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  1. FZD

    MISC Endeavor

    I'd say whatever you do with it, you want the hangar module. Either you're floating hospital and need those cutlass reds to ferry patients, or you're science vessel and want few Reliant Sens, perhaps you're exploring, Pisces. Times four. Just throw those pisceses everywhere. Organize a race...
  2. FZD

    MISC Endeavor

    Okey, there has likely been discussion and speculation on the subject before. And there isn't really any new information about the ship itself, apart from it being one of the last remnants of the rapidly dwindling stock of ships that were designed and priced before the current pipeline was...
  3. FZD

    10 year CCU token

    Hmm, so my Merlin is valued at $25, but I got it for $0 as it's referral reward. The Mustang Delta is $65, but the CCU warbond price was $60 (or well, $5 for $55 cyclone to $65 Delta) The prospector is $150, but the warbond CCU price is $140... So if I were to connect the dots between my Merlin...
  4. FZD

    10 year CCU token

    Heads up, todays token is Prospector at $140. Personally snagged Freelance Dur to Prospector, for the cheap warbond price
  5. FZD

    Theaters of War

    Drats, you beat me to it :D
  6. FZD

    Theaters of War

    Oh look, Battlefield 2949. Copyright suit incoming in 3... 2... 1... Anyhow, I'm looking forward to this, it'll be a real neat structured way of getting that taste of large scale battles.
  7. FZD

    10 year CCU token

    I think at this point we shouldn't be surprised to find outdated info on FAQs. Besides that would be right in every other instance, but these limited warbond CCU offers (that you can recognize from the IAE icon on the upper left corner) specifically state they update the insurance as well. Now...
  8. FZD

    Polaris is Now a Limited Quantity Ship.

    Eh, if you ask them, I'm sure they'll say Freelancer won't fit in 890 or that "it isn't designed to". It does, however, fit. Snugly, but it fits. Pretending to increase something whilst at the same time reducing it in reality is classical political move. Maybe while they make the imaginary lines...
  9. FZD

    Whelp, 4 years in TEST. How have we managed?

    Congratulations @Blind Owl ! Now tell me, do you have a script that likes every post on a page, or do you just have extremely muscular clicking finger?
  10. FZD

    10 year CCU token

    Okey, so we all know what an LTI token is. You buy a cheap ship with LTI, you can then upgrade that ship to whatever you want. But perhaps you, like I, have some recruitment reward ship you simply can't melt, but you'd want it to have a longer insurance somehow. Well, that's what you can do with...
  11. FZD

    Polaris is Now a Limited Quantity Ship.

    No, post release the game will not reset. Server migration doesn't cause any sort of need for resets, neither does any sort of update, critical or otherwise. The worst that could happen is Derek Smart invades the offices and completely destroys the primary server. You might lose several...
  12. FZD

    LTI and Expo CCU's what exactly is going on?

    Wait, how do I upgrade my insurance? Do I just buy a CCU during the anniversary or do I need to do something specific?
  13. FZD

    Polaris is Now a Limited Quantity Ship.

    Looking at the concept pictures of Polaris, Port Olisar's small pad dimensions might actually reduce the size of the hangar. As you can see from the picture with the gladius, a small ship would have ample room around it, and the hangar would be around 30-40 meters long and perhaps 25-30 meters...
  14. FZD

    Hurdles in 2021?

    Yes, absolutely. And I wouldn't mind at all if the console herds joined the universe in a cross platform manner, that's just free target practice.
  15. FZD

    Time for purchases to show in CCU screen

    Yeah, the ship upgrade screen doesn't directly upgrade a ship, it's for finding the correct CCU and buying that. You then go to your hangar and find the right ship to apply the CCU to. That it shows which ship types you own at all is merely a convenience function, and kinda halfly implemented at...
  16. FZD

    Polaris is Now a Limited Quantity Ship.

    I wonder how this "limited quantity" works when every ship will be purchasable in-game? Has there been any word on that? Is it just that they cost 20 billion UEC and good luck grinding that, or do you have to wait in 3 month Queue at some shipyard for your polaris to get ready?
  17. FZD

    GPU For Christmas

    Meh, even my old Radeon 6790 did an OK job after you fiddled the settings long enough. It looked semi-potato ofc. I'm currently using Rx 480, perfectly playable tho I do occasionally get some heavy stuttering and the FPS certainly isn't smooth 60 if that's what you're after. Well, my PC is from...
  18. FZD

    Hurdles in 2021?

    I wouldn't call persistence a hurdle, it's a choice. You don't need any new tech to update the database with data in it, that's a technique that has existed as long as databases have. It's entirely up to you if you want to write the changes as a set of ALTER TABLE commands or suchlike, or if you...
  19. FZD

    Price increase

    I'm not, that's why I was asking if they're only for concierge.
  20. FZD

    New Game Package with LTI

    I kinda like the Pisces, but since it requires $93 of new money (tax and SQ42 included) to replace my original game package, I'm not going to. Besides, I'd lose Legacy Alpha, though that currently means nothing.
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