Which will be your home system?


Oct 30, 2022
RSI Handle
I thought TEST was going to build a base somewhere and call it TEST Planet
Matter of fact, TEST probably will build a base on the first planet that's still somewhat habitable after the actual Testing Phase.
It's not like we're choosy or anything...


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Matter of fact, TEST probably will build a base on the first planet that's still somewhat habitable after the actual Testing Phase.
It's not like we're choosy or anything...
Any planet that survives our TESTifying the system, will take a long time recovering, but in the meantime, we're sure to get nice & comfortable.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Wherever @Montoya says it will be lol. But, CItizenGunnar and I will make our home away from home in the Sol System.
Representing the homeworld, very nice! Not many takers for Terra yet, what draws you to the Old World rather than the hub of the Empire?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
My example was Terra, with a Satellite Base at Hurston.
Ah, of course it was sorry think I may have missed your post - There has been traditional friction between the Old World and the Terra Hub, it's ignorable really but it seems Terra is the system with all the advantages and could even be considered to be the seat of the modern Empire, do you think there is anything that may get in your way there at all?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ah, of course it was sorry think I may have missed your post - There has been traditional friction between the Old World and the Terra Hub, it's ignorable really but it seems Terra is the system with all the advantages and could even be considered to be the seat of the modern Empire, do you think there is anything that may get in your way there at all?
High security system means less bounties. Hence the reason for a satellite base. But the bulk of the fleet is safe.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I like the sound of this system.
I recall playing Freelancer and there was a similar junk-yard system that had some tasty components hidden in it including some prototype Class 10 weapons :glorious:


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm not too deep in the lore myself but do plan to try to get knowledgeable/up to speed before the end of Beta.

Sounds like Sol would be a nice place for you? The homeworld security will be good but it's known for Terra taking its importance away as hub for the Empire, consider a visit and see what you think of the old place :like:
Apologies for the late reply, mate. We honestly can't tell what a system will be like until these systems go live. Lore wise I'll love to have a bit of lawlessness mixed with some creature comfort services.
I do think an ideal system will be a little bit column A, a dash of B, and a sprinkling of C. Sol sounds intriguing but I'll rather set up shop in an entirely alien world.

On a sidenote when I played EVE Online a live time ago I played almost exclusively in what they call Null sec space. That is to say the systems that are not just completely lawless but also with zero infrastructure/services save for what the players themselves bring in. It was a sandbox system that was immensely enjoyable yet time consuming AND stressful. Losing such player controlled systems also meant the disintegration of entire organizations. Fingers get pointed at whose fault it is before some butthurt Alliance leader (the Orgs of EVE) decides to pull the plug. It was wild.

I believe CIG already talked extensively that they don't want the same kind of laissez faire approach that games like EVE possess. Players in SC will never have the same kind of sandbox tools other games have. Personally with a career and a family I'm fine with that! Nothing worse than having to set a 3am alarm clock because you had to wake up to 'defend' your space from other internet nerds.


Space Marshal
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
At the moment I like the idea of having a 'forward base' in the Idris system. It's relatively secure UEE space but with a long history so hopefully a lot to explore. It's close enough to Vanduul space to go raiding/exploring there, or to defend when they inevitably invade UEE space. One jump to Rhetor (academic). It's on a trade route between the inner UEE systems and the Vanduul frontline, so lots of trading/hauling opportunities. But I'd spend most of my time close to wherever the rest of the org sets up their home base, ideally a large high-value location we snag early in the land rush, in high security space.

I guess it'll be a long time before we as a player community really understand where we want to be based. I hope it's not an obvious choice and once in a while new stuff is released to the PU/discovered that changes the meta. Otherwise players will be too heavily clustered around a small number of locations that are perceived to be 'best' and may even fulfil their own perception by making them the best by virtue of other players being there. CIG seem to be trying to avoid this in Stanton, so we can expect that will continue.

