Sometimes offline is better, just a place to waste some time and not interact with anyone.Does offline counts? Since my desktop MB croacked a couple weeks ago, I'm back at Unreal World on my laptop. Awesome and somewhat obscure Iron-Age-survival roguelike.
EDIT: grammar.
I take it you have a Nova to play with in the 'Verse? Whats your opinion of that s5? Shame it can't be swapped out my Vanguard could do with that thing on its chin!Tank games are by far my favorite (space games are a ton of fun too!)
Dunno about you but my retro bowels are only capable of entertaining by pumping out some a-grade guffs and I didn't have to go to school to learn how to do 'em latest addiction has definitely become Retro Bowl College
Haven't tried Elden Ring yet...but it sounds like an excellent game :)Elden Ring is the main for the foreseeable future (tonight I finally beat Godrick after 30 hours of faffing about. I just couldn't find the sucker lol), TheHunter:CotW, Stardew Valley, Tomb Raider 3 (cos kid loves wathcing me try to speedrun the home training course every day)
When I finally have my space back, I'll be doing VR in Blade n Sorc, Pavlov, Boneworks, Beatsaber
I have a pretty extensive WoT account, been there since closed beta as well, but I only pick it back up every half a year or so for a month max. Dabbled in WoWships but never stayed, I find it really annoying to play since they dumbed down torpedos to kill anything from any angle and distance. Tried War Thunder but it's waaaay too grindy.