Well this is close to home.


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jun 22, 2014
RSI Handle
copied this from facecrack.

Every ones saying that evacuating a city of 90k w/ 0 casualties is a miracle. That they got lucky. I realized that no, they didn't get lucky. I mean this as a complement but you couldnt pick a better city in the whole country - probably the whole planet - to set fire to. I bet all the tea in China that more than half of that city has first aid training. Or WHIMIS training. TDG. H2S. The list goes on and on - the point is, it's an entire city where the majority of the residents are trained in ensuring their own safety first. An entire city of cool heads. Thats why there are no casualties. That's why it's so weird. You can't flood, snow-in, burn, blow down, or shit on an average western city without a dozen morons driving into lakes and drowning. Your average left-wing liberal service-industry-dominated shithole is literally incapable of taking care of itself in an emergency. And people die. Fort Mac is perhaps one of the few good examples of a city where the majority of the populace is skilled and competent in basic fucking survival. This is a city /pol/ has always dreamed of. Where stupidity isn't tolerated - not because it's unfair - but because it's unsafe. Where the right-leaning ideals of personal freedom and personal responsibility intersect with a sense of community. A city that is literally burning to the ground that can rally together and help out their fellow citizens. People woke up their neighbours, gave strangers rides, rescued other people's pets, and helped ensure the entire town left safely and not in some chaos-fueled self-centered panic. Not because they're obligated to, but because it was the RIGHT thing to do. The honorable and upstanding thing to do.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
@Blind_Owl A friend of mine in Xplor (HoleShot) was working in the oil field in Alberta when the fire started. They were some of the first to be evacuated. He is at home with his family in Windsor now. He wishes you well.

From his Hotel - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125257568993017856/177791138625748993/IMG_0118.JPG

From the Airport - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/125257568993017856/177792194894233601/IMG_0115.JPG
Boy am I glad to hear he made it out safe and sound. The fact they managed to get 88000 people out in a matter of hours is nothing short of astounding.

Tell you friend thank you for the well wishes. We haven't been deployed yet, and no word as to whether my unit will go (we did last year to the fires in Saskatchewan) but we're all chomping at the bit to go assist.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
copied this from facecrack.

Every ones saying that evacuating a city of 90k w/ 0 casualties is a miracle. That they got lucky. I realized that no, they didn't get lucky. I mean this as a complement but you couldnt pick a better city in the whole country - probably the whole planet - to set fire to. I bet all the tea in China that more than half of that city has first aid training. Or WHIMIS training. TDG. H2S. The list goes on and on - the point is, it's an entire city where the majority of the residents are trained in ensuring their own safety first. An entire city of cool heads. Thats why there are no casualties. That's why it's so weird. You can't flood, snow-in, burn, blow down, or shit on an average western city without a dozen morons driving into lakes and drowning. Your average left-wing liberal service-industry-dominated shithole is literally incapable of taking care of itself in an emergency. And people die. Fort Mac is perhaps one of the few good examples of a city where the majority of the populace is skilled and competent in basic fucking survival. This is a city /pol/ has always dreamed of. Where stupidity isn't tolerated - not because it's unfair - but because it's unsafe. Where the right-leaning ideals of personal freedom and personal responsibility intersect with a sense of community. A city that is literally burning to the ground that can rally together and help out their fellow citizens. People woke up their neighbours, gave strangers rides, rescued other people's pets, and helped ensure the entire town left safely and not in some chaos-fueled self-centered panic. Not because they're obligated to, but because it was the RIGHT thing to do. The honorable and upstanding thing to do.
This is awesome. And quite true. Good find. Thumbs way up.


Space Marshal
Mar 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Props to all the citizens of the Fort McMurray area on a superbly well executed evac

Hopefully you are not called up, but at least if you are the civvies should be out of your way and you can get right to work

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
That looks rather unsafe!

Yeah, it amazing they all made it out when that fire turned like that and ripped into the city.
Hopefully you are not called up, but at least if you are the civvies should be out of your way and you can get right to work
This is true. No official word yet. We all just waiting to hear if we'll be able to help in any manner.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Alberta is now on the new over here. They said that the burning landscape expanded from 100 squaremiles up to 800 - in 24 hours! :confused:
But nobody has been hurt or died so far. Hope to hear some good news soon. Any rain in sight perhaps...?
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Stay safe brother!
Everyone in Alberta is doing an amazing job right now despite the constant struggle.
Stay strong, from Kelowna B.C.
Thanks brother. Coming from Kelowna, that means a lot. I know you folks went through quite the terrifying times back in '03.
Alberta is now on the new over here. They said that the burning landscape expanded from 100 squaremiles up to 800 - in 24 hours! :confused:
But nobody has been hurt or died so far. Hope to hear some good news soon. Any rain in sight perhaps...?
No rain in sight. Fire is over 100000 hectares. All the people who had to flee north from the city into the work campus agree now bring evacuated south towards Edmonton, where @CrudeSasquatch and I live.
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Vice Admiral
Feb 16, 2016
RSI Handle
الله يكون معك و عائلتك ..."God be with you and your Family" @Blind Owl and other Canadian Testie in the group .. I'm sorry to hear what is happening to your country right now and the risk of the oil reserve catching fire. As a person who experience witnessing the Fire of Kuwait after the Gulf war I hope it won't come to that. My respect to the people in Fort McMurrary and the Authorities in evacuating with no live loss so far inshallah.
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