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  1. Passeeo

    CIG wants $20 for the Citizencon livestream

    I really do not get the people defending this by churning out the old "if you don't like it you can watch it on Youtube". Do you actually not see the issue with this whole thing? It's not difficult for me or plenty of others to show the restraint and wait till the uploads drop. The fact is...
  2. Passeeo

    I really, really want to like this game.

    I don't know what you are looking for from this post to be honest. Are you looking for a pat on the back and a band to cheer you on the way to not playing the game? If you are not happy to play the game in it's current state then don't play it. I mean if you are looking for support on the idea...
  3. Passeeo

    Guns. Good or Bad?

    ".. and I know that bad people have them." You're right about that.
  4. Passeeo

    Guns. Good or Bad?

    Stop calling guns tools. They aren't tools, their sole purpose is to kill people, they are weapons. This is the difference between a gun and a car or a knife or any other thing you can bring up with the dumbest argument ever "You can kill someone with a piano, so should we ban piano's"...
  5. Passeeo

    Guns. Good or Bad?

    There are very few people that should have the ability to end a life with the push of the button. Never mind the fact that standing at a range and popping a few rounds into a sliding or stationary target with your earmuffs on doesn't mean you can hit a moving target. Tack on the fact that most...
  6. Passeeo

    Video: Warframe - tips for beginners

    I wouldn't mind joining up with some Testies in this game. I haven't got a clue what i'm doing really though.
  7. Passeeo

    Video: Warframe - tips for beginners

    Just started playing this again. I'm doing the missions with randoms but should probably solo them as i'm pretty much just mashing my face on the keyboard without knowing what i'm doing. Watched a couple of vids and working my way through venus atm to open up the stuff for Rhino.
  8. Passeeo

    CIG Responds to Crytek.....again(now with video)

    Well if my understanding is right CIG have other revenue streams which are separate from the backer pledges and I think i'd be right to say that most dev teams have some sort of slush fund for legal issues. If they are true to their word then the only thing that pledges get spent on is the game...
  9. Passeeo

    Video: Anthem the game by Bioware, will it save them?

    I know the ME and DA series' are highly regarded games and they did do some good story work in the games of theirs i have enjoyed, but i could never really get into their games so i'm not gonna pretend i'm a massive fan of theirs. There is pretty much one reason why EA are "Loosening the reins"...
  10. Passeeo


    Welcome to TEST, we will be glad to speed you towards your death. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  11. Passeeo


    Love me some Thrawn too. He is written so well, shame he was shoved into Rebels instead of the films. Anyway welcome to TEST.
  12. Passeeo

    Greetings everyone! o7

    Always good to have another Giraffe supporter onboard. Welcome to TEST.
  13. Passeeo

    Testing: 1, 2, 3. Testing: 1, 2, 3.

    Welcome fellow testie.
  14. Passeeo

    Hello from the east coast.

    Welcome to TEST.
  15. Passeeo

    Hi there

    Welcome, another UK member is always good. See you in the verse
  16. Passeeo

    Video: Innocent man gets shot in swatting prank

    I hope people pay attention to this including any who want to start threads over him. These types of people will literally say anything they can to rile up people and get whatever eyes on them they can. They have something so deeply flawed in their psyches and are so damaged that anything...
  17. Passeeo

    Help! Derek Smart is attacking me on twitter! :D

    This guy is not even worth taking time over. He can barely rustle up 'likes' in the double figures for his "SC is a scam" rhetoric that he continues to spout. People like this have no relevance and only exist to try and grab up the attention of a select few haters who consider themselves better...
  18. Passeeo

    The Last Jedi - Spoilers

    I understand the point you are making perfectly well. I do have a problem with Poe running in like a headless chicken to get some glory kill on a big ship and getting the people he commanded killed. However this isn't the biggest problem with this premise or this character. It is more the...
  19. Passeeo

    The Last Jedi - Spoilers

    I'm sorry but this and your previous response falls really wide of the mark . He already is in a command position and the loss of so many people when they are already down to incredibly low numbers to take out ONE ship when the First order clearly have more Dreadnoughts up their sleeve was...
  20. Passeeo

    The Last Jedi - Spoilers

    Thing is, i feel like i actually like these new characters less. Poe was made out to be an irresponsible moron who throws away the lives of so many people and apparently is so dumb he needed Leia to spell it out for him. They didn't even really get any remorse out of him, until right at the end...
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