Question: what are the best solo ships for PvE, which you can buy in game for aUEC in the current 3.16?


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Hi All,

I've got a question: what are the best solo ships for PvE, which you can buy in game for aUEC in the current 3.16?

Essentially, it's the typical PvE missions you get, things like security or bounty hunting.

In earlier game versions I used to fly either a Super Hornet or a Connie. The SH with all gimbaled loadout was really good for small targets, and with fixed 3 x S3 and 1 x S4 guns it was good for medium sized targets in Very High Risk Target (VHRT) missions. The Connie didn't have too many issues with small targets due to buffed strong shields, but it was a pain to deal with nimble targets like M50, and for medium targets I was using 2 x S5 and 2 x S4 guns, which could take the target down from 7km away as it was flying towards you, so that the target was not even able to open fire at you. Sometimes I've used the Eclipse for VHRT.

Things have changed with the latest 3.15 and 3.16 releases. Guns range got nerfed, and Connie's S6 guns can only do 2.8km not 7km. While shields are good, and the Connie is sluggish. Eclipse torpedoes cost a bit, and probably not wise to use them on something small. The SH, while being OK, feels a worse than it was: less damage, much weaker shields, ballistics have low ammo.

So, I was thinking on buying something in-game for aUEC that will be good for PvE when flying solo. Maybe I don't need to buy anything, as for PvE SH or Connie are still great, as they performed OK in Xeno Threat.

But I wanted to check with TESTies, if there are better choices in the current release, as I haven't flown all the ships.

This limits the choice, as it's only the ships you can currently buy in-game.

Also, while I'm looking for a PvE ship, there are occasional griefers, so it would be great if this ship can defend itself or run away fast.

Any suggestions?
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Sounds like you want a heavy fighter like a vanguard. Not sure if you can buy them in game? Freelancer /cutlass does a reasonable job too.

I've no idea why CIG nerfed the range on everything to be all the same but its a retarded step as differentiation is so much more fun than everything being identical :-/


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Have you tried the Vanguard Sentinel?

It's just over 2 million aUEC at Lorville.
Sounds like you want a heavy fighter like a vanguard. Not sure if you can buy them in game? Freelancer /cutlass does a reasonable job too.

I've no idea why CIG nerfed the range on everything to be all the same but its a retarded step as differentiation is so much more fun than everything being identical :-/
Thanks for that. No, I haven't tried any of Vanguards. I've watched a few videos saying they are great PvP ships though. Is Sentinel better then other Vanguards? Are Vanguards good at dealing with small nimble targets like M50? From DPS Calculator ( they seem to have the same S4 gimbaled guns I can put on my Connie. The issue with Connie is that these gimbals seem too slow to track a fast target (not so much of an issue with SH). Are Vanguard's gimbals slow to track a fast target?

I've also seen people recommending Gladius, claiming that it's better than Vanguard in PvP. While I need a ship for PvE, if it's better in PvP I assume it's s also good at PvE?


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
That depends on where you put the upper limit for the pve bounty missions you want to do.

For ERT a SH won't be enough to kill a Hammerhead, but is enough to farm up to the VHRT missions.

A Connie can handle ERT without issues.

But as all guns now have the same range, ideal balance would be as much DPS as possible with good protection.

That includes Vanguards (though ERT Hammerhead will be hard with them), Ares (if you can aim good^^), 600i...

If your goal is just up to VHRT as the time spent Vs earning ratio is better than doing ERT, then you can use any light fighter, gladius, hornet, sabre, buccaneer...

I personally use the hornet or buccaneer up to VHRT as they have the most DPS of the lights and are still quite agile.

Edit: the upcoming Scorpius might also be something to consider. As a pilot you have access to 4*S3 guns. Of course better with a gunner.
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White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
That depends on where you put the upper limit for the pve bounty missions you want to do.

For ERT a SH won't be enough to kill a Hammerhead, but is enough to farm up to the VHRT missions.

A Connie can handle ERT without issues.

But as all guns now have the same range, ideal balance would be as much DPS as possible with good protection.

That includes Vanguards (though ERT Hammerhead will be hard with them), Ares (if you can aim good^^), 600i...

If your goal is just up to VHRT as the time spent Vs earning ratio is better than doing ERT, then you can use any light fighter, gladius, hornet, sabre, buccaneer...

I personally use the hornet or buccaneer up to VHRT as they have the most DPS of the lights and are still quite agile.

