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  1. Takeiteasy

    CIG Responds to Crytek.....again(now with video)

    Haha I hope we eventually get custom skins, I would definitely put Leonard on the Red.
  2. Takeiteasy

    CIG Responds to Crytek.....again(now with video)

    I can't wait to watch Leonard's video on it.
  3. Takeiteasy

    We get ONE question... Help me.. what should we ask?

    On a serious note this is a good question, this could be expanded to ask exactly what will be exposed by future APIs, can we have custom control panels and access to the in-game economy stats to track real time shifts in the various markets? Add-ons? Like custom overlays in our helmets like how...
  4. Takeiteasy

    Video: A look at the Crytek response to the CIG motion to dismiss

    Good question, CIG could in theory bite back asking "You said you would provide assistance, so where is it, show us proof!". This is going to be a very interesting case but SC shouldn't be affected no matter what scenario plays out.
  5. Takeiteasy

    We get ONE question... Help me.. what should we ask?

    Oh that is good!!! Here's another similar one: Why do you just love us so much you made us a custom TEST skin for Auroras and Chris wears our badges?
  6. Takeiteasy

    We get ONE question... Help me.. what should we ask?

    Hmmm tough one. When will alcohol be in-game and actually affect our characters? Yeah it has to be that.
  7. Takeiteasy

    Video: A look at the Crytek response to the CIG motion to dismiss

    The short answer is when the deal was signed it was easy money for CryTek and the GLA clauses were cherries to top the deal in favour of Crytek. A tiny little crowdfunding company giving them 2 million euros. Then it got huge, and it kept growing and now Crytek were looking at it as a huge...
  8. Takeiteasy


    Hahaha!!! I only have a total spend of like $700 and did not think I'd ever be at this amount of investment. Now I need to be Concierge.
  9. Takeiteasy

    Never tried Org Multiplayer in PU

    I would also love an ORGie.
  10. Takeiteasy

    Saw this and I thought of you.

    Well that was..... :confused:
  11. Takeiteasy

    Crytek Responds

    Haha true. I won't be delving into this as it's just a minefield of counter arguments and interpretations and I simply can't be bothered with it lol.
  12. Takeiteasy

    Crytek Responds

    Well CIG can quote what a lot of jury members will be familiar with, video games, if EA gets exclusive rights to Porsche for their games does that mean they can only use Porsche and nothing else? No. Xbox gets exclusive DLC, does that mean they don't get any other DLC at all? Hell to the no...
  13. Takeiteasy

    Crytek Responds

    If Crytek did show CryEngine code during Bugsmashers then the judge must surely ask Crytek "How does this damage you and to what extent?" which being a tiny amount of code on a video that had no I'll intent, in a 1.8 million euro contract well I can see them being given possibly monetary damages...
  14. Takeiteasy

    Crytek Responds

    Watched the whole thing and Crytek might have one or two valid points but hardly going to threaten SC. And if any of it is to be taken to court surely the no damages clause will be a major part of the settlement which being on Lumberyard now will mean they get nothing? I hate all this...
  15. Takeiteasy

    Star Citizen: Around the Verse - The Origin of Spaceships

    Can you re-record it in an interesting voice at two wines the speed for me? I get bored easy and only have half an hour.
  16. Takeiteasy

    State of the Squadron 27

    I got first on the video!!! I am now cemented in history as being first at something.
  17. Takeiteasy

    This made me laugh.

    Good job he's not very good at this "reconnaissance" or you might actually be in trouble.
  18. Takeiteasy

    Support for I have no clever name for this double post.

    Oh good, I thought I had double vision from my homemade whiskey i made at home by himself in the house.
  19. Takeiteasy

    PETITION for access to High Poly models under NDA contract

    Why does the poll add up to like 140%? I know we are big but I don't think have the power to control mathematics. Also yay space suits!!
  20. Takeiteasy

    Kellog: the most fascinating system yet?

    I'm looking forward to smuggling, can't wait to get my missions to smuggle body parts into Montoyas bedro... Laboratory. Drugs, booze, poison, banned merchandise and of course stolen items are just some of the stuff I'll be smuggling in my ships.
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