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  1. Black Sunder

    SOTS [CONCERN] - With Pictures

    In light of recent [CONCERN]s now that it has almost been a month since the last video, I will now make light of those [CONCERN]s with these images.
  2. Black Sunder

    Discord and should we be concerned about this?

    This is from Seung's Discord thread on the subreddit. Doesn't look good if its true. I haven't gotten home to scan my system yet but I'll post an update when I do to see what comes up. Edit, scanned with Malwarebytes and nothing. [CONCERN] over nothing.
  3. Black Sunder

    Dragoncon Endeavor Concept Art

    It looks huge!
  4. Black Sunder

    In regards to the Vanguard and Vanguard Variants

    I think TEST can all agree with this. May the voice of Freddy Mercury guide us all.
  5. Black Sunder

    Vanguard Variants Sale This Week Until Sept 7 - Poll Added! For those that hate the RSI forum: The base Vanguard is now called the Vanguard Warden Vanguard Sentinel will be $275 Vanguard Harbinger will be $295 -EDIT-...
  6. Black Sunder

    TEST Squadron and Brotherhood of Nod connection?

    Indications indicate that we are in fact part of the Brotherhood of Nod even if it hasn't come out into the open yet. Montoya's shaving of his head also informs us that he seeks to emulate Kane(who sports the bald of awesome). I praise Montoya's effort in doing this. See the Flame Tank below...
  7. Black Sunder

    The Importance of TESTing

    Those of you that know me well enough know I LOVE Lego sets. Now this one isn't mine but I'm building it atm but this is why you always TEST Technic sets as you build them. See below: Again this is not mine, you can read the title here and see what he says if you want...
  8. Black Sunder

    SC Career Paths

    I'm sitting here at work wondering: What career do I want in Star Citizen beyond what I'm already going to do? Obviously I'm going to be an industrial person through and through but when I want to take time off and do other things I'll need another career to fall back on to recharge myself. I...
  9. Black Sunder

    My New Computer - Soon!

    My current computer just passed 6 years a couple days ago. It has been time for a new computer for a while. What do you guys think? case: Optical Drive...
  10. Black Sunder

    If it isn't SC's Lego purchases

    So any of you that saw the pictures of my office that I posted a while back know I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Lego.I've always been a fan and even though I'm almost 30(sucks) I still love how inventive the sets are and how fun they are to build. I don't have space to just take random pieces and make new...
  11. Black Sunder

    TEST Meeting #3 - Strategic Battle Plan

    Welcome to the next TEST Meeting thread. Details at this time are light on when it will be but you can be assured that our GLORIOUS LEADER knows what he is doing(except when he doesn't) and will announce a date for the next one SOON™(ish). As always thank you to those that attended the one...
  12. Black Sunder

    CR calls us to a higher purpose

    Please observe his latest orders from today's Letter:
  13. Black Sunder

    Some SDCC Star Citizen info You can read the notes here but this one point is the most important and I quote! I say to you TEST Squadron will we let such a thing stand? We can not and will not let this stand. It is our sworn duty and life goal to...
  14. Black Sunder

    New Place of Work - Pics of the Office

    Back in April I posted here that I had gotten a new job as the Records Manager of the County I work at and that I would take pictures. Well I finally did! After 2 months of starting the job! That is all of the pics but Let me walk through some here. Hope you guys...
  15. Black Sunder

    Our Secret TEST Cutlass Facility Compromised

    This was posted on /r/starcitizen. Obviously we have a spy in our ranks if they could get such a good image shown below. It is obviously our Cutlass refitting facility in Montoya's back yard. We should not stand for this blatant spying!
  16. Black Sunder

    Ship Talk Commentary #4 - The Genesis Starliner

    Ship Talk Commentary #4 - The Genesis Starliner Welcome back to Ship Talk Commentary. This is where I take a newly released concept ship and focus on it. There will not be any direct stat for stat comparisons to other ships in these STCs. They need to fly or crash on their own with what they...
  17. Black Sunder

    News From The Front - Genesis Starliner($400) So who wants to get one? Its not on my list that's for sure but others may want one.
  18. Black Sunder

    I Joined TEST 1 Year Ago Today

    I joined TEST June 18, 2014(not sure of the exact time). I've seen this org grow so big since I joined. I was one of those that received an invite back when spam invites was the thing to do and XPLOR got so large. I had remembered TEST from Eve Online so I figured I'd give it a shot. Haven't...
  19. Black Sunder

    Next Monthly Meeting?

    Many days ago there was a meeting to give all the members of TEST their info feeding. Many laughs were had and it was quite successful, but waiting for the next one is quite dreadful. I ask Glorious Leader, when is the next convention? Give us knowledge of your intention. Let us hear your...
  20. Black Sunder

    Surge of Activity Detected!

    Seeing this kind of thing always makes me glad I joined TEST. This may be due in part to some recent forum activity on RSI. Here is the stats pic and we all love stats:
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