Edit: the upcoming Scorpius might also be something to consider. As a pilot you have access to 4*S3 guns. Of course better with a gunner.
The Vanguard has a really easy time with Hammerheads if you equip it like this:

S5 - M7A or Omnisky XV laser cannon

S2 - MVSA laser cannon (x2), EVSD distortion cannon (x2)


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Vanguards are good for everything; you can tune the fit to your preference. It almost doesn't matter what you put on it for the Hammerheads, it'll still chew it down as long as your tactics match your fit.

Quite possibly the best thing about the Vanguards is that they are competent solo ships, and when you have a gunner their effectiveness goes up an order of magnitude. Win and Win, if the flight characteristics suit you.

My preference is a Sentinel with a size 5 laser cannon on the nose. This gives the range to kite the Hammerhead and never get touched. It's NOT the fastest way to be sure, but for me it's the most fun. I pair that with GVSR's on the fixed which are great for dumping 10,000 points of damage in a few seconds. Leaves an impression on anything.

Literally anything else remotely fighter class can work up to VHRT, if you fly it with a bit of skill. Avenger works great; medium fighters with their slightly larger cap pool can kill a bit quicker on the larger targets.

PvP is a different beast. You'll get a ton of different opinions, but the real answer is to learn how to fly your ship well. Come out to the CFT's that @marcsand2 and @Chromeninja run, spend some time on YT absorbing guys like Avenger__one. (Seriously one of the best PvP focused players in game; loves teaching the stuff too).
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I use 600i as my primary combat light fighter - to get rid of M50s if you fly slow and straight they just fly into you and go boom quicker than trying to turn around and shoot them :p


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks all for the advice. Just to re-focus the discussion - I'm looking for something that can be bought with aUEC in game, so some ships are out of scope, as they are seem to only be purchased with cash.

So, it appears like it's Vanguard I should consider. Is would have less firepower and shields than Connie, but will be much more agile and still tough and hard-hitting - is this correct?

Also, which Vanguard? It's been called out that Sentinel may be a good option. I can see that Sentinel has an EMP, while others don't. Harbinger seems to have more gun firepower and larger missiles. Warden seems to be ballistic, which I feel isn't great in 3.16. Hoplite is a drop ship. So, it seems like the choice is Sentinel vs Harbinger. Any comments?


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Thanks all for the advice. Just to re-focus the discussion - I'm looking for something that can be bought with aUEC in game, so some ships are out of scope, as they are seem to only be purchased with cash.

So, it appears like it's Vanguard I should consider. Is would have less firepower and shields than Connie, but will be much more agile and still tough and hard-hitting - is this correct?

Also, which Vanguard? It's been called out that Sentinel may be a good option. I can see that Sentinel has an EMP, while others don't. Harbinger seems to have more gun firepower and larger missiles. Warden seems to be ballistic, which I feel isn't great in 3.16. Hoplite is a drop ship. So, it seems like the choice is Sentinel vs Harbinger. Any comments?
Can't go wrong with the Sentinel, Wardens, or Harbinger. Hoplite isn't as useful cause it's primarily a drop shit and has the sluggishness to match.

As for's irrelevant since all the Vanguards can have their guns swapped. My Warden for example has laser cannons/repeaters only. The big ballistic gatling is fun but ammo limitations suck.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks all for the advice. Just to re-focus the discussion - I'm looking for something that can be bought with aUEC in game, so some ships are out of scope, as they are seem to only be purchased with cash.

So, it appears like it's Vanguard I should consider. Is would have less firepower and shields than Connie, but will be much more agile and still tough and hard-hitting - is this correct?

Also, which Vanguard? It's been called out that Sentinel may be a good option. I can see that Sentinel has an EMP, while others don't. Harbinger seems to have more gun firepower and larger missiles. Warden seems to be ballistic, which I feel isn't great in 3.16. Hoplite is a drop ship. So, it seems like the choice is Sentinel vs Harbinger. Any comments?
I had the Warden and upgraded to the Sentinel (purchased IRL cash not bought in game). You can change the main and nose guns of the Vanguard with the nose gun cluster having I think 5 options while the chin mount is an S5 so you can have something truly monsterous fixed or an S4 on gimbal.

The Sentinel has a nose cluster of 4x s2 distortion canon which strip shields and the chin weapon is a Hurston Attrition 4 repeater which hits harder the hotter it gets. This combination is very effective even without the EMP to knock a ship on its arse but that very much helps too... The Warden is tankier but the Sentenel is still plenty sturdy, has the EMP and one day will have an eWar suite which will be able to do all sorts of hyjinks not yet active in game. When the top turret can finally be slaved to the pilot the Vanguard of any flavour will be even more impressive.

