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  1. supitza

    The new ship matrix is 100% accurate

    WTH CIG. :|
  2. supitza

    DiscoLando is an enemy of our org

    People were throwing black and yellow beach balls around in the CitCon hall and Jared wanted a ball, but then said "Oh, wait, it's in TEST colors, never mind". This is heresy. We must boycott something. UNLEASH THE DRAMA OMG REPORTED.
  3. supitza

    Mostly solo player with a huge ship - dilemma

    I am [CONCERNED] by the Shipyard: Ship Technical Information document. In the "Little Chart of Big Ship Sizes", the love of my life, the Endeavor, is classed as a Capital Ship. The description for capital-sized ships is this: "Huge ships [...] that require a significant investment in time or...
  4. supitza

    Squadron 42 preview on December Holiday Livestream

    From weekly newsletter: Squadron 42 will be the focus of our Holiday Livestream in December, where we will preview some gameplay and share our roadmap for its completion. Our single player campaign, Squadron 42, shares a large amount of technology and content with Star Citizen and both games...
  5. supitza

    How much is Port Olisar worth? [POLL]

    We began discussing this in another thread, but I'd like to know what you guys think. So, if Port Olisar were sold by CIG for real life money, how much would it sell for? Please consider the following: - it's huge - it's mostly... basic (no super technology, just a bunch of landing pads and...
  6. supitza

    Best trailer made for a video game. Ever. Destiny 2.

    OH. MY. GOD. Even if the game was sh*t, I'd still pay $60 for that trailer alone. Enjoy:
  7. supitza

    WTB Endeavor Modules - Medical Bay + Landing Bay with store credit

    In a perfect world, I'd like to CCU an LTI pledge to $150 (Taurus or Cutlass Blue) and trade it for LTI Medical Bay and Landing Bay Endeavor modules. I know it's a long shot, and I could wait for the next sale, but I'd get the modules without LTI. Thanks for your time.
  8. supitza

    I am the only TEST member that has not started a Nox thread

    And I'd like to keep it that way. Now where is my medal?
  9. supitza

    [Concerned] about downtime in the PU

    I'm worried that some professions will incur a huge downtime for the "clients". Let me explain: Medical - I was in a firefight and I got my arms blown off. I have to ask for a paramedic in a Cutlass Red, wait for him to get to me, pick me up and fly me to a Hope. What if there's no paramedic...
  10. supitza

    TEST Fleet Inventory - link in first post.

    EDIT BY MONTOYA: There is no official TEST fleet inventory. Not because its a secret, but because of the 15,000 members, 14,920 of them have not visited this post. In addition there is no way to verify what people claim in here, so I have 87 Javelins...
  11. supitza

    Anniversary Sale 2016 - Don't miss the $0 CCUs

    Hey, testies! This is a kind reminder not to miss the free CCUs on Saturday. We assume that Saturday, the day of the grand finale, CIG will make all the ships that were offered throughout the week available again. I've compiled a list with all the $0 CCUs from ships that are permanently...
  12. supitza

    DiRT 3 Complete Edition free from Humble

    Here's the link: 1 day 10 hours left at the time of this posting. Enjoy!
  13. supitza

    Help me find a gaming monitor!

    I currently own a Samsung T260HD (link), which, in this day and age, only still exists in my house and in 90s tech museums. I get a lot of tearing, it's forever stuck on 59Hz and i feel it's bottlenecking the rest of my rig. Because technology makes me somehow confused, I thought I'd ask the...
  14. supitza

    That cap needs to go.

    This cap. The "Money" cap. I can't stand it any longer. It's been on EVERY EPISODE of RTV that Justin Chamber has been on. Does he wash it every few days or does he have hundreds of them? It's always there. It's either glued to his head or surgically implanted or... Or it could be a...
  15. supitza

    WTB <$75 LTI Ship

    If anybody has one to spare, I'm looking to get any ship cheaper than $75, with LTI, so I can CCU into a Reliant Sen (Researcher). Cheers! EDIT: Closed. I'll wait until the Xmax sale to see if the P72 LTI goes on sale again for $30.
  16. supitza

    The new / reworked Freelancer

    I think this is absolutely beautiful. Before yesterday's live stream I was kind of torn. I loved everything MISC was about, I loved how the Freelancer, being so versatile, was the go-to ship for undecided people like me, who had no idea what they really wanted to do in the 'verse. What I didn't...
  17. supitza

    Drinks prices are unacceptable

    Okay, so 150 UEC for a beer seems fine to me (although I'm sure TEST will bring the price down by bootlegging), but 5000 UEC for a Bloody Mary? 9000 for an Old Fashioned? I'd rather buy a 2000 UEC weapon and stick the place up. I think we need a patch to fix the prices on drinks or we won't be...
  18. supitza

    Test Squadron logo in Fallout 4

    I just found this helmet in Fallout 4. ( ) Test Squadron Best Squadron.
  19. supitza


    Hey, guys! I joined about a week ago, so I thought it was about time I'd say hi! Here it goes: Where you from stranger? + some other stuff My name is Liviu, I'm 27 years old, and I'm from Bucharest, Romania. What drew you to Star Citizen? I'm really passionate about astrophysics and gaming...
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