies. So even though this is qualitative data, it shows that there are signs of why to be alarmed about this one. (a side note, she is on the high-risk list as she does have lupus, so maybe not a fair case to look at... but we will see how severe her symptoms are vs delta - so far mild)
Thanks once again for your experience, this seems to be in line with early scientific reinfection observations - as most of the vaccines focused on the spike protein rather than the virus's genetic load it will be interesting to see how this pans out if Omicron has modified itself beyond the scope of current immune level countermeasures.

The more I think about the concept of 'Herd Immunity' in humans the more I begin to think it is a flawed concept that doesn't apply to a species with individuals which are wildly nomadic as to be able to go to the other side of the planet and back again in a matter of days on what may be no more than a whim of going shopping at a certain famous department store or bring able to witness a certain piece of geography in person.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
The more I think about the concept of 'Herd Immunity' in humans the more I begin to think it is a flawed concept that doesn't apply to a species with individuals which are wildly nomadic as to be able to go to the other side of the planet and back again in a matter of days ...
excellent point

if herd immunity isn't practically achievable I can let go of my rage against the fucktard anti-vaxxers, they're not solely to blame for this ongoing nightmare

now I'm just sad that life will never get back to what it was pre-pandemic


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
if herd immunity isn't practically achievable I can let go of my rage against the fucktard anti-vaxxers, they're not solely to blame for this ongoing nightmare
They're still fucktards.

In other news - there are indications (1 study with over 2 million patients) that Omicron may have traded potency for infectability... i.e. it's infection rate is very high, but people don't seem to be getting as sick. That is what counter to Omicron did in In Vitro studies (i.e. in a petri dish). Limitation was that the study covered only unvaccinated people who have been infected before. More targeted studies are ongoing.
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