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  1. Clandestine

    Ship Regifting

    His account will be logged in with and without him present! Daddy will still get his use of that ship. I put a defender in his account too in anticipation of it having some sort of “synergy” with it. Now I see it’s a hanger built onboard that can house it. Scorpius is probably the better...
  2. Clandestine

    Ship Regifting

    Probably not wise on the BMM, as the price has doubled. I’d be made to pay the difference, correct?
  3. Clandestine

    Ship Regifting

    So a long time ago, I gifted my Banu MM to my sons account, thinking it would be wiser to spread my fleet across more than one account. I wrote support and they said they couldn’t help. If I wanted to gift it back to myself, would melting it, reset the “gift” option? Has anyone done something...
  4. Clandestine

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Shoot me an order for it, thanks for checking.
  5. Clandestine

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    I’m interested in the avenger warlock, is she’s still hanging around.
  6. Clandestine

    Can't wait for 3.5! Arccorp and the new flight model!

    This is one of the many uses of our drunken behavior... in space, resources are scarce and we must make use of every available component, to the extent of which even waste is valuable. We here at Test insert our own bladder catheters, storing and transferring our urine to boiler system, for the...
  7. Clandestine

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Thanks for the sale Spudnyk! About as fast and reliable as one could be.
  8. Clandestine

    [Closed] SpudNyk's Buybacks for TESTies

    Sent a PM about it, but I should probably ask here, so if anyone else has the same question they wont PM you like I did (my apologies). Do you still currently have Dragonfly Black in your stock?
  9. Clandestine


    I think many more ships will be able to do such scanning with modules. I imagine the Orion is going to have one hell of a scanner too. It's probably a function of the radar, but I do believe it's imperative to have someone dedicated to it.
  10. Clandestine

    Montoya’s Damage Control

    I'm a little saddened, where were you when I needed: "Hashtag all the things!"
  11. Clandestine

    Montoya’s Damage Control

    You Sir, put the "meta" in metaphor. I suppose you watched the entire video due to having something in common with that "jackass" (which you most certainly are not *nervous cough*). You both know how to tackle and dissolve salt when confronted with it, no matter the amount presented before...
  12. Clandestine

    Montoya’s Damage Control

    Excellent video post on YouTube! It reminded me of something I used to witness as a child... it’s nice to see how you destroy that salt and turn it into something useful, trolls and jealous infantiles beware! Your salt shall not go unchallenged. #nosaltleftbehind #saltlivesmatter...
  13. Clandestine

    And now... LTI is limited... (new MISC Razor variants)

    I'd say don't let the sale bother you in the slightest. If they make a ton of sales of ships, it's only good for the production of the game and thus the community that wants to play it. It's added a little more variation (even if its not completely different) to the lineup of the Razor. I'll...
  14. Clandestine

    Grinding Credits in Update v3.1.4

    I did a run with this last night and my ship disappeared physically, but still showed up as being 200 meters away, while I was selling my cargo. I ran around in my rover for a few, came back in about 15 mins, and I was able to pull my Aquila out of the terminal and onto a landing pad. If your...
  15. Clandestine

    Grinding Credits in Update v3.1.4

    @CosmicTrader: I appreciate the time you took to explain your experience and even sharing that spreadsheet. I had looked for something with that amount of information on it a week or two ago. Awesome! As far as Squidoflove, he did share that it raises your crime stat, but there's a station...
  16. Clandestine

    WTB: Andromeda to Aquila Upgrade

    Went for the $70 one, worked out well, and saved $15. Of course I'll probably end up spending that during the November sale later.
  17. Clandestine

    Grinding Credits in Update v3.1.4

    I've watched a youtube or two and found that Squidoflove suggests taking on missions that disable coms arrays, as being the fastest way to grind credits currently. Trading normal commodities seems very meager in returns. Drug trafficking is probably still good, but I can't speak intelligently...
  18. Clandestine

    Montoya should do small-medium Org Leader Interview videos

    I would argue that a waste of "pussy" is never a "good" thing, but who am I to question the cosmos?
  19. Clandestine

    WTB: Andromeda to Aquila Upgrade

    As per subject, hoping to find one for cheaper than $85, which is the cost for the Upgrade via RSI website. I found one on Grey market for $70. If anyone has one they're willing to part with, I'll take it in a heartbeat. Thanks!
  20. Clandestine

    Death of a Spaceman

    This seems like an appropriate time to quote the fabled duo of wise words, Salt N Peppa: View:
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