Search results

  1. Black Sunder

    Black Friday Free Fly - ALL SHIPS(Check OP for details link)

    From the Subscriber email: "Starting on Black Friday (November 23rd), every player has the opportunity to test every flyable ship for free! Stay tuned to the usual channels for more details. " Get Hyped. Details...
  2. Black Sunder

    Found Montoya's secret HQ

  3. Black Sunder

    Looking for Mining screenshots - 3.3 or 3.3.5: With Prizes - Done

    Hello all, I'm looking for a couple mining screenshots for the Mining Guide that's being worked on. 1. First I'm looking for a screenshot showing a rock to be fractured that has a tiny green zone and a high resistance(0.60-0.80+). 2. The 2nd screenshot I'm looking for a rock to be fractured...
  4. Black Sunder

    3.3.5 PTU and fixing what wasn't broken

    In a nutshell: "See that car over there, it runs well. I like it" CIG: "Sounds like we need to fix it" "No, its fine, it runs good" CIG: "So we'll refactor the dashboard and recolor the body?" "No, its fine, we just need to wash it" CIG: "Taking the transmission out might be difficult but we'll...
  5. Black Sunder

    3.3 Is Live ------3.3.5 has gone to Evocati

    Chris just said it on AtV. However this has meant some major things have been moved to 3.5. Check it out.
  6. Black Sunder

    Undefined? Bullshit!

    It's free cash.
  7. Black Sunder

    Post your Best Hauls

    From today and 2m hours of searching/mining.
  8. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron Mining Guide Part 1

    The TEST Mining Guide - Part 1(more to be added soon™) (Thanks to @Printimus for editing this) Getting Started with Mining - The Prospector The Prospector is the starting ship for the Mining Industry. It is a small but rugged ship capable of mining small boulders or small asteroids. It is...
  9. Black Sunder

    The TEST Mining Guide is now being worked on

    It will be Glorious, with pretty pictures and explanation. The goal here is to have a guide that anyone starting out can read, comprehend and then use to go out and be successful without blowing themselves up......too much. Stay locked in here for more later this weekend.
  10. Black Sunder

    Asteroid Data Gathering Saturday Oct 27th 2:00 pm CST / 19:00 UTC

    Need a few people to go out to gather data on different asteroid types, % compositions, and general locations to be put in a table for a Guide.
  11. Black Sunder

    The Running Comment Wall

    TESTING #2 thread
  12. Black Sunder

    If you have time, please give Feedback to the Devs on Asteroid Mining

    Please see new Feedback thread: My new feedback:
  13. Black Sunder

    Overwatch And Lego FUSION! I''ve never played the game but I like mechs so Bastion will be bought asap.
  14. Black Sunder

    3.3 PTU Screenshot thread

    Post yours. My favorite look so far ingame now: I AM VENGENCE! I AM THE NIGHT! I AM......TESTMAN! Some buggy lights. Tim The Toolman Taylor was here. Another favorite look with this new patch Where the gravity isn't I sense something. A presence I have not felt since CRASH...
  15. Black Sunder

    It doesn't get better than this:

    The Perfect Percent. And I'm loving the red Subscriber undersuit and arms:
  16. Black Sunder

    CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM! Original Command & Conquer getting a remaster!

  17. Black Sunder

    The New Squadron 42 Trailer

    Have fun.
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