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  1. Dorian Grey

    Wishing for a ship sale......

    Wishing for a ship sale......
  2. Dorian Grey

    Director Camera controls in 3.0

    yes I just found this ! thank you!
  3. Dorian Grey

    Director Camera controls in 3.0

    Can someone give me a 4th grade rundown on this? I can only hit f4 and move my mouse while holding z but I can never shoot those angles on other screenshots....! HALP!
  4. Dorian Grey

    I suddenly have a Retaliator??

    I like it too but it looks like in order to convert it to a Connie on Steroids, we would need many modules and its upkeep could be expensinve?
  5. Dorian Grey

    I just had the SMOOTHEST 6 hours of SC ever and omg

    I have Crashed mat Cutlass and Connie at full speed only when trying to land on Levski from certain aproach angles. I see it says 160Kms but apprently is on the OTHER SIDE of the moon lol
  6. Dorian Grey

    I suddenly have a Retaliator??

    Has anyone suddenly found a Retaliator when going to spawn their ship in Port Oli? I mean dont get me wrong, I love ALL the ships but as far as I know, the only Loaner i have is the Starfarer not a Tally.
  7. Dorian Grey

    I just had the SMOOTHEST 6 hours of SC ever and omg

    I know there are haters out there. I know there are bugs I know there is not much to do I know there are issues I know there's a road map and modules missing BUT H O L E E E S H I E A T What a time ! 6 hours. 10 missions, 2 ship swaps (Lancer and Cutlass),6 cargo runs, 3 moon visits with...
  8. Dorian Grey

    Is there a way I can Spawn somewhere other than POlisar?

    yeah but how can you tell you return to the same instance??? ;)
  9. Dorian Grey

    Is there a way I can Spawn somewhere other than POlisar?

    Logged out on the bed of the Cutlass. Woke up in Olisar Logged out of the Bed of the Freelancer. Woke up in Olisar Logged out on the bed of the Connie. Woke up in Olisar Traveled to Grim Hex, walk STRAIGHT to the habitation area and logged out. Guess what happened. W O K E U P AT M F I N G...
  10. Dorian Grey

    Is there a way I can Spawn somewhere other than POlisar?

    to your knowledge? I really want to change my starting spawn to Grim Hex or something similar. I havent found anything online about how to do it if its possible. Thanks
  11. Dorian Grey

    Impressed! I got 17-21fps in Levski with a 970

    I tried everything on the guide and honestly, if you have windows 10 and a multi core CPU and GPU you don't need the TCP or CPU park one. I am using a dedicated SSD and got the system managed option on windows systems and i get decent FPS. I have a Ryzen 5 1600 OC to 3.9, 16 GB of RAM at...
  12. Dorian Grey

    I like The Cutlass and the Lancer! WHy I Spent so much $$ on SC ! lol

    Check my OP about my thoughts on the Andromeda ;) The Buccaneer is going to be my "oh so you just keelz me and made me loose my ship and cargo so now joo DIE" revenge ship and Dragonfly is my "Vespa" for when cruising around on a planet
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