...if you ever catch me in the 'Verse please grab me for a test flight!

It's also worth noting you can rent the Warden from Lorville if the below page is still up to date: My advice is to Fly Before You Buy!

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Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Can't go wrong with the Sentinel, Wardens, or Harbinger. Hoplite isn't as useful cause it's primarily a drop shit and has the sluggishness to match.

As for's irrelevant since all the Vanguards can have their guns swapped. My Warden for example has laser cannons/repeaters only. The big ballistic gatling is fun but ammo limitations suck.
I had the Warden and upgraded to the Sentinel (purchased IRL cash not bought in game). You can change the main and nose guns of the Vanguard with the nose gun cluster having I think 5 options while the chin mount is an S5 so you can have something truly monsterous fixed or an S4 on gimbal.

The Sentinel has a nose cluster of 4x s2 distortion canon which strip shields and the chin weapon is a Hurston Attrition 4 repeater which hits harder the hotter it gets. This combination is very effective even without the EMP to knock a ship on its arse but that very much helps too... The Warden is tankier but the Sentenel is still plenty sturdy, has the EMP and one day will have an eWar suite which will be able to do all sorts of hyjinks not yet active in game. When the top turret can finally be slaved to the pilot the Vanguard of any flavour will be even more impressive.

...if you ever catch me in the 'Verse please grab me for a test flight!

It's also worth noting you can rent the Warden from Lorville if the below page is still up to date: My advice is to Fly Before You Buy!

Thanks for the above. I'll try the Sentinel then, if I can get if for aUEC. 🍻


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for the above. I'll try the Sentinel then, if I can get if for aUEC. 🍻
The only warning on the EMP is that it is indiscriminate. Don't use it in something like Xenothreat, you'll hit friendly and foe alike and that'll get you kicked off the side you are on and you'll loose out on the event rewards.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
The only warning on the EMP is that it is indiscriminate. Don't use it in something like Xenothreat, you'll hit friendly and foe alike and that'll get you kicked off the side you are on and you'll loose out on the event rewards.
Thanks for the info. Just curious, if you are on XenoThreat side - are you paid for killing players?
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White Lando

Grand Admiral
Nov 25, 2021
RSI Handle
Prices @ Lorville on Hurston (New Deal is the name of the shop you buy ships. It's in the same area as the Space Port. No need to take the train.):

Harbinger - 2,050,500 aUEC
Sentinel - 2,012,000
Warden - 3,387,800

I don't think you can go wrong with either the Sentinel or the Harbinger at those prices. I wouldn't recommend the Warden for purchasing with aUEC since it's so much more expensive. Nothing against the Warden, but those aUEC prices make zero sense.

I can't comment on how each handles since I've only flown the Sentinel. I'd guess they're all the same but I thought I read something that they handle a little different with the Sentinel being the nimblest. This may be due to the Harbinger's increased mass (336,000 kg vs 232,000 kg)

I can say that the Sentinel flys great. I enjoy taking it out and plan on CCUing my Ares Ion to one in the future. I'm a sucker for full interiors and excited to see what E-War is all about when it's officially released (the Sentinel's EMP is just a placeholder)


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
Prices @ Lorville on Hurston (New Deal is the name of the shop you buy ships. It's in the same area as the Space Port. No need to take the train.):

Harbinger - 2,050,500 aUEC
Sentinel - 2,012,000
Warden - 3,387,800

I don't think you can go wrong with either the Sentinel or the Harbinger at those prices. I wouldn't recommend the Warden for purchasing with aUEC since it's so much more expensive. Nothing against the Warden, but those aUEC prices make zero sense.

I can't comment on how each handles since I've only flown the Sentinel. I'd guess they're all the same but I thought I read something that they handle a little different with the Sentinel being the nimblest. This may be due to the Harbinger's increased mass (336,000 kg vs 232,000 kg)

I can say that the Sentinel flys great. I enjoy taking it out and plan on CCUing my Ares Ion to one in the future. I'm a sucker for full interiors and excited to see what E-War is all about when it's officially released (the Sentinel's EMP is just a placeholder)
Great, thanks for the info!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for the info. Just curious, if you are on XenoThreat side - are you paid for killing players?
Unfortunately I have no idea sorry, I've only played XT twice, both on the goodies side and the first tile I got kicked from the team as I accidentally strafed Jericho :-/
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