However, sometimes in Stanton I wish I was based elsewhere, and I'm sure the same will be true for most of us in the PU at some time or other. We could do with a system in game for moving everything we own to a new home, ideally with a variety of levels of protection to balance risk and cost; it should be possible to have your other-worldly possessions moved to your new home at very low or no risk, but at high cost and taking a fair amount of time, to discourage everyone with a lot of stuff from just moving wherever the current popular location is. But there should also be lower-cost, higher-risk alternatives, where your in-game bought stuff can be lost permanently (and your real-money bought stuff can take a while to claim) if your home-move transport is unlucky enough to be attacked and lost. Even better if there is some skill element to picking a route, choosing when to move, hiring or asking friends to protect you etc. That can all be said to exist already for players who are very social - a group of friends in an org, or a whole org, could work together to move their members to new homes with a lot of protection. But I'd like the game to offer a sort of NPC-based, PvE style equivalent system for less social players too.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Piloting while intoxicated might slow him down a bit. Drunken navigating might lead to misadventures through the wrong jump portals. Cheers!
I mean we've all done it right accidentally entered the wrong hole when drunk?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Apologies for the late reply, mate. We honestly can't tell what a system will be like until these systems go live. Lore wise I'll love to have a bit of lawlessness mixed with some creature comfort services.
I do think an ideal system will be a little bit column A, a dash of B, and a sprinkling of C. Sol sounds intriguing but I'll rather set up shop in an entirely alien world.

On a sidenote when I played EVE Online a live time ago I played almost exclusively in what they call Null sec space. That is to say the systems that are not just completely lawless but also with zero infrastructure/services save for what the players themselves bring in. It was a sandbox system that was immensely enjoyable yet time consuming AND stressful. Losing such player controlled systems also meant the disintegration of entire organizations. Fingers get pointed at whose fault it is before some butthurt Alliance leader (the Orgs of EVE) decides to pull the plug. It was wild.

I believe CIG already talked extensively that they don't want the same kind of laissez faire approach that games like EVE possess. Players in SC will never have the same kind of sandbox tools other games have. Personally with a career and a family I'm fine with that! Nothing worse than having to set a 3am alarm clock because you had to wake up to 'defend' your space from other internet nerds.
Sounds like a nice manageable mix of needs and yeah, massive orghestral manoeuvres in the dark is a young man's game, last time I was pulling all nighters was playing Transport Tycoon in the mid to late 90's.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
At the moment I like the idea of having a 'forward base' in the Idris system. It's relatively secure UEE space but with a long history so hopefully a lot to explore. It's close enough to Vanduul space to go raiding/exploring there, or to defend when they inevitably invade UEE space. One jump to Rhetor (academic). It's on a trade route between the inner UEE systems and the Vanduul frontline, so lots of trading/hauling opportunities. But I'd spend most of my time close to wherever the rest of the org sets up their home base, ideally a large high-value location we snag early in the land rush, in high security space.

I guess it'll be a long time before we as a player community really understand where we want to be based. I hope it's not an obvious choice and once in a while new stuff is released to the PU/discovered that changes the meta. Otherwise players will be too heavily clustered around a small number of locations that are perceived to be 'best' and may even fulfil their own perception by making them the best by virtue of other players being there. CIG seem to be trying to avoid this in Stanton, so we can expect that will continue.

However, sometimes in Stanton I wish I was based elsewhere, and I'm sure the same will be true for most of us in the PU at some time or other. We could do with a system in game for moving everything we own to a new home, ideally with a variety of levels of protection to balance risk and cost; it should be possible to have your other-worldly possessions moved to your new home at very low or no risk, but at high cost and taking a fair amount of time, to discourage everyone with a lot of stuff from just moving wherever the current popular location is. But there should also be lower-cost, higher-risk alternatives, where your in-game bought stuff can be lost permanently (and your real-money bought stuff can take a while to claim) if your home-move transport is unlucky enough to be attacked and lost. Even better if there is some skill element to picking a route, choosing when to move, hiring or asking friends to protect you etc. That can all be said to exist already for players who are very social - a group of friends in an org, or a whole org, could work together to move their members to new homes with a lot of protection. But I'd like the game to offer a sort of NPC-based, PvE style equivalent system for less social players too.
Well I just accidentally edited this post rather than starting a new one and can't remember what was in it, all I known is it had a typo in it which was "Andcrap" which I was trying to remove.

I think I said I hadn't thought about Idris system like that before and that it seems well placed for lots of options.
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