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  1. AntiSqueaker

    Signature size limit?

    Honestly trying not to call anyone in particular out, but there are some people with obnoxiously large images in their signatures. Any chance we could tone the size limit down to a respectable limit?
  2. AntiSqueaker

    Well, well, well, look who's no. 1! Grats again Baron!
  3. AntiSqueaker

    Input/Control Scheme Discussion

    Didn't see a thread like this so thought I'd throw this up. So what control method are you guys using/planning on using in the future? For me, I have three inputs I'll be using. 1) Orbweaver. I've been gaming with a Nostromo N52 since ~2008, upgraded to the Orbweaver last year. So I haven't...
  4. AntiSqueaker

    Super rough meeting transcript.

    So I was trying to write it for Nkato, and thought i'd post it here in case someone missed it. I have no claim to being a good typer, but I did the best I could.
  5. AntiSqueaker

    Bioshock series (1, 2, + Infinite) 2/3rds off till 5/12!

    Bioshock: Bioshock 2: Bioshock Infinite: Triple Pack (15 bucks?!?!): Highly recommend all 3 of them fantastic games with some of the...
  6. AntiSqueaker

    On the cusp of 420 members on RSI.....

    I made this in 10 minutes, I am so sorry everyone. It's truly awful.
  7. AntiSqueaker

    The glorious charge of the Aurorohirrim.

    Behold the powers of boredom combined with shitty gimp skills! The hour was grim. Minas Upvotis, the stronghold of all Reddfaction was under assault. Foul legions of enemies swarmed the gate. The brave defenders of Reddfaction stood their ground, throwing back wave after wave. But in their...
  8. AntiSqueaker

    Record: Andy McKenna

    Officer Record: #1014141 Name: Andrew (goes by Andy) "Squeaky" McKenna Rank: Lieutenant Joined: 5/17/2932 Security Clearance: 4 Biography: A 15 year veteran of the UEE Navy's 273rd Electronic Warfare Squadron, the "Prowling Coyotes", McKenna could be described as many things: Calm. Cool...
  9. AntiSqueaker


    Sup everyone. Semi-longtime redditor, looking forward to hanging out with some cool cats and doing internet spaceship related things. Where you from stranger? Deep South, United States. Accent comes and goes depending on how stressed I am! What drew you to Star Citizen? The fact that the...
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