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  1. WarrenPeace

    Your first real-life lobster buddy

    I am renaming my Beta The Bang 'Stang right now. that name is fantastic. Welcome to TEST!
  2. WarrenPeace

    Thank you to everyone:

    So long as you keep giving us quotables like this, we'll keep turning up.
  3. WarrenPeace

    Newegg is having a 24hr sale

    Wait what? It didn't even occur to me to look for that. Definitely glad I held off. That and the fact that I'd have to dip into savings to do so, which is no-no for all but good sales...
  4. WarrenPeace

    Your Bod has landed (partially yours)

    Bod! Welcome to TEST, I love your stream mate. Somehow, you make watching someone play Cities fun. Grab a beer from the fridge and claim a seat on the couch!
  5. WarrenPeace

    Newegg is having a 24hr sale

    In that case, I'll probably have to save up for a videocard upgrade first. Still, told me what I needed to know.
  6. WarrenPeace

    Hello from the US East Coast!

    Oh I don't know, it's not that bad. In Dark Forces 2 you almost have triple digit polygon count on the characters!
  7. WarrenPeace

    Newegg is having a 24hr sale

    Ooh, I do want a second monitor... Is this one any good? I honestly have no clue what's good when it comes to monitors.
  8. WarrenPeace

    Going Cold Turkey

    Dang, yeah, that sounds like a good company. I'd be willing to keep giving them business. Here's hoping you're not in the escape pod too long!
  9. WarrenPeace

    Switching to Windows 10 ?

    I'll upgrade once it's clear it won't bork my system.
  10. WarrenPeace

    Show off your rig!

    The CPU fan is obscenely huge. The was one reason I went with watercooling, it has a much smaller footprint on the MB. My last setup, I had the RAM slot blocked just like you.
  11. WarrenPeace

    Windows 10 is coming out in 17 hours from this post!

    I'll be holding off on upgrading immediately just in case there's major clusterfuck with the whole 7 -> 10 upgrade. As soon as it's clear it won't fuck my computer over, I'm on it like me on beer.
  12. WarrenPeace

    Bad news for Atlas Defense Industries ADI - caught spamming

    Oh dang it, somebody beat me to it.
  13. WarrenPeace

    Repair guide: Montoya fixes broken screen

    Instructions unclear, built LHC, opened portal to tentacle universe, re-enacted favorite hentai. 10/10, would repair again.
  14. WarrenPeace

    The Repopulation

    A friend gifted me this, so I'm roaming around the starting area totally lost.
  15. WarrenPeace

    Show off your rig!

    Oh yes, show us everything! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  16. WarrenPeace

    A brain in a jar walks into a forum...

    I heard you mentioned on Captain Richard's channel last night, welcome to TEST!
  17. WarrenPeace

    Hello from the PNW!

    Welcome to TEST!
  18. WarrenPeace

    Hello from the US East Coast!

    Welcome to TEST! Dark Forces was an awesome game, but it's one that really has aged poorly. I tried to go back and play it recently, and it was rough.
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