There is nothing woke about coke fifty years ago. There’s nothing woke about that song. That’s authentic social justice and peace at work. Modern DEI and the Woke movement have nothing to do with this.
I’m not sure why we’re not connecting on this issue, but I’ll give it another shot explaining. If DEI and Woke were what you are implying, I would be all onboard. I’m not. Neither is the overwhelming majority of the public.
D stands for diversity. You might presume that is of all types but it certainly does not include diversity of opinions, especially regarding politics. Woke and DEI are forms of cultural Marxism, tuned to divide our culture along ethnic lines. That’s why it supports segregation in college dorms, and blocks references from Martin Luther King’s historic “I have a dream” speech. Real diversity would agree with King that we should seek a colorblind society where people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. DEI and woke hate King and this ideal of true equality. Instead, “anti-racist” measures including reparations are used to drive people apart and make them enemies. Every day, kids in school are taught that the white folks are evil oppressors who need to check their privilege, and the race baiting continues to climb. It’s fascinating I did not grow up with this race baiting and recall the vastly better race relations we had in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. DEI did not really start subverting race relations until this century.
In addition to replacing the dream of Luther King with mere equivocation, the modern interpretation of diversity does not include thoughts, opinions and the notion of tolerance, but it certainly does include forcing through fascist means, the acceptance of all perversion. In the past, people were accepted based upon character, and character included things like sexuality. Now, all perversions are considered acceptable and people are decried as bigots if they point out that sexuality run amuck is a sure sign of poor character. All the values we held at the time of that Coke commercial have been flipped on their heads. Diversity of perversion is exactly what DEI is talking about, and what people in the 70’s never talked about.
E is for “equity”. This replaces the notion of equality and in discussions, DEI folks will equivocate as to what precisely they mean. They pretend they mean equality, but they do not. They will when pushed pretend they mean equality of outcome, but even that is not a honest answer. To be sure, equality of outcome is a socialist goal, that makes no sense in any free society. To get equality of outcome, you need to treat the very unequal efforts of people with overwhelming coercion. You need totalitarian measures. You cannot endorse freedom in the least. You must enforce your vision on those around you. THAT s what people mean when they reference “equity”. This is why equity includes removing all testing, deeming math as racist, mischaracterizing values like punctuality, and honesty, and trustworthiness as racist. Equity calls for the usurpation of all traditional Western values and the throwing down of the civilization these built. It is the most thoroughly unjust kind of false justice one can imagine. If you want hundreds of hours of details explaining how we know all these things are true, try new with James Lindsey.
I is for “inclusion”. This is aimed specifically toward removing all social sanctions toward disagreeable behavior. We are not intended to draw distinctions between right and wrong. Of course this gets played out most obviously relating to sexual preferences. It is an attempt to make “queer” normal. This certainly includes pedophilia, incest, beastiality, and whatever else you might consider past common decency. The Inclusion mandate removes from people their ability to discern good and evil, or at least their support of good and public abhorrence of evil.
Why do drag queens need to read and perform for small children, and not for seniors?
It’s a huge subject and I hope you’ll take the time at to investigate this. For now, suffice it to say, not a single person in that Coke vid would have thought of the anti-racist arguments for segregation, public shaming of children or calls for reparations. There was no one 45 years ago who would have called all these “diversity” requirements improvements on society. They were busy ending segregation. None of those people would have mistaken equality of opportunity as equality of outcome. None of them would have supported these Marxist memes. None of them believed in collectivism. They understood their God given rights were protected by individualist societies like in the US, Finally, none of the people in that 70’s add would have supported modern perversion. Homosexuality was not removed from the American Psychological Association’s Diagnostic Service Manual until edition IIR, around 1985 or so. All of the modern perversions we see multiplying were virtually all considered diseases when that Coke commercial was made.