Recent content by Grimzar

  1. Grimzar

    Space Hulk: Deathwing

    Also any Testie wants to add me on Steam so we can play and drink Holy Beer while we cleance the Xenos filth Steam ID : Grimzar
  2. Grimzar

    Space Hulk: Deathwing

    I know there are risk when it comes to pre-order and usually i don't but for this case I'm a big warhammer fan plus of the limited video I've seen I'm already sold. Plus the price is not your typical full game price like 59.99$ and the last time i ordered with the same pre ordered discount was...
  3. Grimzar

    Star Citizen Goat Simulator

    I don't know if anyone have posted this yet put apparently the developer of Goat Simulator is making a new expansion making fun Star Citizen :cool: there a video of it from this link
  4. Grimzar

    Get to know your TESTies.......

    Hehe couldn't resist.. My handle name in RSI is Grimzar, the name was originally a long time ago The Grim Reaper when Counter Strike first came out. But due to the popularity of the name I decided to try to make my own so I combine Grim and Tzar (The Russian word for king) into Grimzar and it...
  5. Grimzar

    Get to know your TESTies.......

  6. Grimzar

    Well this is close to home.

    الله يكون معك و عائلتك ..."God be with you and your Family" @Blind Owl and other Canadian Testie in the group .. I'm sorry to hear what is happening to your country right now and the risk of the oil reserve catching fire. As a person who experience witnessing the Fire of Kuwait after the Gulf...
  7. Grimzar


    More info on DOW 3, they bringing back building bases from DOW1
  8. Grimzar


    Well it mention on the main web that they are combining the trait for DOW1 & 2. Also it will be more epic scale that they are including Imperial Knights and other faction race version of it so that just one step closer of eventual having a future game (fingers cross) to control Legio...
  9. Grimzar

    Japan First made Stealth Plane

    Anyone wants to pledge on Japan new Stealth plane?? :p:p:D:D
  10. Grimzar

    Happy Passover to the space Jews out there

    Happy Passover
  11. Grimzar

    Kuwait New Police Car Colour

    You be surprised, these are the previous colour we had on the cars. The black one is for the normal police cars while the blue one was the old traffic police colour
  12. Grimzar

    Kuwait New Police Car Colour

    So my country traffic police cars just got a new colour scheme.......Should I be worried since it remind of a certain organization that are....hazardes when riding vehicles o_Oo_O
  13. Grimzar

    Flying Test Colours

    Wow that pretty amazing, you should foward it to Star Citizen devopler to have include for colour design
  14. Grimzar

    Other Discord AND professions

    But seriously the Javilin class ship is going to have 28 crew if I'm correct. So dividing the discord might be a hassle but essential. I remember from WOW vanilla in 40man raid we had to separate healers, dps, tank etc in Vent chat
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