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  1. glockjs

    Is there a TEST Black Ops section?

    i have a 350r in the hangar..AM I IN?
  2. glockjs

    anybody SC'ing it up mobile style? specifically gtx 950m

    so probably after the game gets optimized it looks like it might be enough to log in and do simple stuff or something like a space truck run. noice!
  3. glockjs

    anybody SC'ing it up mobile style? specifically gtx 950m

    pulled the trigger on a laptop for BF cause i got some downtime at work these days. figured some pc gaming and emulating is a good time killer ^ ^ while i'm waiting for lenovo to build the damn thing i'm kinda curious if it would be able to run SC. anybody with specs around gtx 950m/i7 7500u...
  4. glockjs

    Video card upgrade suggestions

    wait for AMD Vega to drop. if they are competitive like they are supposed to be you will have better choice and it should make nvidia adjust their prices.
  5. glockjs

    Super Hornet or Freelancer?

    my barrage of missiles will blot out the sun
  6. glockjs

    Pimped your spaceship? Lets share information!

    bought 2 cf 117 + 1 cf 227 for the 350r...then i went to put the twin racks onto the mounting points that don't exists :( think i'm gonna wait for the revamp lol the only ship that i would want to mess around with is my freelancer MIS but I gotta wait a lil longer on that one too :/
  7. glockjs

    so i feel like a target has been placed...

    i love reddit but this shit just doesn't fly with me. am i being paranoia or have i really been flagged? View:
  8. glockjs

    WALL OF TEXT Pirates vs Griefers: why you're thinking about it wrong.

    Too bad the company f'd darkfall up so hard otherwise i'd still prob be playing. SC isn't going to full loot per say but there will be real gains and losses. The high's are high and the low's are low but I miss the shit out of it.
  9. glockjs

    mmmm raspberry pi

    maaan i'm jelly i should have gotten the mini screen for my pi. pia to plug and un plug the only hdmi i got goin to the tv lol. but yeah it's stupid simple to install. thing is using the google dns they're not gonna block their own ads lol. so yeah i still use ublock and it seems to be a happy...
  10. glockjs

    mmmm raspberry pi

    guess i should also point out if you have a family you can blacklist sites. so if you don't want the kids going to certain sites you just black list it and it'll just show a blank white page when you go to that site.
  11. glockjs

    Retro gaming and IMO the best front end out there

    So not too long ago I decided to organize my ROMS and wanted to make it look clean and one stop style. After playing around with Hyperspin and a few others I came into a little gem called Launchbox Bigbox. Very very easy to use and looks clean. The thing will ID the games and download all the...
  12. glockjs

    mmmm raspberry pi

    finally got around to setting up pi hole on my ras pi 2 and its....AWESOME. hardware ad blocking for the whole house! why didn't i do this sooner?!? really easy to setup and works like a dream. so, effectively my cheap lil pi is now a hardware ad block and a mumble server. just thought i would...
  13. glockjs

    Derelict ships

    crucible hnnggg
  14. glockjs

    Show us your pants $50 GIVEAWAY thread

    how about the pants i aspire to aquire?
  15. glockjs

    anybody else ever use g2a random steam prem thingy?

    nvm. was lucky first try lol
  16. glockjs

    Need A New Computer? Check Here First!

    does he have to have it now? you wanna ball on a budget at least wait for black friday imo. sadly zen has been delayed to early next year BUT it looks very very very promising. if it were me wanting the most badass rig for the budget i would buy the mem, ssd, gpu, case and psu on black friday...
  17. glockjs

    Summary of new GPUs.

    480 is 85% of a 1070 at 1/2 the price :D i'll probably wait til things settle but it seems like black friday is gonna be a good time to strike.
  18. glockjs

    Need help with a build

    for around that price point this would be a rough aim:
  19. glockjs

    Help me build an SC rig under 400W!

    i'll repeat what most have said with the wait and see. but if you need something now gtx 950 is in you realm. prob most powerful for low W
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