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  1. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Conqueror's Blade, we have a TEST house

    Well uh... we dont own a house yet. We are just a band of brigands and havent taken over a city/town yet >.> We have a cool flag though!
  2. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Conqueror's Blade, we have a TEST house

    TESTSquadron, have to spell exact if you guys look at this and are interested. Think dynasty warriors meets war band, which rpg leveling of units you take to battle with you and its f2p with a cheaper world of tank/ world of warship premium for better exp and gold gain. There is also global...
  3. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Thoughts on piracy

    Correct, but the topic is on piracy, not carebears and trading in security space. If you make it easy to track pirates, the mechanic becomes pointless. You have to benefit the gameplay enough to not hinder it making pirates easily trackable will ruin the gameplay and force people to find better...
  4. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Thoughts on piracy

    I dont think you have played enough PvP games. Most players in an environment where they are free to kill each other are not risk-averse, they just modify what they bring into the content and work with less and dont care about dying at all. When you create an environment where people can freely...
  5. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Mark Hamill tweets about Squadron 42!

    Didn't Mark work with Chris for his old games too? The cost to get big names is networking and friendships. Death Stranding has a lot of great celebs for it due to friendship.
  6. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Thoughts on piracy

    If there is zero fear of death or losing more, piracy will boil down to simply pvp and people dying.
  7. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Death Standing

    Metal Gear became convoluted because he was forced to make 4 and 5. I believe it was supposed to end with 3.
  8. DontTouchMyHoHos

    [Video] Oculus Quest unboxing!

    @Montoya My biggest grip with the 1st gen VRs was the FoV didnt cover your entire vision. Did they fix that with the quest? If I look left or right I can still see screen.
  9. DontTouchMyHoHos

    [Video] Oculus Quest unboxing!

    Take a look at the new vive, it to me is next gen imo. It costs 750 so its a massive leap, and controller wise it is pretty nuts. View: The headset is 1400x1600 at 120hz
  10. DontTouchMyHoHos

    [Video] Oculus Quest unboxing!

    You didnt want the new vive? Kinda curious about the power for this one though and the latency. The controllers for the new vive are realy cool since they are hands free and strap to your wrists/arms
  11. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Subnautica: Below Zero

    wait for more content, it is in early access and heavy on the early access. The OG subnautica is complete package, the new one is just adding more content from the OG one and isnt an entirely new game per say. The games are cheap because they are games you will have 20-30 hours worth of content...
  12. DontTouchMyHoHos

    The Real Reason Star Citizen May Fail.

    Cant disappoint if you dont have expectations and only hope for an enjoyable game :P I logged in for the first time in years for a yellow jackets fps thing. I was pretty damned impressed alone visually, the missions lead to some very tiny areas though, which I know have only just begun to be...
  13. DontTouchMyHoHos

    A crazy thought has crossed my mind... (games a service)

    Big difference between CIG and other developers, the people paying for CIG funded a game they want. The people for the other developers paid for a game and didnt get what they wanted, also the game was already funded before it was bought.
  14. DontTouchMyHoHos

    US Announces bill to ban loot boxes and p2w mechanics?

    For those who are worried this wont affect anything. Anything with loot boxes etc would HAVE to be labeled Mature meaning anyone 18 and under cannot buy them. thus shrinking their consumer base. Most fps games etc are rated T for teen
  15. DontTouchMyHoHos

    US Announces bill to ban loot boxes and p2w mechanics?

    We shall see what becomes of this, im pretty excited to see this. View: I am not excited to see what they do in retaliation if this passes and they continue to look for other means, I.e. episodic 60$ games that would normally be a full game -.-
  16. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes

    Believe he was talking about your comment that came off as rude, which imo seemed rude as well, jest or not.
  17. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Anthem called Early Access by Developers now

    this is true, people were in disbelief and I wouldnt say attacked. That is a pretty stretch, we talked about it and there were people who disagreed with our views, no one attacked anyone.
  18. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Anthem called Early Access by Developers now

    Seems i may have jumped the gun? I guess there was an Early Access launch for origin subscribers? Seems people are mad about the delays to though so i guess its still going rough regardless. Unironically though i think the game was actually in Early Access on release lol.
  19. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Anthem called Early Access by Developers now

    View: Cant say im suprised, but this is what you get when people start allowing low standards and defend these prsctices. Companies will push and abuse consumers till they...
  20. DontTouchMyHoHos

    Here to kick a$$ and che.... wait sorry. Wrong game.

    Change chew bubble gum to drink beer and you are in the right game then ;D Welcome
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